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What are Mycorrhizal Fungi?

Mark Howieson
Product Development Specialist
Becker Underwood, Inc.
Discussion Points

• Introduction to mycorrhizae
• Reasons to inoculate
• Benefits of mycorrhizal fungi inoculation
• Mycorrhizae products available from
Becker Underwood
What are Mycorrhizae?

• A mutually beneficial association between a

fungus and a plant
– Fungus colonizes root of host plant
• Plant provides fungus with food in return
for increased nutrient absorption from soil
– Greek origin meaning “fungus root”
Common Occurrence

• Most common association between

microorganisms and higher plants
– Early fossilized plants were mycorrhizal
– 95% of all plant families are mycorrhizal
Christine Engelbrecht
Enhance Nutrient and Water Uptake

• Increases soil volume accessible to plants

– Improved absorption of immobile soil nutrients
– Greater efficiency of water uptake
• Facilitates uptake from nutrient pools not
normally available to plants
– Phosphorus often is in forms not readily
absorbed by plant roots
Types of Mycorrhizae

• Endomycorrhizae
– Most common with herbaceous plants but also
associated with some woody plants
• Ectomycorrhizae
– Occur mainly on roots of woody plants

• Also known as vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhiza

• Develop arbuscules and vesicles within root
cortical cells
– Arbuscules are where carbohydrates and nutrients are
– Vesicles are used as storage organs
• Common in herbaceous plants
• Form associations with maple, sycamore, ash,
gum, walnut, cypress, and poplar among others
Mark Brundrett

• Fungi grow between root cortical cells

• Form a mantle that covers the root surface
– Roots develop a swollen appearance
– Mantle acts as a barrier to pathogens
• May develop above-ground fruiting bodies
– Mushrooms and puffballs
• Common in pine, spruce, fir, beech, eucalyptus, alder, oak,
and hickory
Mark Brundrett
Mark Brundrett
Reasons to Inoculate

• Mycorrhizal fungi are present in almost all

• Intensive management practices limit
viability and infectivity of native
mycorrhizal fungi
– Excessive applications of chemical fertilizers
and pesticides
Fungicides and Mycorrhizal Fungi
• Label usage rates and application methods (spray/injection)
normally has no effect on mycorrhizal fungi
– Metabolized by soil microbes
• Drenches/Soil Injection may have detrimental effects
• General rule: avoid use of fungicides 2 - 3 weeks before and
after inoculation
Reasons to Inoculate

• Severe soil disturbances like erosion, tillage,

• Often absent in sterilized or soil-less potting
• Non-native transplants grown in soil and climactic
conditions different from the areas where they are
• Plants established in areas prone to environmental
Benefits of Mycorrhizae Inoculation

• Improves
establishment rates
– Enhances
– Increases solubility
of normally
unavailable forms of
Benefits of Mycorrhizae Inoculation

• Enhances drought
– Mycorrhizae improves
water uptake efficiency
– Increases below ground
surface area for water
Benefits of Mycorrhizae Inoculation

• Decreases transplant shock and increases

survival and growth in the field
– Transplant success depends on how quickly a
plant can reestablish its root system
– Mycorrhizal fungi rapidly develop below
ground surface area for nutrient and water
Rhizanova® Tree Injectable

• Ideal for newly planted or young non-

coniferous trees
• Contains a blend of endo- and
ectomycorrhizal fungi combined with
humic substances
• Applied with professional soil injection
Rhizanova® Pt Tree Injectable

• Beneficial for newly planted or young

coniferous trees
• Blend of multiple strains of ectomycorrhizal
fungi combined with humic substances
• Applied with professional soil injection
Rhizanova® Tree Transplant

• A dry mix ideal for most transplanting

• Formulated with a blend of endo- and
– Water absorbing polymer
– Organic fertilizer and humic acid
• Mixed into backfill or incorporated into potting
media at planting
Advantages of Rhizanova ®

• Emphasis on quality of inoculum

– Becker-Underwood is an ISO 9001 registered
– Species selected for effectiveness with the
broadest range of plants
• No unnecessary amendments
– High rates of phosphorus fertilizers
Quality-Tested Inoculum

• INVAM at West Virginia

– Independent laboratory
– Verifies viability and
infectivity of inoculum
• The only certified inoculum
in the industry
Mycorrhizal colonization of Ponderosa pine roots by Becker-
Underwood Tree Transplant and Tree Root Dip inoculants in tests
conducted by Mycorrhizal Applications, Grant’s Pass, OR in 1998.

Colonization (% )

10 Tree Transplant
8 Tree Root Dip
Untreated check
Take Home Messages

• Mycorrhizae improve plant growth

– Increase supply of nutrients to plant
– Enhance water uptake efficiency
• Benefits of inoculating with mycorrhizal fungi
– Improved plant establishment rates
– Increased drought resistance
– Decreased transplant shock and improved survival
Host Plants
• Endomycorrhizae
– Acacia, Ash, Bay, Boxelder, Buckeye, Cedar, Chokeberry, Cherry,
Cottonwood, Crabapple, Cypress, Dogwood, Elm, Ginkgo, Gum,
Hackberry, Hawthorn, Holly, Horsechestnut, Juniper,Locust, Magnolia,
Maple, Mesquite, Mimosa, Mulberry, Palm, Persimmon, Redbud,
Redwood, Russian Olive, Serviceberry, Sumac, Sycamore, Tupelo,
Walnut, Yew
• Ectomycorrhizae
– Alder, Arborvitae, Aspen, Basswood, Beech, Birch, Chestnut, Fir,
Hemlock, Hickory, Larch, Linden, Oak, Pecan, Pine, Spruce
• Both
– Eucalyptus, Willow, Poplar
Phosphorus Response Curve

Cassia pruinosa

Adapted from Jasper et al. 1994

Pesticide Interactions

– Toxic: Carbamates (Maneb, Zineb), PCNB,

Chlorothalonil (Daconil, Bravo), Triazoles
(Bayleton), Benomyl (Benlate)
– Non-toxic: Aliette, Captan, Carbendazim,
Metalaxyl (Ridomil, Subdue)

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