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Introduction to Philosophy

of the Human Person

Human Person & Death
Review: Previous Discussion
• 2 Main Perspective on Human Death
o Mind-Body Dualism (or Substance Dualism) –
refers to the view that mind and body are
fundamentally distinct kinds of substances or
o Eternal Oblivion – (also referred to as non-
existence or nothingness) is the permanent
cessation of a person's consciousness upon death.
(World Heritage Encyclopedia)
Review: Previous Discussion
• Philosophical notions on Human Death
o Life is finite, our state and quality of
existence is limited
o We should accept Death, for use to be able to
realize, to experience our authentic existence
o Death has an evaluative aspect in life, it is a
 Ludwig
part of the development of man. (life’s
 Karl Jasper purpose, essence of existence)
 Erik Erikson

• Life - the period between birth and

death, or the experience or state of being
alive (Cambridge Dictionary)
- the period during which a person or
thing is alive or exists, the course of
(Merriam Websters Dictionary)
Purpose of Life
• Socrates – The purpose of life is to seek
“eudaimonia” (Happiness/Welfare)
o “The immoral person literally becomes a slave of
his desire.”
o The goal of life is to find “virtue” and “the good”
in order to improve the soul, and then act in
accordance with these findings
o Virtue - It is the awakening of the seeds of good
deeds that lay dormant in the mind and heart of a
Purpose of Life
o One does not only know the rules of right living,
but one lives them. (Practical Knowledge)
o “The unexamined life is not worth living.” One
must seek knowledge and wisdom before private
o Unethical actions harm the person who performs
them more than the people they victimize.
Purpose of Life
• Plato – “Eudaimonia” can be achieved through
liberation of soul from body.
• The learned and rationally developed soul is the
good soul.
• Wisdom the greatest virtue. Human has to find
happiness in intellectual exercise
• He gave four cardinal virtues: wisdom, courage,
temperance and justice. These virtues makes a
person ethical and helps in leading a good life.
Purpose of Life
• The learned and rationally developed soul is
the good soul.
• Wisdom the greatest virtue. Human has to
find happiness in intellectual exercise
• He gave four cardinal virtues: wisdom,
courage, temperance and justice. These
virtues makes a person ethical and helps in
leading a good life.
Purpose of Life
• Plato gave ethical theory of justice. He divide
society into three classes:
1. Administrators: they are characterized by
wisdom. They should be philosophers.
2. Warriors: they are characterized by courage
3. Producers: they are characterized by temperance
 When there is balance and effective coordination
between above classes, it leads realization of
justice or an ethical society.
Purpose of Life
• The individual is made of three parts:
1. Intellect: characterized by wisdom
2. Spirit: characterized by courage
3. Desire: characterized by temperance
 Intellect keeps spirit and desires under
control and makes an individual ethical.
Purpose of Life
• 1. Life ruled by appetite : It would be a
life enslaved by desires
• 2. If Spiritedness: life would be ruled
by feelings and emotions
“Emotions must not dictate our actions/
• 3. Reason must be the overruling over
other parts. (knows what is good)
Purpose of Life
• Aristotle – Everything has a purpose or goal, and that
the purpose is always to attain goodness
• “Eudaimonia” is achieved by being virtuous, via
virtuous activities.
o Ethical knowledge is not a theoretical knowledge but
is general knowledge.
o General knowledge - an knowledge that has been
accumulated over time through experience.
Purpose of Life
• Man, when perfected, is the best of animals, but
when separated from law and justice, he is the worst
of all. If he has not virtue, he is the most unholy and
the most savage of animals, and the most full of lust
and gluttony.
• Humanity is distinct from beasts that act according to
the dictates of their desires and instincts.
• “we have reason to cool our raging motions, our
carnal stings, our unbitted lusts.”
Purpose of Life

• Aristotle’s Division of Soul

 Powers of Growth / Reproduction
 Utilize faculties/senses (touch – most universal
 Perceive the world around us (Soul of
 Power of Reason & Thought

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