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Mechanics of Solids

Dr. Pavan Kumar P

Assistant Professor, BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

BITS Pilani

Hyderabad Campus
What is Mechanics ?

How do different bodies/objects interact ..?

Can we quantify ..?

What is the advantage of quantification ..?


Mechanics deals with forces and motions.

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Steps required for mechanical engineering analysis :

1. Select system of interest


2. Identify the characteristics of system. This may also

involve in the simplification of the real situation using

(Courtesy:Eicher trucks)

3.Apply principles of mechanics

4.Analyze the result
5.Decide or rethink/redesign

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Concept of Force

An interaction between bodies.

Force is an interaction with specific

Why direction is so important ?
In the isolated system,
F1 : force which is exerted by
the weight on the spring
F2 : opposite

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Force interactions may also occur between systems which are physically
connected or physically separated : Electric, magnetic and gravitational forces

An attraction between the airplane and the center of the

earth indicated by pair of vectors

In the isolated system,

F1 : force exerted by the earth upon aero plane

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Unit of force :

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Effect of force :

They tend to alter the motion of the system or they tend to deform or distort the
shape of the body.

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Effect of force :

Mechanics can be defined as that science which describes and predicts the conditions of rest or
motion of bodies under the action of forces.

Mechanics of rigid bodies,

Mechanics of deformable bodies,

Mechanics of fluids.

(Fluid may flow)

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Effect of force :

Mechanics of solids

Mechanics of rigid bodies Mechanics of deformable bodies

Statics Dynamics

Bodies at rest Bodies at motion

(Eicher trucks. com)


Mechanics deals with forces and motions.

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus
Effect of force :
Actual structures and machines, however, are never absolutely rigid and deform under the loads to
which they are subjected.

But these deformations are usually small and do not appreciably affect the conditions of equilibrium or
motion of the structure under consideration.


(Engineering problems needs an approximation on motion or deformation)

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Effect of force :


BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus
BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus
Text Books:
S. H. Crandall et al., An Introduction to the Mechanics of Solids (in SI units) TMH, 3 nd ed., 2012
4. Reference Books:
1. Mechanics of Materials; F. P. Beer, E. R. Johnston and J. T. DeWolf, Third Edition, 2002, McGraw-
Hill International Edition.
2. Mechanics of Solids, An Introduction, T. J. Lardner, R R Archer, International Edition, 1994,
3. Introduction to Solid Mechanics by I. H. Shames, 2 nd Edition, 1980, Prentice Hall of India Private Ltd.
New Delhi.

EC No. Evaluation Component Duration Weightage Date & Time Nature of EC

1 Midsem test 90 Min 30%   OB

2 Tutorials Assignments --- 20%   OB

3 Quizzes -- 10%   OB

4 Compre. Exam. 120 Min 40% 27/12 FN OB

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

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