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Fundamental of Software Engineering

Chapter One

Faculty of Technology
Department of Computer Science
Debre Tabor University
March, 2021


Complexity and Change

What is Software Engineering

Essential Product of good SW

Software Engineering Concepts

I. Introduction
“The amateur software engineer is always in search of magic, some sensational
method or tool whose application promises to render software development trivial.
It is the mark of the professional software engineer to know that no such panacea
Grady Booch, in Object-Oriented Analysis and Design

o The term software engineering was coined in 1968 as a response to the desolate
state of the art of developing quality software on time and within budget.
o Software developers were not able to set concrete objectives, predict the resources
necessary to attain those objectives, and manage the customers’ expectations.
o The emphasis in software engineering is on both words, software and engineering.
o An engineer is able to build a high-quality product using off-the-shelf components
and integrating them under time and budget constraints.
o The engineer is often faced with ill-defined problems, partial solutions, and has to
rely on empirical methods to evaluate solutions.
1.1 Complexity and change.
 Software systems are complex creations: They perform many
functions; they are built to achieve many different, and often
conflicting, objectives; they comprise many components; many of
their components are custom made and complex themselves;
many participants, from different disciplines, take part in the
development of these components; the development process and
the software life cycle often spans many years.
 Many systems are so hard to understand.
 Complex systems are difficult to understand completely by any
single person.
1.2 What is software engineering?

 Software engineering is a modeling activity.

 Software engineering is a problem-solving activity. Models are
used to search for an acceptable solution. This search is driven by
experimentation. Software engineers do not have infinite resources
and are constrained by budget and deadlines.
 Software engineering is a knowledge acquisition activity. In
modeling the application and solution domain, software engineers
collect data, organize it into information, and formalize it into
knowledge. Knowledge acquisition is nonlinear, as a single piece
of data can invalidate complete models.
 Software engineering is a rationale-driven activity. When
acquiring knowledge and making decisions about the system or its
application domain, software engineers also need to capture the
context in which decisions were made and the rationale behind
these decisions.

Software engineering is an engineering discipline that is concerned with

all aspects of software production from the easy stages of system
specification to maintaining the system after it has gone into use. In this
definition, there are two key phrases:
1. Engineering discipline Engineers make things work. They apply theories,
methods and tools where these are appropriate. But they use them
selectively and always try to discover solutions to problems even when
there are no applicable theories and methods.
2. All aspects of software production Software engineering is not just
concerned with the technical processes of software development but also
with activities such as software project management and with the
development of tools, methods and theories to support software
In general, software engineers adopt a systematic and organized approach to
their work, as this is often the most effective way to produce high-quality
Differentiate SE with other fields
What's the difference between software engineering and computer
Essentially, computer science is concerned with the theories and methods
that underlie computers and software systems, whereas software engineering
is concerned with the practical problems of producing software.
What is the difference between software engineering and system
System engineering is concerned with all aspects of the development and
evolution of complex systems where software plays a major role. System
engineering is therefore concerned with hardware development, policy and
process design and system deployment as well as software engineering.
System engineers are involved in specifying the system, defining its overall
architecture and then integrating the different parts to create the finished
system. They are less concerned with the engineering of the system
components (hardware, software, etc.).
System engineering is an older discipline than software
People have been specifying and assembling complex
industrial systems such as aircraft and chemical plants for
more than a hundred years.
However, as the percentage of software in systems has
increased, software engineering techniques such as use-case
modeling and configuration management are being used in the
systems engineering process.
1.2.1 Essential Product of good software

Maintainability Software should be written in such a way that it may evolve

to meet the changing needs of customers. This is a critical
attribute because software change is an inevitable
consequence of a changing business environment

Dependability Software dependability has a range of characteristics,

including reliability, security and safety. Dependable
software should not cause physical or economic damage in
the event of system failure.

Efficiency Software should not make wasteful use of system resources

such as memory and processor cycles. Efficiency therefore
includes responsiveness, processing time, memory
utilization, etc.

Usability Software must be usable, without undue effort, by the type

of user for whom it is designed. This means that it should
have an appropriate user interface and adequate
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