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The WOSM and

BSP Structure

Boy Scouts of the Philippines

Basic Training Course
for Troop Leaders

Boy Scouts of the Philippines – Basic Training Course for Troop Leaders

The WOSM & BSP Structure

The World Organization of the Scout Movement is defined
as …..a voluntary, non-political, educational movement for
young people – open to all without distinction of origin,
race, or creed, in accordance with the purpose, principles
and method conceived by Lord Baden Powell….”
• 155 Member Scout Organizations
• 216 Countries & Territories

Boy Scout of the Philippines (BSP) is part & parcel of the WORLD
more than a hundred other National Scout Organizations are
also members.

Scouting is an educational movement for young people whose

purpose is to contribute to their full personal & social

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Three Main Bodies that Compose the WOSM
• The Conference is the "general assembly" of Scouting. It
is the governing organ of the World Organization and is
composed of all members. It meets every three years.
• Members of the World Organization are national Scout
organizations which have been recognized by the World
Scout Conference.

• Only one organization is recognized in each country. In

some countries there are national Federations which
include more than one Scout Association.

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Three Main Bodies that Compose the WOSM
Member organizations are represented at World Scout Conferences by
a maximum of six delegates. Observers authorized by their national
Scout organization are also eligible to register and attend.

The aim of the Conference is to promote the unity, integrity and

development of Scout Movement worldwide. This is achieved
through a structure and content designed to:

• Facilitate exchanges of ideas and information among members

• Formulate the general policy
• Consider reports and recommendations from the World Scout
• Committee and from member organizations
• Conduct the formal business of the World Organization - elections,
• Applications for membership, registration fees, amendments to the
Constitution and By-Laws, etc.

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Three Main Bodies that Compose the WOSM
– It is the “Board of Directors” of World
– Composed of 14 scouters from 14 different
countries, elected during the World Scout
Conference to foresee Scouting operations in
between Conferences.
– Those elected serve 6 years.
– It is the secretariat of World Scouting.
– Composed of professional staff that carries
out the instructions of the World Scout
Conference & World Scout Committee.
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World Scout Bureau is located in Geneva, Switzerland & has
offices in its 6 Scouting Regions:
- Makati City, Philippines
- Nairobi, Kenya; Dakar, Senegal,
Capetown, South Africa
ARAB Region
- Cairo, Egypt
- Santiago, Chile
- Yalta-Gurzuf, Ukraine & Moscow, Russia
- Geneva, Switzerland & Brussels, Belgium
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• World Scout Bureau helps each National
Scout Organizations improve & broaden
Scouting in their country by conducting
training courses, community development
activities, preparing publications &
assisting operations.

• It also serves as liaison between the world

Organization & other international bodies

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World Scout Bureau - Asia Pacific
Region operates through registration
fees paid by member Scout
Organizations, contributions & grant
provided by agencies, corporations &
individuals, including support from
the World Scout Foundation.

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The WOSM & BSP Structure
sends delegates to attend the
“the General Assembly of National Scouting”
which discusses matters participating to World
Scouting & elects twelve members to the
“the Board of Directors of World Scouting”
Decides on Scouting matters between Conferences
It also supervises the Operation of the
“the Secretariat of World Scouting”
It’s main office is in Geneva, Switzerland
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Basic Training Course for Troop Leaders – The WOSM & BSP Structure

The World Organization of Scout Movement

NSO NSO NSO NSO NSO 155 Member National
Scout Organizations
Jamborees / Youth Forums / Rover Moots
Training Courses / Conferences / Seminars Workshops
Community Development Projects / Symposia

Highest Policy WORLD SCOUT CONFERENCE To Make Policy

Making Body


To Direct / Supervise
Asia Pacific Region Inter-America Region To Implement
Offices Africa Region Arab Region Coordinate &
Eurasia Region Europe Region Follow-up

Jamborees / Youth Forums / Rover Moots

Training Courses / Conferences / Seminars Workshops
Community Development Projects / Symposia


The Birth & Development of the BSP
Pioneering Years…
In February 1910, US publisher William Dickinson
Boyce (1858-1929) filled papers to incorporate the Boy
Scouts of America.

