Wk-2 Process in Natural Environment

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Wk2-Process in Natural Environment and Interaction and

Interrelationships of Environmental Compartments

Prof. Dr. Shafi M Tareq, FRSC, C. Env. (UK), Department of Environmental Sciences, Jahangirnagar University
Nature and Components of Environment

All the things around us with which we interact:

• Living things
• Animals, plants, forests, fungi, etc.
• Nonliving things
• Continents, oceans, clouds, soil, rocks
• Our built environment
• Buildings, human-created living centers
• Social relationships and institutions

Includes the relationships between these components of the


Prof. Dr. Shafi M Tareq, FRSC, C. Env. (UK), Department of Environmental Sciences, Jahangirnagar University
Will we develop in a sustainable way?

• The triple bottom line: sustainable solutions that

• Environmental protection
• Economic goals
• Social equity
• Humans must apply knowledge from the sciences to
• Limit environmental impacts
• Maintain functioning environmental systems

We must make an ethical commitment to current and future generations

Prof. Dr. Shafi M Tareq, FRSC, C. Env. (UK), Department of Environmental Sciences, Jahangirnagar University
Sustainable solutions

We must develop solutions that

protect both our quality of life
and the environment

• Renewable energy and efficiency

• Organic agriculture
• Legislation and technology to reduce pollution
• Protect species and their habitat
• Recycling, decreasing waste
• Decrease greenhouse gas emissions
Prof. Dr. Shafi M Tareq, FRSC, C. Env. (UK), Department of Environmental Sciences, Jahangirnagar University
How we interact with the earth ?

We use resources

We produce waste

Prof. Dr. Shafi M Tareq, FRSC, C. Env. (UK), Department of Environmental Sciences, Jahangirnagar University
Gaia theory /hypothesis
Prof. Dr. James Lovelock
proposed that organisms interact with
their inorganic surroundings on Earth
to form a self-regulating, complex
system that contributes to maintaining
the conditions for life on the planet.

The Gaia Theory posits that the organic and inorganic components of
Planet Earth have evolved together as a single living, self-regulating
system. It suggests that this living system has automatically controlled
global temperature, atmospheric content, ocean salinity, and other
factors, that maintains its own habitability. In a phrase, “life maintains
conditions suitable for its own survival.

Prof. Dr. Shafi M Tareq, FRSC, C. Env. (UK), Department of Environmental Sciences, Jahangirnagar University
Regulation of oxygen in the atmosphere

Levels of gases in the atmosphere in 420,000 years of ice core data from Vostok, Antarctica
research station. Current period is at the left
Prof. Dr. Shafi M Tareq, FRSC, C. Env. (UK), Department of Environmental Sciences, Jahangirnagar University
Regulation of the global surface

Prof. Dr. Shafi M Tareq, FRSC, C. Env. (UK), Department of Environmental Sciences, Jahangirnagar University
Variations in Earth’s surface temperature (20 ky BP)

Recent temperature increasing rate is higher than the deglaciation time

Prof. Dr. Shafi M Tareq, FRSC, C. Env. (UK), Department of Environmental Sciences, Jahangirnagar University
Controlling of Earth temperature

Prof. Dr. Shafi M Tareq, FRSC, C. Env. (UK), Department of Environmental Sciences, Jahangirnagar University
Example of Gaia hypothesis

Cloud formation over the open ocean is almost entirely a function of the metabolism of oceanic
algae that emit a large sulfur molecule that becomes the condensation nuclei for raindrops.
Prof. Dr. Shafi M Tareq, FRSC, C. Env. (UK), Department of Environmental Sciences, Jahangirnagar University
Lovelock’s arguments
The global surface temperature of the Earth has
remained constant, despite an increase in the
energy provided by the Sun
Atmospheric composition remains constant, even
though it should be unstable
Ocean salinity is constant (3.4%)

Prof. Dr. Shafi M Tareq, FRSC, C. Env. (UK), Department of Environmental Sciences, Jahangirnagar University
Empirical evidence

• The Sun has become 25% hotter since life began on earth.
Earth’s temperature has remained constant
• Earth’s atmospheric constituents are chemically unstable
due to the presence of a large fraction of oxygen: Earth’s
atmosphere make-up is constant
• The salinity and composition of the Earth’s oceans have
remained constant in 4 billion years of evolution
• Given the physical and chemical conditions of Earth, we
should have a runaway greenhouse effect. We haven’t.

