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Muhammad Halim Ramadhan
Critical Listening E

1. URL :

2. Video Title : I AM INSECURE! Dealing With Feelings Of Insecurity & Inadequacy | How To Feel

Better About Yourself

3. Date Video was published: 13 July 2016

4. Theme : How to feel better about yourself (insecurity)

5. Subject (s) : Alpha M

◦ The video shows that we or maybe some of us might have felt insecure about something. When we
see something cooler than ours, when we see someone better than us, and the time when we start
comparing ourselves with another person which makes us feel insecure. The speaker of the video
tell us some tips on how to feel better about yourself:
 We have to know that social media is not a reality
 Never compare yourself with someone else
 Surround yourself with positive people
 If you insecure about something that you can change, change it

◦What can I learn from the video:

• Every person has their own insecurity and what makes it different is how they fight for it.

◦What I disliked from the video: nothing

◦How can you react to the content of the video based on your personal experience?

• I do feel a lot of insecurity in my life which makes me overthink about something that I don't need to

overthink. Luckily, I don't suffer from it because I have supportive family and supportive friends that makes

me feel confident to express myself.


1. Video Rating (fill in the star(s)): ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐(4)

2. Reason:

◦ It is just a motivational video and I think the development of the video was very good.
◦ In my opinion, this video was (Extremely easy to understand)
◦ To complete this worksheet, I had to watch the video (twice)
◦ I think, my comprehension of the video was (Excellent)
◦ I would recommend my classmates watch this video (I would Strongly recommend it)
◦ If you ever feel insecure, what do you do to solve that? Or if you never feel insecure, can you
give me some tips to not feel insecure?

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