Chapter14 Project Management Part 2

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Part 2

Cambridge International A Level

14.06 Disaster recovery
● Sometimes disasters occur, such as a power cut, flood, fire, theft of
data, malware, corruption of data, loss of network admin password
or loss of the network manager.
● When this happens it is necessary to recover from the disaster.
● A disaster recovery plan (DRP) is needed for such events so that
recovery can be completed as quickly and effectively as possible,
minimising disruption to the organisation.


○ power cut
● Risk fire
○ assessment involves identifying the potential risks to an organisation, analysing the
○ flood impact to the organisation and the likelihood of each risk occurring.
○ denial of access to
● This is often carried out alongside a systematic process known as business impact
analysis (BIA), which quantifies the impact of a disaster in terms of financial and
○ malware
nonfinancial costs.
○ unauthorised access to data
● A risk assessment
○ theft of data will identify a number of potential hazards including:
○ corruption of data 3
○ loss of key personnel
● Some of these risks involve people who could deliberately cause problems. These
people are known as perpetrators.
● Each risk will then be quantified in terms of its likelihood on a scale from 0.0 to 1.0.
where 0.0 represents it never happening to 1.0 which represents it as being almost
● Within an organisation, there will be a number of business activities that are carried
out. Each business activity will need to be identified.
● The impact of that business activity not being able to take place then needs to be
● The impact for each activity not being able to take place will be measured on a scale
from 0.0 to I .0 where 0.0 means that there is no impact to 1.0 meaning that the impact
is absolutely critical to the aims of the
● loss of revenue
● damage to organisations image
● penalty fees
● cost of recovery
● effect on other business activities.Impacts could include:

From this analysis, activities can be categorised. for example:

● activities which must continue
● activities which could be scaled down
● activities which could be suspended.

● Analysis of the impacts should also cover how the impact changes over different
time periods, for example in the first hour. 24 hours, 48 hours. week etc.
● The overall risk to an organisation of each potential disaster/risk can now be
quantified by multiplying the likelihood by the impact:
Risk = Likelihood x Impact
● This will now show which risks are the most important to guard against and ensure
that recovery plans are robust.
● This can be done for each risk, for each business activity or for a combination of each.


Securing the
● Once the risks have been identified and prioritised, measures need to be put into
place to protect against those risks.
● Most of these measures includes access rights and passwords, biometric
methods, firewalls, backups, encryption, malware security and physical security
● One of the risks that hasn't been discussed previously is the potential to lose key
personnel. If a person leaves, is suddenly ill, dies or has to be dismissed, then the
organisation loses all of that person's knowledge which has not been documented.
● It is therefore important to guard against personnel loss by requiring key personnel to
document procedures that they follow. It's also wise to have at least two people who
know the main system administration password or to have a copy of it written down in
a sealed envelope in a safe that has limited access.
Procedures need to be put into place to plan for recovery after a disaster has occurred.
This can include planning for:

● restoration of backups
● replacement of hardware
● reinstallation of software
● emergency replacement of key personnel
● emergency office accommodation.

When planning for these situations, any resources in terms of personnel, technology, data,
supplies and premises that are required to recover from the disaster must be identified
and planned for.
● The recovery point objective (RPO) must also be identified. The RPO is the point in
time prior to the disruption to which data must be recovered.
● It is important to plan how long each recovery process will take. There will be some
parts of recovery where the time is fixed, but other parts where if more resources are
allocated then the recovery can be quicker. When planning for the recovery time, two
key measurements should be considered:
○ maximum tolerable downtime (MTD): this is the maximum time that each business
activity could tolerate not having access to their essential system functionality
○ recovery time objective (RIO): this is the estimated maximum amount of time that
the organisation or business activity has in which to recover its systems and

resume operations. 10
● Plans are important, and a plan is better than no plan, but plans don't always work. It
is therefore important to test disaster recovery plans.
● This is particularly applicable to restoring data and systems.
● Backed up data should be tested daily to ensure that the backup process
has succeeded and that the backup data is accessible.
● Full system restorations should be tested periodically by attempting to restore
whole server backups onto a clean server and testing their success.

