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 Marta Arús, Adriana Llorà, Estefania Marín, Noelia Marín.
 Topic: Halloween
 Objectives:
 “Knowing the celebration of Halloween”
 “Living in a natural way a different culture”
 “Internalize vocabulary specific to each unit”
 “Enjoy with 'learning experience”
 Why?
 For working different aspects of the English language and
 Nowadays this festival has become more important than before
in our culture.

* Cycle: Third of Primary

* During: 3 sessions  1 Hour
* Area: English Language
 Objectives:
 To publicize the celebration of Halloween
 Being able to use resources to achieve its goal

 What Happens?
 The first activity is to sing a song typical of the festival where
there will be grammar and vocabulary exercises.
 The second activity consists in writing a story invented by the
students in small groups.
 They have to explain it to the rest, with the opportunity to
create a small representation.
 Finally the teacher explains the origins of the festivity.

YouTube - Wubbzy Halloween Music Video

 Objectives:
 Encouraging creativity

 Giving a new use for materials already used

 What happens?
 The teacher will propose to the children create their own
costume from recycled materials which have brought.
 Style is a basic costume party with a garbage bag and a mask
that they made, so completely free.
 Also create the decoration of the classroom

 Finally the teacher explains that the reuse option is very

effective and important.
 Objectives:
 Lose the shame

 Enjoy learning

 What happens?
 First the students decorate the classroom with the material which
themselves have created.
 Second, every student will get dressed and the show will start.
This consists on a gateway wherevery kid show his own costume.
 Third: all together sing the first song and do the traditional "trikes or
treat“ of Halloween.
 To conclude they make a summary and discuss what they have seen,
sense,experimented and, if they have enjoyed or not.
The Didactic Unit has been an interesting but also a complex task.

 Why Complex?
 we found it a bit to fit the different ideas that emerged within
a single unit temporarily limited.
 The act of writing the unit and make the
presentation in English

 Why Interesting?
 we liked this set of activities that we could implement some of
the proposed systems in class 
 to evaluate ourselves among ourselves is a way of
learning and experiencing much of what we have created.
 A positive experience.

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