Ballroom Group 7

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Group 7

History of Ballroom

 Ballroom dancing was a product of that time, and

it signified the tradition of social dancing of the
privileged. It name was derived from the word
ball, which originated from the Latin word
“ballare” which means “to dance”. After a while,
boundaries between high classes and lower
classes disappeared, transforming the ballrooms
across Europe into places where both folk dances
and sophisticated dances can be performed.
Common Dance Term in Ballroom
Proper Posture for Ballroom
 1. Identify Bad Posture: Take a moment to close your eyes and focus on your breath. Feel where your body holds on to
tension. Maybe it’s in your neck, shoulders, back, lower back, etc. Take a look at our blog post focused on bad posture.
You can use the pictures to help you identify problem areas.

2. Identify Good Posture: Roll your shoulders back and allow your shoulder blades to drop down away from your ears.
Ensure that your head is floating above your torso, and that the pelvis is not tilted forward or backward. Your weight
should be evenly distributed between your heels and the balls of the feet. The spine has a natural S-curve which allows us
to balance when standing upright. Avoid exaggerating the spinal curves or trying to straighten them out completely.

3. Strengthen Weak Areas: Strengthening the muscles along the upper back and shoulders can improve a hunched
posture. This website has great ideas for exercises to strengthen these muscles and create the  “muscle memory” of good

4. Remember Your Posture! It’s easy to forget good posture, and often times we don’t even realize how we are sitting or
standing. Here are some tips to help you remember:
 Set a reminder alarm on your phone to think about your posture. It might be twice a day, or on the hour, or every half hour.
 Designate a specific time to focus on posture. It could be your commute to work, while cooking dinner, or during a commercial break on
television. Thinking about posture for even a short time every day can be extremely useful.
 Wear clothing which accentuates good posture. Start the day off with a well pressed shirt and see how long you can go without wrinkling it
by slouching.
 5. Alleviate Stress: Our lives are filled with large amounts of stress, which can manifest physically in our bodies as tension,
aches, and poor posture. This article has great information about how stress affects our breath and posture. Practicing
yoga or doing breath exercises can help reduce stress and prevent bad posture.
Reminders on Ballroom
 1. Don’t stress yourself or your partner! You’ve done everything you can to prepare. Have fun at the event. Enjoy dancing!

2. 30 minutes before your heat means 30 minutes before your heat. Don’t make the MC call your name out on the
loudspeaker looking for you. Teacher, I’m talking to you mainly!

3. Make sure you have bananas and chocolate to keep you going all day!

4. Make friends with your deck captain. They can make your day run very smoothly!

5. Deodorant! It does more than just keep the smell away. It can help sensitive areas or areas prone to rubbing (thighs and
fishnets, your chest and shirt, maybe your shoes?) It is a lifesaver!

6. Keep your accessories to yourself. Make sure your eyelashes are glued on, earrings are secure, ties are clipped down, etc.
We want everything to stay on you when you dance.

7. Hairspray! Keep that hair stiff! Don’t let it move!

8. Don’t drink too much water before and after your heats. Keep consistent hydration. This will help keep you energized as
well as save you from too many bathroom trips!

9. Just in case the unfortunate pulled muscle occurs, bring some Tiger Balm. It will be an instant relief.

10. Judges hate to see that number flapping all around. Make sure you secure it and that it won’t pull and tear.
Ballroom Routine’s
Group 7
Jun Saldivar
John Tuazon
John Sagun
CJ Rull
Robert Vanguardia
Diego Ulep
Andrei Veran
John Villarosa
Francis Reyes
Tytan Saquian
Enrik Reyes

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