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Procedures and Practices

Presentation at training of IFAD-CASP Staff on Quality Seed

Production Techniques on February10-11, 2021 at NAERLS Suite/
ABU Zaria
Dr. H N. Kura
Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture
Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria.
Field inspection
• Field inspection, that is, inspection of standing
seed crops is an essential step in verifying
conformity of seed crops to prescribed
certification standards.
• This is to check for the factors that may affect the
genetic purity and physical health of the seeds.
• Field inspection will be conducted by the Seed
Certification Officer (SCO) to whom the specific
seed farm has been allocated.
Objectives of field inspection
• To verify seed origin (source seed) and identity
of the variety.
• To collect information on cropping history of the
seed field, that is, to
• verify whether the seed field meets the prescribed
land requirements.
• To check crop and cultivation conditions.
• To check isolation distance.
• To check freedom from impurities, namely, other
crop plants and weed plants
Objectives of field inspection (contd)
• To check freedom from other cultivars and
• To check freedom from seed-born diseases
General Principles of Field Inspection
• All field inspections must be made by well-trained and qualified
• personnel.
• The prescribed procedure and techniques of field inspection and the
• minimum number of inspections specified in the certification
• Inspection of cross-pollinated crops during flowering, and those self
• crops which are inspected by designated seed-born
diseases during flowering stage.
• The seed inspector should achieve full co-operation from seed
growers, even the case of the rejection of a field.
General Principles of Field Inspection (contd)

• Upon arrival at the seed farm, the inspector

should check all information about species,
variety, seed origin, cultivated area, class of
seed, cropping history of the field.
• Each field and its boundaries must be pointed
by the seed grower.
Walking patterns for field inspection
1- observation of 75% of
the field
2- observation of 60 to
70% of the field
3- at random 60 to 70 %
4- clockwise travel pattern
5- observation of 85% of
the field
6- observation of 60% of
the field
Walking patterns for field inspection
• During the walk in the field, the inspector must
make estimates of other varieties and impurities,
diseased plants, general condition of the crop,
applied farm practices and possible yield.
• If the direction of plant rows permits, the inspector
should walk through his side or back
Method of Inspection
• The inspection of a seed crop is done at
different stages of a crop growth: @ sowing
• @ flowering
• @ post flowering & pre-harvest
• This is to to make various verifications and
estimates of various impurities, off-types and
diseases, etc.
Method of Inspection
At Sowing:
• To educate the farmers participating in a certified
seed production programme for the first time, or
at times when a new crop is introduced, are very
helpful in maintaining good quality of seed.
• Is to explain the land and isolation requirements,
• Seed field requirement;
• Verify their foundation seed bags
• Sowing time, seed treatment, etc
Method of Inspection (contd)
• At pre flowering/vegetative stage;-
• Is to educate growers on rogueing and to suggest
other corrective majors if require,
• After the following verification.
• Ascertain the source of the seed planted
• Isolation requirements and land requirements
have been mate.
• That the seed crop has not been grown as mixed
cropping, intercropping or companion cropping or
ratoon cropping
CROP Minimum Isolation Distance (m)

At flowering Foundation seed Certified seed

Hybrid maize 400 200

I Wheat 3 3

• Check whether various Rice 3 3

corrective measures, Cotton 50 30

suggested earlier have Soybean 3 3
been carried out.
Groundnut 3 3
• Check or recheck the land
Sesame 100 50
and isolation
requirements, planting Peas 20 10

ratios and source seed. Cowpeas, ajma 50 10

• Advice the farmer to Tomato 50 20

continue rouging during Chillies 400 100

flowering secession Potato - 100

sorghum 400 300

Millet 400 300

Method of Inspection (contd)
• At post flowering and pre-harvest stage.
• To take detailed counts of various factors
• Determined the extent of various contaminants
present in the seed field
• To educate the farmer regarding the rouges
which where not identifiable earlier so as
remove them before final inspection.
Method of Inspection (contd)

• At Harvest time
• Detailed counts are taken for various factors,
• Isolation requirements are finally checked to
confirm that the seed has met the requisite field
• Instructions regarding precautions during
harvesting/threshing and supply of the material to
processing plants.
Rejection of the seed field

• When the size of the seed farm exceeds the registered size
• When there is no cultivation of the crop in the registered seed farm
• Drying of the seed farm due to water scarcity
• Inability to carry out the minimum number of field inspections
• Lodging of the crop in one third of the seed farm
• Seed crop affected by flood or very poor crop management
• Difference found in the seed farm when compared with the sowing report
• Not allowing the Seed Certification Officer to take the count
Contaminates to be observed during field

• Off types.
• Pollen shedder.
• Shedding tassel.
• Inseparable other crop plants.
• Objectionable weed plants.
• Diseased plants.

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