The Skills Inventory and Gap Analysis Presentati

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Students name:
Course name and number:
Project manager technical skills
.Planning and forecasting

.Risk management.
.Tracking and monitoring
.Project management methodologies
.Meeting facilitation
.Subject matter expertise
.Project management software
Project manager soft skills
.Time management
.Problem solving

• Soft skills are essential factors in hiring decisions that will get a project across the finish line on time and under budget. Among the soft skills is leadership
whereby project managers are responsible for setting the teams vision and ensuring everyone is on board and motivated to bring the project through each phase.
project managers also need to have communication skills to ensure team members and stakeholders are informed about the project plan, timeline, budget and
updated on the projects latest happenings .It will be a requirement for project managers to posses collaboration skills which will enable them to rally team
members around the project vision, coordinating tasks and ensuring that everybody works .It will also be an essential requirement for project managers to be time
managers in that they must be able to manage their time and capacity of all of the projects key players. The best project managers are exceptionally organized and
are able to keep track of all of the moving pieces. It will be a necessity for project managers to posses problem solving skills which will enable them develop
solutions to keep the project moving forward when unexpected issues crop up. In addition, every project manager is required to have adaptability skills which will
enable them to rebound quickly, roll with the punches and find ways to keep the project moving forward.
Hard Skills Gap
.Writing proficiency
.Public speaking
.Data analysis skills gap

Skills gap is the divide between the skills employers expect employees to have and the skills the job seekers /employees actually have. Hard skills are specific teachable
abilities that can be defined and measured and include writing proficiency where managers are expected to write well as more and more communication takes place
online via emails, Public speaking skills which are seriously lacking in managers where a lot of managers suffer from speech anxiety and data analysis skills gap .
Soft skills gap
.Critical thinking
.Attention to detail

• Soft skills are vital for career success, less measurable and harder to quantify hence most talented people with poor soft skills get fired every day. Critical thinking is
a soft skill that enables one to work independently and think critically to find solutions to everyday obstacles, although it’s a major skill gap . Attention to detail is
the second most lacking soft skill yet if detailed attention is paid, managers work will be thorough and accurate in concern to all areas involved. Third most lacking
skill is communication which is a big problem because every relationship in life is impacted the ability to communicate well. Leadership is the fourth soft skill gap to
managers in which if managers have leadership skills, they will have potential to contribute to the company by taking on the responsibilities of a leader. It has also
been noted that teamwork is a key skill missing in most managers yet being able to work well with others is a crucial thing.
Honing skills gap
Gathering the evidence
Skills mapping
Identify learning opportunities
Create engaging learning experiences
Monitor your progress

• Knowing what employers are looking for gives you an edge over competition and increases chances of getting hired, hence the hard and soft skills can be learned
and developed to shrink the gap between which skills employers expect you to have and which skills you actually have. Some of the actions that can be taken to
forge stronger skills include gathering the evidence through self, peer or manager assessment surveys or even assessment sources or grades learned in specific
courses. Undertaking a skills mapping exercise will also be an action which will contribute in perfecting on skills gap by managers and it is an ongoing iterative
process that needs to adapt and evolve as skills ebb and flow over time. It will be necessary to identify learning opportunities geared towards the gap and then
create engaging learning experiences that will drive real change. Finally, monitor your progress to identify what's working and what isn’t so you can drive real
change and lasting progress employees.
Communicating skills gap
Be truthful
Put more emphasis on skills
Prepare a functional resume
clarify the gap
Highlight achievements
Be positive and confident

• For effective and persuasive communication of career gap, it is essential to be truthful and professional in your resume, else it may haunt you later. Emphasis on
the skills that you have earned while working will drag the attention of a recruiter, hence career gap will be effectively communicated . Preparing a functional
resume focusing on chronological format which directly focuses on your career history thus if any gap is there, it will be quit visible could be another way of
effective communication of career gap .While communicating career gap, be clear about your career gap in order to avoid sole direction and imagination of the
hiring person .Also, highlight your achievements in the first page to tune the mind of the recruiter posing you as a high achiever. It will be necessary to Stay positive
and confident while explaining your career gap In order to boost your self esteem and chances are that the recruiter might take it in the right spirit.

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