Shortly after, noble men came forward and offered

their efforts and resources to organize Boy Scout
troops in the Philippines which were then a US

In fact, the first edition of the Handbook for Boys of

the Boy Scouts of America, which was published in
1911, carried the full copy of a letter written by
Theodore Roosevelt addressed to BSA Executive
Secretary. In the letter, Roosevelt praised “boy scouts
of the Philippines” who performed service work during
a fire which hit Manila.

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The Birth & Development of the BSP
Pioneering Years…
To be correct, the history of Scouting in the
Philippines must go back to the beginning of the American
occupation of the islands, which makes it one of the oldest
in the world. The movement reached the United States
with the formal incorporation of the Boy Scouts of America
in 1910.

There are accounts that say that the Americans took steps
to bring Scouting to the Philippines incident to the
colonization of the country after 1910 and that, in fact,
there were Boy Scout units in Manila by 1912.

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The Birth & Development of the BSP
Pioneering Years…
The book written by Charles Oursler
entitled “The Boy Scout Story” was published in
1955, quoted the BSA Executive Secretary, Dr.
James E. West, was announcing the formation of
troops not only in continental United States "but
also in Puerto Rico, Honolulu, and Manila." Dr.
West ran the BSA for 32 years from 1911 to 1943.

These statements, while sketchy, were confirmed by

disclosures across the Atlantic by Lord Robert Baden-Powell
himself. He wrote an article in the July 27, 1912 issue of
"The Scout," a publication of the British Scout Association,
about a trip he made to the Philippines in the summer of
that year.
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The Birth & Development of the BSP
The First Filipino Troop…
The earliest documentation on
Scouting in the Philippines was the formation
of an all-Muslim troop in Zamboanga on
November 15, 1914. The story is
documented not only in pictures but also with
the testimony of two surviving members of
the troop in 1973. It was the early years of
the American occupation. The initiative came
from Mrs. Caroline S. Spencer, an American
who was in the Philippines to do works of
charity with the natives of Sulu. Assigned to
arrange for her transportation and to
accompany her during her trips to various
islands in the archipelago was 2nd Lt.
Sherman L. Kiser.
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The Birth & Development of the BSP

2nd LT. SHERMAN L. KISER First All-Filipino Troop,

November 15, 1914

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The Birth & Development of the BSP
Other Filipino Troops…
There are other accounts that
mention the formation of Scout
Troops elsewhere in the country,
including Corregidor and Bataan
where Lt. Kiser assigned later after
Zamboanga. Another is the account
of a troop that was formed in Boac,
Marinduque by 16-year old Celso
Mirafuente in 1922 on the basis of a
BSA handbook and clippings of Boys
Life magazine that came into his

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The Birth & Development of the BSP
An Initiative…
It all began in December 7,
1922, when the Rotary Club of
Manila wrote to the BSA in New
York expressing a desire to see
"the organization and program of
Scouting in active operation in
the Philippine Islands," and
requesting for a BSA field
department official to be sent here
for the purpose of establishing a
National Council.
Letter of the Rotary Club of Manila
to the BSA,
dated December 2, 1922

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The Birth & Development of the BSP
An Initiative…
In anticipation of the funding requirements of
the project, the Rotary Club of Manila conducted a
fund drive involving the other Scouting advocates
like the:

Knights of Columbus
The Masons
The Elks
The Filipino Chinese Chamber of Commerce
The U.S. Army
The Catholic & Protestant Churches and
The American Legion, among others.
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The Birth & Development of the BSP
From Manila Council to Philippine Council, BSA
On October 5, 1923, at the invitation of the
Rotary Club of Manila, they formally organized what they
initially called the Manila Council of the BSA. There were
21 charter members who constituted the executive board
of the council.
In November 1923, the Rotary Club advised the
BSA headquarters that the Council had been organized,
and on December 27, 1923 the BSA Deputy Scout
Executive, Dr. George J. Fisher, cabled the favorable
endorsement of the BSA headquarters. The Council was
chartered as a first class Council and its jurisdiction was
made national instead of merely for Manila as originally
applied for.
• From 1923 to 1935 membership climbed to 25,655 which leads to adoption of BSA
Scouting Program. The Cub, Sea and Rover Scouting.
• Philippine Council – BSA was established through the help of BSA Field Commissioner
Samuel Stagg

