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N95-mask requirement estimation

Health care requirements estimation: General Population estimation:

Recommended mask option for health care workers : India Population : 1390 Million
• N95 mask % population in mid/high wealth range : 9% (prefer N95)
• Medical grade re-usable mask Estimated Affluent population : 125 Million
• Double masking % affluent population going out daily : 20 % (25 Million)
Replacement for healthcare staff : Single use
Reuse cycle :
Health care workers : 5.8 Million Use multiple N95 masks wash / reused : 4 in a month
% Health care staff using N95 masks : 40 % Average usage per person (Feb to Jul) : 24 masks
(Limited use among Rural, Private, Allied, Pharma, AYUSH)
Total requirement : 24 masks x 25 Million : 600 Millions
Numbers using N95 mask daily : 2.32 Million (40% of 5.8M)

Average working days in a week / staff : 6 Total N95 mask requirement estimation:
Duration : 180 days / 26 weeks
(01st Feb to 31st Jul 2021) Total estimated requirement : 357 Million (Health care workers)
+ 600 Million (Affluent population) : 957 Million
Actual work days : 154 days (180-26 Off days)
Estimated requirements (2.32M x 154) : 357 Millions
Health-care workers / professionals in India Affluent India population
India demographics

Mask replacement cycle
most-indians-to-upgrade-from-their-cotton-mask Recommended mask options

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