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The economic definition of poverty is typically based

on income measures, with the absolute poverty line
calculated as the food expenditure necessary to meet
dietary recommendations, supplemented by a small
allowance for nonfood goods.

many poverty researchers use a broader definition

suggesting that “poor” means lacking not only
material assets and health but also capabilities,
such as social belonging, cultural identity, respect
and dignity, and information and education
Effects of Poverty to Early Childhood

Academic problem/Limited education

 Limits the chances of Educational attainment
 Low income families are at increased risk of leaving school
without graduating
 Children in poverty are at much greater risk of never attending
 Children raised in poverty also achieve less in school
Effects of Poverty to Early Childhood

Social Problem/Poor well-being

 Lack of self-confidence, self esteem
 Limit their children linguistic environment
 Use harsh parenting style rather than interactive style
 Families who are poorly educated is also poor in
decision making skills
Effects of Poverty to Early Childhood

Poor health
 Directly exposed to risk in illness, crowding, health
and nutrition
We think sometimes that
poverty is only being…
hungry, naked, and

The poverty of being

unwanted, unloved and
uncared for is the greatest

We must start in our own

homes to remedy this kind
of poverty
Poverty is the worse form of violence
Health and Nutrition

Child labor
Poverty is the worse form of violence

Poverty is the worse form of violence

Shelter and government protection

Emotional and behavioral stability

Poverty is the worse form of violence
In the heart of every human,
They all wish to live without fear, hunger and suffering
Observe around you and be thankful for all
that you have …………

Family and care…

Food and nutrition
Shelter and education
Does studying annoy you??

Not with them…

Hate Vegies…
They starve from hunger
On a diet

They die from it

Bored on the same games

They have no option…

Women’s Empowerment
is to educate and empower women who are
homeless with the skills and confidence necessary to
get a job, maintain a healthy lifestyle, and regain a
home for themselves and their children.

Women’s Empowerment is a holistic program that

responds to the unique needs of each woman who is

 proved to be an immediately successful solution in

ending the cycle of poverty.
Women’s Empowerment
By the time a homeless woman turns to us for help, she
has lost almost everything. Being homeless is traumatizing;
being homeless while raising children, escaping domestic
violence, looking for work, or struggling with addiction can
shatter her spirit.
Through classes, counseling, career mentoring and peer
support, she gains the tools to rebuild her life. 
Women’s Empowerment

hundreds of volunteer teachers and mentors—all of whom

donate countless hours of their time to ensuring that
homeless women successfully rise out of poverty.
In 2014, 89% of women regained a safe home for their
children and 88% of women secured a job or enrolled in
I got a flowers Today…
I got flowers today
It wasn’t my birthday
Or any special day……
We had our first argument last night,
And he said a lot of cruel things
That really hurt me
I know he is sorry
And didn’t mean the things he said
Because he sent me flowers today!
I got a flowers Today…
I got flowers today,
It wasn’t our anniversary
Or any other special day.
Last night, he threw me into a wall
And started to choke me,
It seemed like a nightmare
I couldn’t believe it was real
I know he must be sorry
Because he sent me flowers today….
I got a flowers Today…
I got flowers today,
And it wasn’t Mother’s Day
Or any other special Day.
Last night, he beat me up again,
If I leave him, what will I do?
How will I take care of my kids?
What about money?
I’m afraid of him and scared to leave,
But I know he must be sorry
Because he sent me a flowers today…
I got a flowers Today…
I got flowers today,
Today was a very special day.
It was the day of my funeral,
Last night, he finally killed me.
If only I had gathered enough courage
And strength to leave him,
I would not have gotten flowers today….

Paulette Kelly

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