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Chandra 1901463311
Edward Evannov 1901456174
Steven 1901460940

- Pattern recognition means determining the structure in the data by

comparison to known structures.
- The known structures are obtained from different methods of
 InStatistic pattern recognition, each input is store as a multidimensional
data vector, and each input is known as feature
 The purpose of the pattern recognition process is to assign each input data
to one of the “c” possible classes.
 The fundamental objective of pattern recognition is classification

The data used to design a pattern can be

divided into two categories:
1. Design data : design samples are used to
establish the algorithmic parameters of the
pattern recognition system. The design
samples may be labeled

2. Test data : test samples are used to test

the overall performance of the system.

 This is a method of reconditioning the raw data so that the information that is most
relevant and for classification and interpretation (recognition) is enhanced and
represented in a minimal number of features. It consist of three components:
 1. Feature nomination
 2. Feature selection
 3. Feature extraction

• Fuzzy classifiers assign a fuzzy

labeled vector to each vector in
feature space, and the classifier maps
the input features onto a
classification state.
• Classification defines the “patterns”
and pattern recognition assigns a data
to the class.

 Express typical patterns as fuzzy sets A1,A2,A3, . . . , Am.

 Data sample:

- Crisp Singleton
- Fuzzy Set
 Let A and B be two fuzzy sets then either of the expressions

 Describes the two metrics to assess the degree of similarity of the two sets A and B:

 When either of the values of (A,B) approaches 1, then the two fuzzy sets A and B are “more closely
 when either of the values (A, B) approaches a value 0, the two fuzzy sets are “ far more apart”
 The metric 1 uses minimum property to describe similarity and the metric 2 uses arithmetic property to
describe similarity.

 Suppose we have a universe of five discrete elements, X = {x1, x2, x3, x4, x5}, and we have two fuzzy sets A and
B, on this universe. Note that the two fuzzy sets are actually crisp sets and complements to each other

 The conclusion is that a crisp set and its complement are completely dissimilar.

 Suppose we have a one-dimensional universe on the real line, X = [− ∝,∝]; and we define two fuzzy sets A and B
having normal Gaussian membership functions which are defined mathematically as:

 It can be shown that the inner product of the two fuzzy sets is equal to:

 the outer product is calculated to be:

 Hence the values are:

 Suppose we have a collection of M patterns, each represented by a fuzzy set, Ai where i = 1, 2, · · · ,m

and a sample pattern B, all defined on the universe.
 The known pattern that is involved in the maximum approaching degree value is then the pattern the
data sample most closely resembles in a maximal sense. This concept has been termed the “maximum
approaching degree.”
 The below equation shows this concept for m known patterns:

 Suppose an earthquake engineering consultant have to assess earthquake damage in a region just hit by a large
earthquake. The assessment of damage will base very important to residents of the area because the insurance
companies will base their claim payouts on the assessment. From previous historical records you determine that
the six categories of the modified Mercalli Intensity (I) scale (VI) to (XI) are most appropriate for the range of
damage to the buildings in the region. These damage patterns can all be represented by Gaussian membership
functions Ai = 1, 2, . . . , 6 of the following form.

 Parameters aI and σI define the shape of each membership function. Historical database provides the information
for the parameters for the six regions.

 The pattern of damage to buildings in a given location is determined by inspection and is represented by a fuzzy
set B, with the following characteristics:

 Now conducting the following calculations, using the similarity metric to determine the maximum approaching

 Suppose if the membership function of the damaged region to be a simple singleton with the following
characteristics: This example reduces to the single data sample problem posed earlier

 the calculations produce the following results:


 Nearest Neighbor Classifier

 Nearest Center Classifier
 Weighted Approaching Degree

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