The Execution of TH e "Disabled": (Module 1 Lesson 1)

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The Execution of th

e “Disabled”
(Module 1 Lesson 1)
From the primitive and ancient period to Greek a
nd Roman Empire, persons with disabilities suffer a g
reat deal of starvation and banishment due to supers
titious, religious and military beliefs.
If the “wise members or “priests” of such a primi
tive society declare that the “abnormal person” was
possessed by a benevolent spirit, then he will be wor
shipped. If his supernatural powers were bestowed b
y evil spirits, he may be revered out of fear, or maybe
Lesson Objectives
• Compare and contrast beliefs and practices
between periods
• ascertain the underlying causes of extermin
ation of PWDs
• Describe the quality of life of PWDs in the p
ast and compare it with the current period.
• The schools where you were studying in elementa
ry or even up to this time accepted a student with
disability for the first time. Describe yours and the
school community’s reactions and perceptions tow
ards the students contribution in the following are
 class participation
 sports competition
 others

• Discuss your answers in group of 5. How are your

answers as compared with the other members of t
he group? Are they the same or different? What d
o you think are the underlying reasons?
• Primitive/ AncientPeriod
-superstitious beliefs
-supernatural powers
• Greek Civilization
- Athenians and Spartans
- Plato and Hippocrates
• Roman Empire
- Gods and Goddesses
- Aristotle
The Primitive Period (3000 BC to 500 BC)

• is brought by harsh physical stresses and supersti

tious beliefs, thus, persons who are different are ei
ther feared or put to death

In the Greek Civilization

• many people still questioningly upheld the superstitions and belief
in demonology. The Athenians pursued the holistic development of
mind and body while the Spartans aimed to produce the strongest
and most courageous soldiers. Babies who exhibits “defective” or “
different attributes” were thrown from a cliff
During the Roman Empire
• the practice of fathers deciding whether their child s
hould live or be thrown was still in effect. Some fathe
rs, instead of choosing a “death sentence” would deci
de to sell the deformed or divergent child into slavery.
• How does the study of early history helped you u
nderstand the behavior of the society towards PW
Ds? Do you think there are practices before that ar
e still visible at present? Cite similarities and differ
ences between the past and the present times.


“The earliest times was very punitive to persons with disabilities .

The lesson will bring you another view in the middle ages.”

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