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Instructions to follow for ensuring

webcam capture during lab exam

Instructions to follow for ensuring webcam capture during lab exam

• We observed an issue where the webcam was detected properly and the student was allowed to
perform lab but the streaming was blocked by Antivirus which caused 0 Byte files on the
proctoring portal. 
• We have come up with a new set of instructions to avoid such issues. Please find the following
instructions which we are displaying on the Slot Management Portal while accessing the lab:
• Before Logging into Webrdp, please follow the below steps :

Lab practical Regular Exam on (05.04.2021-11.04.2021) and

makeup exam on (14.04.2021-20.04.2021) for non-specific
Step by step procedure

• Step 1 : Open the link

• Step 2 : Check the below scenarios .

 Click the 'play' button.

 Click 'allow' if you see a popup message in the browser.
 Now you should see yourself (or whatever your webcam is pointed at!)
 Close the website (Important)
 Click on Webrdp to Access the lab.
 If you don't see yourself or if you see a error message or a black screen follow Step 3 to enable the
Step by step procedure

• Step 3 :

 Go to "Device Manager" and enable camera if it is disabled.

 If any "antivirus" is installed, block or stop or uninstall the antivirus
 Follow Step 1 and 2
 Please contact our Gargi chat support for further assistance.

• * Note : If you don't see yourself (or whatever your webcam is pointed at in the above url)
and accessing the Webrdp, then your slot is "not validated or considered".
Important Instructions

• Use stable internet connection (min 1 MBPS)

• Book slot very judiciously since slot cancellation is not available
• Save screenshots regularly while solving the tutorials in exam
• Chat with Gargi for any connectivity issue
• Avoid using office laptop for practice and lab exam (it may block Platifi server connectivity - as
per your organization rules)
• Please provide feedback to iDams after exam session
Thank you

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