Prof. Dr. Shafi M Tareq, FRSC, C. Env. (UK), Department of Environmental Sciences, Jahangirnagar University
Criticisms of Gaia theory
Teleological: How can living components of the
biosphere decide to regulate the planet’s
The hypothesis is untestable

Prof. Dr. Shafi M Tareq, FRSC, C. Env. (UK), Department of Environmental Sciences, Jahangirnagar University
Earth As A Closed System

Closed system: exchange of energy but negligible

exchange of mass with surroundings
Prof. Dr. Shafi M Tareq, FRSC, C. Env. (UK), Department of Environmental Sciences, Jahangirnagar University
Four Spheres Within Closed System

Within this closed system are four

major, interlinked components:


Energy and matter are exchanged

between these components.

In this course, our focus will be on

the biosphere.

So while we’re thinking about it…

How do the four spheres of our planet function naturally to maintain a balance?
Prof. Dr. Shafi M Tareq, FRSC, C. Env. (UK), Department of Environmental Sciences, Jahangirnagar University
The Atmosphere
The Earth is surrounded by a blanket
of air, which we call the
• The atmosphere consists of four
unique layers (the troposphere, the
stratosphere, the mesosphere, and
the thermosphere).
• The atmosphere reaches over 350
miles up from the surface of the
• The atmosphere is primarily
composed of nitrogen (about 78%)
and oxygen (about 21%). Other
Prof. Dr. Shafi exist
M Tareq, FRSC, C. in small quantities.
Env. (UK), Department of Environmental Sciences, Jahangirnagar University
The Biosphere
The biosphere is the “life zone” of the Earth, and
includes all living organisms (including humans), and all
organic matter that has not yet decomposed.
• The biosphere is structured into a hierarchy known as a
food chain.
• Energy and nutrients, like carbon, are transferred from
one level of the food chain to the next.

Prof. Dr. Shafi M Tareq, FRSC, C. Env. (UK), Department of Environmental Sciences, Jahangirnagar University
The hydrosphere contains all the water
found on our planet.
• Surface Water: Includes the ocean as well
as water from lakes, rivers and creeks.
• Ground Water: Includes water trapped in
the soil and groundwater.
• Atmosphere: water vapor.
• Frozen water: Includes ice caps and
glaciers. Also called the cryosphere.
• Only about 3% of the water on Earth is
“fresh” water, and about 70% of the fresh
water is frozen in the form of glacial ice.
(0.9% in liquid form)

Prof. Dr. Shafi M Tareq, FRSC, C. Env. (UK), Department of Environmental Sciences, Jahangirnagar University
The geosphere is the solid
part of the earth, from the
core to the surface.
• Includes volcanoes, rocks,
minerals, coal, oil etc.
•Mineral resources are mined
from the geosphere.

Prof. Dr. Shafi M Tareq, FRSC, C. Env. (UK), Department of Environmental Sciences, Jahangirnagar University
The Earth’s Life-Support Systems
• Atmosphere
• Thin membrane of air
• Troposphere
• 11 miles
• Stratosphere
• 12-30 miles
• Lower portion (ozone)
• filters out harmful sun rays
• Allows life to exist on earth
• Lithosphere
• Earth’s crust
• Hydrosphere
• water
• Biosphere
• Living and dead
Prof. Dr. Shafi M Tareq, FRSC, C. Env. (UK), Department of Environmental Sciences, Jahangirnagar University
a) Explain the terms ‘Ecological Footprint’ and
b) If everyone consumed the amount of
resources the U.S. does, we would need 4.5
Earths--- justify the statement
c)State and explain Gaia hypothesis

Prof. Dr. Shafi M Tareq, FRSC, C. Env. (UK), Department of Environmental Sciences, Jahangirnagar University

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