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Climatic Principles


Cliamte Responsive Architecture


R O S H M I S E N , A S S I S TA N T P R O F E S S O R ,

D E PA R T M E N T O F P L A N N I N G A N D A R C H I T E C T U R E , N I T R O U R K E L A AUTUMN 2020
Traditional and Modern
Development through small adjustments to an accepted form- an
additive/iterative process from PRIMITIVE to VERNACULAR
Traditional societies dissolved through destruction of accepted ruling
hierarchiesBuildings- in societies with little specialization both in
knowledge and in physical space
• Traditional rural solutions not easy to adapt to urban situations
 Increasing number of building types
 Buildings-differentiation
• Specialization specialization begins, tradesmen emerge
Rapid growth and
forced concentrationof trades - functionality
on quantity instead of quality –
 Loss of common
development of value system
mass housing
 Codes, regulations and zoning rules necessary

• Premium
Change inisfunctional
put on originality
requirements changes the housing structure
(Modified from:
with passage of time Energy Conscious
Design: Traditional
and Modern
• Tomorrow’s design? - climate responsive, technically sound, Concepts, Hans
Rosenlund, Lund
handling formal and informal sectors University 1997)
Climate and Vernacular
Vernacular Architecture

Vernacular Architecture is a
category of architecture
based on

• Local needs

• Construction materials

• Local traditions

Unfinished Igloo – Inuit winter dwelling

Vernacular Architecture

Vernacular Architecture is a
category of architecture
based on

• Local needs

• Construction materials

• Local traditions

Stone and clay houses in rural Nepal

Vernacular Architecture

Vernacular Architecture is a
category of architecture
based on

• Local needs

• Construction materials

• Local traditions

South African Rondavel

Vernacular Architecture

Vernacular Architecture is a
category of architecture
based on

• Local needs

• Construction materials

• Local traditions

Traditional Batak House - Sumatra

Influence on the Vernacular

◦ High thermal mass for hot dry or cold climate- sealed to prevent
heat loss/gain, windows small or non existent
◦ Lighter materials for warm humid climate in order to allow cross
◦ Sloping roofs in climates with high level of precipitation
◦ Minimal area in the direction of prevailing winds in case of windy

◦ Way of life- daily activities and habits, interactions, concept of
privacy etc
◦ Family size
Climate- Extreme cold

1. High thermal mass

2. Small openings

Community of Igloos
(illustration by Arctic researchers, 1865)
Climate- Cold

1. High thermal mass

2. Small openings

Leh District, Khalsi Tahsil, Farkethang Village

Climate- Cold

1. High thermal mass

2. Small openings

•  Horizontal log construction

Small windows
• Clay or mud chinking between
Side gabled roof
• Brick, stone or clay chimneys
• Irregular spaced window and door

Swedish log houses (1638-1880)

Climate- Hot-dry

1. High thermal mass

2. Small openings

In hot dry climate, the

traditional architecture uses
massive structures and the
earth itself to create a variety
of indoor temperatures so the
occupants can find conditions
which suit them.

Climate- Hot-dry

1. High thermal mass

2. Small openings

Use of locally available

yellow sandstone

Climate- Hot-dry

1. High thermal mass

2. Small openings

Bhandarej step well, Rajasthan

Climate- Hot-dry

1. High thermal mass

2. Small openings

Syrian Bee Hive houses

Thick mud walls, high domes collect

hot air

Climate- Hot-dry

1. High thermal mass

2. Small openings

Adobe brick wall with dense Colorado Vernacular in hot-dry climate with
thermal mass adobe bricks

Climate- Warm-Humid

1. Lighter thermal mass

2. Cross ventilation

The traditional houses used

in warm humid Malaya are
designed to allow the
maximum flow of air whilst
preventing solar heating
with a thickly thatched roof

Climate- Warm-Humid
1. Lighter thermal mass
2. Cross ventilation

Lignan Architecture of
South China’s Warm
• Large porches and archways
Humid Sub-tropical
• Natural cross ventilation systems with special
climatic zone
perforated bricks
• Roof structures to let air move through the

Climate- Warm-Humid
1. Lighter thermal mass
2. Cross ventilation

Use of internal courtyards for air

House with verandah movement
Bengal Vernacular

Structural controls- wind
Windcatcher effect

‘Badgir or windcatcher in traditional

Iranian Architecture

Traditional approaches
towards climatic design..
Olgay’s bio-climatic chart (1963)-
designing for comfort

• Olgyay was the first to

outline the comfort zone
in architectural terms, i.e.
the range of
environmental conditions
within which the average
person would feel
• The graph has DBT on the
vertical axis and RH on
the horizontal.
• The aerofoil-shaped zone
at the centre of this graph
is the comfort zone.
Mahoney Tables, 1971
 The Mahoney tables are a set of reference tables used as a guide to climate-
appropriate design, named after architect Carl Mahoney, who worked on them
together with John Martin Evans, and Otto Königsberger
 The system takes into account the duration and severity of various climate factors
 The system also helps in arriving at a decision when seasonal requirements are
 Consists of three sets of tables-
 Table 1 assembles the climatic data from meteorological records and
tabulates the mean values
 Table 2 serves the purpose of diagnosis, demarcating the comfort limit in a
particular temperature/humidity group for each month, and compares the
comfort limit with the mean maxima and minima and hence derives the
thermal stress
 Table 3 gives the designer the specifications resulting from the above
indicators grouped under 8 headings- (layout, spacing, air movement,
openings, walls, roofs, out-door sleeping, rain protection)
Modern techniques
Whole building energy simulation
- parametric modelling
Simulation provides the
essential foundation for
engineering extraordinary
high performance
buildings. By modeling
building dynamics and
interactions, a building
can be analyzed as a
system, and energy
performance can be
optimized for comfort
and daylighting so that
buildings can meet their
design potential.

Prescriptive methods through rating systems

Practicing prescriptive guidelines as mentioned in rating systems-

• Use of energy efficient lighting systems (LED/CFL)

• Use of energy efficient faucets and fixtures
• Grey water recycling and rain water harvesting
• Solar powered lighting, Net metering system etc
• Use of building materials with low life cycle energy consumption
( low U-value, low embodied energy etc.)
• Use of occupancy sensors and other intelligent devices etc
ECBC compliance code- building level
evaluation in India

ECBC compliance process

Prescriptive method
• Specifies prescribed minimum energy efficiency parameters for various components and systems of the
proposed buildings
• Deals with building envelop, HVAC, hot water and pumping, lighting systems, electric and power system

Whole building performance method

• More complex than prescriptive method, but offers more design flexibility
• Code compliance is achieved by optimizing energy usage through whole building energy simulation
• Determines annual energy usage and compares with standard design of buildings
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