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The Birth & Development of the BSP
Commonwealth President
Manuel L. Quezon is greeted by
Scouts upon his Arrival in the

President Manuel L. Quezon, shown

talking to Scouts, was responsible
in chartering the BSP as an
independent National Scout

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The Birth & Development of the BSP
• On October 31, 1936 after the collaborative
efforts of the first member of The Philippine
Council, BSA to draft the bill creating the BSP.
• The bill was sponsored by Assemblyman Tomas Confessor of

• The bill was passed and signed into Law by Pres. Manuel L.
Quezon as Commonwealth Act No. 111 creating the “Boy
Scouts of the Philippines as a public corporation which tasked
to promote the ability of boys to do things for themselves and
others, to train in Scoutcraft, patriotism, courage, self-
reliance and kindred virtues using the methods which are
common use by Boy Scout”.

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The Birth & Development of the BSP
The 7 Charter Members /
Founders and Incorporators
John Emile H. Stevenot
Gabriel A. Daza
Manuel R. Camus
Carlos P. Romulo
Jorge B. Vargas
Vicente P. Lim
Arsenio N. Luz

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The Birth & Development of the BSP


Exequiel Villacorta,
who trained in the US
National Taining
School, became Chief
Scout Executive.



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1940 - 46
Three years after its formal
establishment, the Boy Scouts of the
Philippines was put to test. When the
USA accelerated the buildup of
defenses in the Philippines to prepare
for impending attack from Japan, the
BSP accordingly set up and began
implementing an Emergency Service

When the Pacific War broke out

with the Japanese attack on Pearl
Harbor in 1941, there were Boy
Scouts and Scouters who were
prepared to handle emergencies.

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When the Japanese forces occupied
Manila in January 1942, the Japanese
Imperial Army ordered the
discontinuance of all Scouting
activities including the use of the Scout
Uniform. By their own volition, Boy
Scouts stopped wearing the Uniform
since it was dangerous to be mistaken
for soldiers in Khaki.

However, though out of uniform many of them served creditably in the

critical days of the war. Boy Scouts helped Red Cross volunteers in
administering first aid and in putting out fires.
Many other served as orderlies, couriers, and in other volunteer jobs where
they could be useful. Those qualified joined the underground and some of
them perished in the line of duty. Stories of heroism during the war.

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The BSP after the WAR
After the war, Scouts played an important role in the rehabilitation and
reconstruction work that was carried out by the government. Scouts stayed in
evacuation and relief centers until after everybody had been settled.
It was also during this period of rehabilitation that the Boy Scouts of the Philippines
was admitted as a member of the International Scout Conference, now called the
World Organization of the Scout Movement, in 1946.
A year later, while recovering from the ravages of war, the BSP sent a delegation of
28 Scout and Scouters to the Sixth World Jamboree in Moisson, France. This was the
first time that the BSP sent a delegation as an Independent organization.

1947. The Philippine Contingent to

the 6th World Scout Jamboree at a
party tendered in their honor by the
Filipino Community in San Francisco
California, U.S.A. on October 2, 1947

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Membership grew by leaps and bounds, a
clear manifestation that the BSP, once again
regained footing. The first BSP National
Jamboree was held in BALARA, QUEZON
CITY on 23 – 30 April 1954,

Scouts hold each others’ hands as

they form the “Brotherhood Chain”
at the close of the 1st BSP National
Jamboree on April 30, 1954

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Lord Rowllan, Chief Scout of the Scout Association
(Britain), displays the Filipino flag which was presented to
him by BSP President and Chief Scout Jorge B. Vargas
during the closing ceremonies of the 10th World Jamboree
at Mt. Makiling, Laguna.

