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Differential Equation and Fourier Analysis

Assalamualaikum Everyone,

Name : Nader Nihal NEEP

ID: 2012020022

My todays topic is
Origin and Application of differential equation
At first we will know , what is differential eqution?

Differential equation is the relationship that involves the

derivative of a function or a dependent variable with respect to
an independent variable.

dy/dx = f(x)
Know we will talk about applications of differential
Some applications of differential equation are discussed

Application 1.: Exponential Growth

For exponential growth, we use the formula;
G(t)= G0 ekt
Let G0 is positive and k is constant, then

dG/dt= k
G(t) increases with time
G0 is the value when t=0
G is the exponential growth model.
Application 2: Exponential reduction or decay
R(t) = R0 e-kt
When R0 is positive and k is constant,
R(t) is decreasing with time,
dR/dt= -k
R is the exponential reduction model
Application 3 : Newton's Law of Cooling
The temperature of a body changes at a rate proportional to the
difference between the temperature of the body and the
temperature of the surrounding medium. Thus, if Tm is the
temperature of the medium and T=T(t) is the temperature of the
body at time t, then

where k is a positive constant and the minus
sign indicates; that the temperature of the body increases with
time if it's less than the temperature of the medium, or
decreases if it's greater. if Tm is constant then the solution of
equation is

Application 4: Spread of Epidemics

One model for the spread of epidemics assumes that the number of
people infected changes at a rate proportional to the product of the
number of people already infected and the number of people who are
susceptible, but not yet infected. Therefore, if S denotes the total
population of susceptible people and I=I(t) denotes the number of
infected people at time t, then (S−I)is the number of people who are
susceptible, but not yet infected. Thus,

where r is a positive constant.
Assuming that I(0)=I0, the solution
of this equation is

I= ──────
I0 + (S- I0)e-rSt
Thank you

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