Asking and Giving OPINION

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Today we are going to

disscuss and learn about
asking and giving opinion.
So, study the materials given
There are several points that
should be described in my article
this time, that is :
1. Stating an Opinion :

• In my opinion...
• The way I see it...
• If you want my honest opinion....
• According to Lisa...
• As far as I'm concerned...
• If you ask me...
2. Asking for an opinion :

•What's your idea?

•What are your thoughts on all of this?
•How do you feel about that?
•Do you have anything to say about this?
•What do you think?•Do you agree?
•Wouldn't you say?
A. Asking for and giving opinions
• Giving Opinion is a sentence that gives a
reason to someone or other people. So,
Asking and Giving Opinion is an expressions
that is used for talking about argument or
opinion of two or more people. There are
several expressions of asking and giving
opinions that are often used in everyday
conversations. These expressions can be
formal (formal, usually legal, foreign or
person we consider older) and informal
(informal usually with a colleague)
Study the following expressions
Asking opinios :
 What do you think of … (Apa pendapatmu tentang …)
 Is that right (true) that … (Apakah itu benar bahwa…)
 Do you think it’s going... (Apakah Anda pikir itu akan …)
 Do you have any idea? (Apakah kamu punya ide?)
 What’s your opinion? (Apa pendapatmu?)

Expressing Opinions :
 In my opinion, ... (Menurutku, …)
 I personally believe .... (Saya pribadi percaya …)
 I personally think … (Saya pribadi berpikir …)
 To my mind ….. (menurut pendapat saya)
 From my point of view… (Dari sudut pandang saya..)
 In my case ..... (Dalam kasus saya…
 Absolutely … (Benar-benar ….)
Exercise 1.
Study and practice this dialogue.
Yaya : What do you like doing in your free time?
Amely : I enjoy gardening.
Yaya : Me too. But I would rather watch TV.
Amely : Really? I often watch TV during the week, but at the weekend, I prefer
Yaya : What else do you like doing?
Amely : I love surfing the internet.
Yaya : Do you? I can’t stand surfing the internet. It’s tiring.
Amely : And I quite like playing computer games, too.
Yaya : So do I. Is that true that playing computer games is exciting?
Amely : Sure! Good idea.

• Practice reading the dialogue in exercise 1, changing the words in bold. Use the
phrases from the box or your own ideas.

1. Chatting online - Listening the radio

2. Doing sport - Drawing
Exercise 2
Complete the dialogue below using the words in the box.

problems - helps – so - have - friend – important

Yaya : So, do you have lots of friends?
Karti : I guess so.
Yaya : What do you think makes a good____?
Karti : Hah, good friend. Well, a good friend ____ you when
you ___ a problem.
Yaya : Hmm…do you think that’s the most ____ thing?
Karti : Yeah, friends help each other. I really think ____.
Yaya : Well, what kinds of ____ does your best friend help
you with?
Karti : Well, that’s kind of personal.
Next, short explanation about ;

Expressing agreement
Agreeing & disagreeing
Agreeing is the easy part. To show agreement can be
used short and clear statements. Here are some
expressions that might be used to show agree:
• So do I.
• Me too.
• Definitely.
• I agree. or
• I couldn’t agree more.

• Here are the direct phrases to say we disagree.

• I disagree!
• I don’t agree. or
• Yeah, but…

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