Scouts execute the Scout sign as the Jamboree flag is being

lowered marking the close of the 10th World Jamboree held
at Mt. Makiling, Los Banos, Laguna on July 17 – 26, 1959

…In 1959 the Philippines hosted the 10 th WORLD JAMBOREE held at the foothills of
Mount Makiling in the province of Laguna.
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The BSP during the early years…
The BSP delegation to the 11the World Jamboree in Marathon, Greece

A tragedy met the Philippine

delegation when their plain
crash into the sea off the
coast of Bombay in India.
The tragedy grieved the
whole country and the
entire Scouting world. At
the Plains of Marathon in
Greece, the Jamboree
opened as scheduled on
Thursday, August 1 but with
all the flags flown at half
mast in the traditional
gesture of mourning.

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1973. 50th Golden Jubilee Jamboree of the Phil.
and 1st Asia Pacific Regional Jamboree at Mt.
Makiling, Los Banos

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The BSP during the early years…

1ST National Jamboree 10Th World Jamboree 2nd National Jamboree 3rd National Jamboree

Mt. Makiling, Los Banos Pasonangca, Capitol Hills Scout

Zamboanga City Camp, Cebu City
Balara, Quezon City July 17-26, 1959 June 12 – 19, 1965
April 23-30, 1954 May 2 – 8, 1961

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The BSP during the early years…

4th National Jamboree 5th National Jamboree 6th National Jamboree 7th National
Palayan City, Nueva Mt. Makiling, Los Jamboree
Isabela, Cebu & Davao
Ecija May 10-18, Banos, Laguna Dec. Dec. 27, 77-Jan. 30, Camarines Sur,
1969 28, 1973 – Jan. 4, 74 Dec. 28, 77 – Jan. Cebu City, & North
1974 4, 78 Dec. 29. 77 – Jan. Cotabato
4, 78

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The BSP during the early years…

8th National Jamboree 9th National Jamboree 10th National Jamboree 1ST ASEAN JAMBOREE
Baguio, Iloilo & Zamboanga
Mt. Makiling, Los Banos, Surigao City Mt. Makiling, Los Banos,
Laguna April 22-28, Laguna

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The Birth & Development of the BSP
• In 1941 the War broke out in the pacific which ceased the
operations of the BSP. Its functions officially resumed
after rehabilitation on February 24, 1945.
During the years of the Martial Law, the Commonwealth Act No.111
ceased to operate. Instead, President Ferdinand E. Marcos issued
Presidential Decree No. 460 in 1974 which removes the democratic
form of leadership in the movement.

In March 24, 1992, the new law governing the administration of the
BSP was signed by President Corazon C. Aquino, which restores the
voluntary and democratic nature of the organization known as
Republic Act 7278.

1992 - Present

1937 - 1945 1946 - 1977 1978 - 1991

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The Boy Scouts of the Philippines
The Boy Scout of the Philippines is defined as
…..a voluntary, non-political, educational
movement for young people – open to all without
distinction of origin, race, or creed, in accordance
with the purpose, principles and method conceived
by Lord Baden Powell….”
• 10 Operational Scouting Regions
• 107 Local Councils Nationwide
• 9,699 Sponsoring Institutions
• 1,970,688 Members Nationwide
- as of June 2006 (MIS - Field Services Division, National Fact
Sheet, Boy Scouts of the Philippine, National Office, Manila)

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Basic Training Course for Troop Leaders
The WOSM & BSP Structure

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The Boy Scouts of the Philippines
To be the leading provider of progressive
outdoor-based non-formal education
committed to develop morally straight,
disciplined concerned, self-reliant in the
best tradition of World Scouting

• To inculcate in our Scouts and Scouters love of
God, country and fellowmen.
• To prepare the youth for responsible leadership.
• To contribute to nation-building according to the
ideals, principles and program of Scouting.

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The Birth & Development of the BSP
10 Operational Regions of the BSP
1.Ilocos Region
2.North Eastern Luzon Region
3.Central Luzon Region
4.National Capital Region
5.Southern Tagalog Region
6.Bicol Region
7.Eastern Visayas Region
8.Western Visayas Region
9.Eastern Mindanao Region
10. Western Mindanao Region

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Boy Scouts of the Philippines – Basic Training Course for Troop Leaders
The BSP National, Regional & Local KEY – 3 Officials





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Basic Training Course for Troop Leaders – The WOSM & BSP Structure
The Boy Scouts of the Philippines – National Office

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Boy Scouts of the Philippines – Basic Training Course for Troop Leaders

The BSP Double Track Plan

• Deliver the Youth Program
effectively and efficiently.
• To provide guidelines and
parameters on the
responsibilities of the
Program and Admin. people
as manage by the
Professional Scouters

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Partnership between the BSP and various
Sponsoring Institutions, (GOs, NGOs,
LGUs, POs, Civic, Religious, Academe,
Professionals, Charitable, Business and
alike) in which the Scout Units were
organize and operates. These are the
channels that carry out the Program of
the BSP.

