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BLACKENED SQUID       seafood

Rice Salad with Tomato
Coriander Dressing (GF,

squid squid-lemon juice-oregano-ginger-   Clean squid tubes and cut into rings. Marinate with remaining ingredients and grill.  
salt-pepper-paprika-jerk spice- Allow to cool after in blast chiller
gluten-free soy sauce

Rice Salad wild rice-HM sun dried tomatoes   Wash rice. Cook separately and toss with HM sundried tomatoes  

Tomato Coriander Dressing coriander-olive oil-pink salt-HM   Blend together Olive Oil and Coriander and add diced HM sun dried tomato season  
sundried tomato – Coriander Oil with pink salt

Garnish cherry tomatoes - coriander-   Garnish with Cherry Tomatoes cut into half and sprinkle with Coriander Oil as per  

HAKE & POTATO       Fish,

Lemon Chive Mayo (GF,

hake fish hake-butter-onions-mustards seed-   Melt butter in a tilting pan and add the hake, chopped onions -mustard seeds - cumin  
cumin-garlic-pink salt-red onions garlic chives - pink salt. and Simmer gently until the hake is cooked and Keep aside.
-chives- flake it gently into gastro tray with the remaining butter and keep it warm at the
service line

potato brandade baked potato-sour cream-salt-   bake the potatoes skin on, removed the center, crushed into mashed potato with sour  
pepper - chives cream, chives and season with salt and pepper.

Garnish chopped chives-lemon (homemade)   Mix mayonnaise with fresh lemon juice and lemon zest. Add plenty of chopped  
mayonnaise chives.

BUTTERNUT SQUASH       Dairy, gluten,

Amaretto Crumbs (V)

  Use current recipe. Bake almond      

biscotti and crumble as garnish
MAIN # 6
ROASTED HOKI       Fish, pork,
FILLET dairy, nuts
Pea Purée & Scallions,
Cherry Tomato Confit,
Bacon Cream Espuma

hoki hoki fillet 170G-salt-pepper-olive   Marinate Hoki with salt- pepper- olive oil- oregano and lemon juice.  
oil-oregano-lemon juice Roast in oven in batches as service requires at 180'C for 15 min with olive oil until
colored and very crispy
Scallion & tomato confit Olive oil –cherry tomatoes -   Cut scallions into sticks Sautee in olive oil with the cherry tomatoes until soft add  
scallion – garlic – Worcestershire finely chopped garlic Worcestershire sauce – lemon juice – chopped jives – chopped
sauce – lemon juice – brown parsley.
chicken jus – salt – chopped chive
– chopped parsley

Pea Puree sugar-vinegar-frozen peas-butter-   In a sauce pan heat butter and vinegar and sugar reduce – gastric, add peas and butter  
nutmeg-salt-pepper- season with pink salt and crush the peas to puree

Confit Cherry Tomatoes, cherry tomatoes-olive oil-sugar-   In a hot pan toss cherry tomatoes in oil season with Salt and Pepper, sugar if needed  

Bacon Cream Espuma smoked bacon-cream-salt pepper   Bring cream to boil, add bacon and simmer, strain and season  

garnish bread croutons- herb butter   Cut bread into croutons, toss with herb butter and bake in the over at 180 C for 20 min  
MAIN # 6

Couscous & Root Vegetables, garlic
Tabbouleh Salad with Italian
Chicken chicken breast-ras-el-hanout spice   In a bowl oil chicken and rub with spice mix and ginger/garlic paste. Grill and finish in the  
(Moroccan spice mix)- ginger and oven
garlic paste - oil
sauce saffron-onions-mustards seed-hm   Soak dried apricot and raisins- strain and slice apricots. In a sauce pan sauté onions,-  
sundried tomato-chicken stock- garlic,- ginger and mustard seeds in butter.
cardamom seed-black & green Add diced carrots and sweat. Top with chicken stock and simmer. Add saffron and
olives-dry apricots-raisins-butter- cardamom.
garlic-salt pepper-ginger-diced Simmer until carrots are soft textured and liquid volume is reduced fully. To finish add
carrots chopped black and green olives, hm sun dried tomato, apricots and raisins and season to

couscous couscous wheat-butter-water-salt-   In bowl add couscous wheat and cover with boiled water. Allow to absorb and cook  
pepper-mint keeping covered with cling film.
Remove cling film when done and season and with a fork loosen and mix through butter.
Finish with a chiffonade of mint.