● A prototype is a "mock-up' of a software solution in a primitive form.
● It is used during the design stage to demonstrate how a system will look and work. It
is usually focused on the user interface, rather than any data structures.
● It is used so that the client can get a feel for the new system before it is developed
and can provide feedback that can then be acted upon.
● The client is also able to compare the prototype against the requirements
● The client also has an opportunity to explain their requirements more clearly
having seen the designer's interpretation.
Types of
Evolutionary/incremental prototyping

This type of prototyping takes an iterative

approach in that requirements are specified, an
initial prototype is developed, the prototype is
reviewed and then requirements are clarified
and the prototype is improved based on

Types of
Evolutionary/incremental prototyping
● Each prototype will be build upon the previous one and include more
functionality until a final product is built.
● At each stage, only clearly understood requirements are developed.
● Each prototype can be functional and if required can be used by the client until
the next evolution of the prototype is ready.
● This means that the end users may request enhanced or new features that they
discover they require as the prototypes are being developed, features they
wouldn't have envisaged at the initial requirements specification stage.
Types of
Throwaway/rapid prototyping
● With throwaway prototyping, also known
as rapid prototyping, the prototype will
never become part of the final delivered
software, but will be discarded.
● A loosely working model is created
following a short investigation, with the aim
being to get something tangible to the
client as soon as possible for feedback as
to how well the requirements are being
met. 16
Advantagesand disadvantages of

Methods of software
Rapid application development
● Rapid application development (RAD) uses prototyping to develop a system in a
very short time frame, usually less than six months. Instead of following a
traditional requirement gathering approach, requirements are gathered through
focus groups.
● Users are key players in the prototyping stage and provide feedback for
● This type of user involvement is known as joint application development (JAD)
because the user is jointly involved with the developer in the development of
the system.
● Less time is spent on planning and design and more emphasis is put on
Methods of software
Rapid elopme
application nt

● Strict deadlines are allocated throughout the development of the system to ensure that the
product is developed and finished on time by allocating time boxes to the development of
each requirement.

● This requires understanding from the user that, if requirements are too complex, then they
must be simplified or removed from the project.

● The RAD approach will also try to reuse any modules of software that already exist and are
available. rather than always developing from scratch. Software application frameworks can
be used to develop the solution whereby a complex graphical user interface can be created
using drag and drop functionality. This enables users to be involved in the actual design of
the interface as part of the JAD approach and they can see the interface taking shape in
real time. 19
Methods of software
Rapid application development

● The waterfall method involves gathering all

the user requirements at the beginning of
the project.

● There will be considerable communication

with the user at this stage in order to elicit
the requirements of the potential solution.

● When the requirements are defined, the

process runs 'downhill' like a waterfall.
Methods of software
Rapid application development
● During the design stage, the interface and the structure of the system will be
● During implementation, often referred to as development, the system will be
developed, which often involves programming.
● The purpose of the verification phase is to ensure that the project meets the
customer's requirements.
● The system will then be used and during its use there may be problems that are
discovered that need to be corrected or other changes that need to be made. This
is known as maintenance.
Advantagesand disadvantages of

Advantagesand disadvantages of

14.08 Computer-aided design and
● Computer-aided design (CAD) involves the use
of computers to design physical products.
● Computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) involves
the use of computers to manufacture physical
● CAD/CAM applications involve the use of
computers to design the physical products
and then the application uses the design to
manufacture the physical product to match
the exact design. 24
14.08 Computer-aided design and
● CAD uses vector graphics to create objects in two
dimensions (2D) or three dimensions (3D).
● Due to the manufacturing nature of CAD, it is
common to use 3D tools. A plan view is often used
in 2D and the CAD software will render a 3D view,
which can be viewed from any angle and zoomed
in or out.
● Objects can be stretched, resized and moved and
properties such as material and colour can be
14.08 Computer-aided design and
CAD/CAM applications include:
● Landscaping

● Vehicle manufacturing

● Textile production

● Carpentry

● Manufacturing of components

● Printed circuit board

Benefits and drawbacks of


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