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Boy Scouts of the Philippines BTC-TL – The WOSM & BSP Structure es/yfs/wbh/cml/tobs2000
Boy Scouts of the Philippines BTC-TL – The WOSM & BSP Structure es/yfs/wbh/cml/tobs2000
Boy Scouts of the Philippines BTC-TL – The WOSM & BSP Structure es/yfs/wbh/cml/tobs2000
Boy Scouts of the Philippines BTC-TL – The WOSM & BSP Structure es/yfs/wbh/cml/tobs2000
The WOSM & BSP Structure
Quiz on the WOSM & BSP Structure
What are the six Regions that WOSM depends to implement, coordinate and
follow-up its Member Scout Organizations?
1. _________________________ 4. ___________________________
2. _________________________ 5. ___________________________
3. _________________________ 6. ___________________________

Who are the seven (7) Founders of the BSP?

1. __________________________ 5. ___________________________
2. __________________________ 6. ___________________________
3. __________________________ 7. ___________________________
4. __________________________

Enumerate the ten (10) BSP Operational Regions

1. __________________________ 6. ___________________________
2. _________________________ 7. ___________________________
3. _________________________ 8. ___________________________
4. _________________________ 9. ___________________________
5. _________________________ 10. __________________________

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The WOSM & BSP Structure
Quiz on the WOSM & BSP Structure
Answer TRUE or FALSE
1. The World Scout Conference is the “General Assembly” of Scouting
composed of elected member Scout organization?
2. The World Scout Conference meets every 4 years?
3. First Muslim Troop in Zamboanga was formed in 19 14?
4. The Commonwealth Act No. III, was signed into Law by then President
Manuel L. Quezon on December 27, 1923?
5. The “Double Track Plan” divides the Scouters into two distinct responsibility
groups, the Administration and the Program

Fill in the Blank

1. The name of the 1st Muslim Troop in Zamboanga?
2. The Scoutmaster of the 1st Muslim Troop in Zamboanga?
3. The assemblyman who sponsored the bill creating the BSP?
4. When was the BSP bill signed into Law?
5. The organization who formally requested the creation of the
Philippine Council, BSP?

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The WOSM & BSP Structure
ANSWER KEY - Quiz on the WOSM & BSP Structure
Six (6) Geographical Regions of the WOSM
1. Europe Region 4. Asia-Pacific Region
Fill in the Blank
2. Arab Region 5. Eurasia Region
1. Lorillard-Spencer Troop
3. Inter-America Region 6. Africa Region
2. Lt. Sherman Kisher
3. Rep. Tomas Confessor
7 Founders / Charter Members of the BSP
4. October 31, 1936
1. John Emile H. Stevenot 5. Gabriel A. Daza
5. Rotary Club of Manila
2. Manuel R. Camus 6. Carlos P. Romulo
3. Jorge B. Vargas 7. Vicente P. Lim
4. Arsenio N. Luz
True or False
10 Operational Regions of the BSP 1. True
1. Ilocos Region 6. Bicol Region 2. False
2. North Eastern Luzon Region 7. Eastern Visayas Region 3. True
3. Central Luzon Region 8. Western Visayas Region 4. False
4. National Capital Region 9. Eastern Mindanao Region 5. True
5. Southern Tagalog Region 10. Western Mindanao Region

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Boy Scouts of the Philippines - National Capital Region

Basic Training Course for Troop Leaders

Training Presentation Material


Internal Vice Chairman – Ten Outstanding Boy Scouts of the Philippines Association
Board Member – Eagle Scout Association of the Philippines, Luzon II
Member – National Training Team, BSP

Boy Scouts of the Philippines

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