Tabbouleh Salad with Italian tabbouleh-Italian parsley-tomato-   Dice tomato skin on,. Wash and chop coriander, mint and parsley. Ratio 50 % cous cous /  
Parsley mint-coriander-olive oil-lemon 50% tomato and herbs.
juice- salt-pepper Mix all together and finish with olive oil and fresh lemon juice.
garnish sour cream   Spoon a dollop of sour cream as garnish. Season to taste  
Served warm.
MAIN # 6

ITALIAN BEEF       Gluten,

Farfalle Pasta & Cream dairy, nuts,
Basil Pesto egg, red

Beef beef chuck-mince coarsely   Mince beef coarsely with Oregano and fresh Marjoram  
beef farce onion-garlic-oregano-marjoram-   Dice onions finely chop garlic and parsley and keep aside  
milk-white bread-whole eggs- Melt the butter in s pot , add diced onions, garlic and parsley, simmer until
ground beef-salt-pepper-melted golden brown and cool down. Dice the bread into cubes, soak into milk. Add all
butter, fennel powder and ingredients together and mix gently , season with salt, pepper and roasted
parmesan fennel powder and parmesan cheese. Cook them in the oven and keep them
warm aside.
Farfalle Pasta farfalle pasta al dente-parmesan-   Sauté the farfalle pasta in olive oil with the parmesan until the parmesan sticks  
HM sun dried tomato-olive oil- on the pasta only then add the hm sun dried tomato and chopped fresh basil .
fresh basil Seasoned with salt and pepper.
pesto basil-almond powder-olive oil-   Blend all ingredients. Take the pesto and add boiling cream to the pesto and mix.  
parmesan cheese-salt pepper Toss the Farfalle in a pan with Olive Oil and parmesan cheese and add the pesto
cream cream-boil   Bring cream to boil and add pesto paste.  
garnish grated parmesan   Garnish with grated parmesan  
MAIN # 6

BROCCOLI FLORET &       Chilli, dairy,

Onion Bhaji & Raisins,
Lime Mango Chutney,
Peanut Espuma (V)
broccoli florets broccoli florets-sugar-oil-cumin- In a pan saute broccoli in oil with cumin and chili. Caramelize with sugar  
Onion Bhajji & Raisins, chick pea flour-onions-raisins   Make onion and raisin bhaji by combine all ingredients and DFF  
soaked and strained-cumin-salt-
pepper-baking powder-turmeric

Lime Mango Chutney, lime juice-diced mango-onions-   Mix diced mango - diced onion and chopped green chili together. Toss with lime  
brown sugar-cloves-green chili- juice and sugar. Season to taste

Peanut Espuma roasted salted peanuts-pineapple   Bring cream to boil. Add peanuts and pineapple juice.  
juice-cream Reduce and blend.
barley water-barley-salt-pepper-onions-   Boil barley in water till cooked. Strain and keep aside.  
ginger-garlic-cumin-tomato- In a pan sauté diced onion- ginger- garlic and diced tomato in butter. Add cumin
butter and cook out. Add cooked barley and toss . Season

garnish roasted cashew   Toast cashews, keep whole and sprinkle as garnish
MAIN # 6


Wasabi, Green Pea and shellfish, egg,
Nori Sauce, Poached Egg nuts
& Smoked Duck Strips

kimchi Chinese cabbage-carrots-onions-   Shred the Chinese cabbage –carrots and onions.  
salt-chili-brown miso-gluten-free Boil soy sauce - fish sauce - sugar, brown miso, chili flakes, rice vinegar and salt
soy sauce-fish sauce-sugar-rice together until 65'C, blast chill.
vinegar Mix all together. Keep in a sealed container for 7 days to achieve fermentation.

fried rice long grain rice-garlic-onion-ginger-   Wash and cook rice. Strain, cool and keep aside. In sesame oil sauté onions – garlic  
soy sauce-sesame oil-sweet chili – capsicum - Chinese sausage and baby prawns.
sauce-green peas-red capsicum- Add smoked paprika. Add peas - snow peas - spring onion.
snow peas-spring onions-baby Fold cooked rice to colour, and flavour with soy sauce and sweet chilli.
prawns-Chinese sausage-egg Finish with spring onions and egg omelette
omelette-beans sprout-smoke

Wasabi Green Pea Nori green pea nori-mayonnaise- wasabi   Blend all ingredients together  

Poached Egg poached egg-water-salt-vinegar   Poach egg in salted water with vinegar  

Smoked Duck Strips smoked duck breast   Cut into julienne smoked duck and mixed into the fried rice  

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