UCSP - Module 1C - Political Science

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Culture Society
and Politics
Module 1C- Political Science
 Discuss the nature, goals and perspective in/of Political
Explain the meaning of Political Science
Develop critical understanding about the nature of
political science
Understand the goals and perspectives of Political
Political Science is a social science discipline that deals with the
systematic study of the state, nation, government and politics, and
government policies. It is extensively concerned with the theory and
practice of politics, analysis of the political systems, political behavior
and political culture.

Aristotle, the father of Political Science defined it as the study of the

state, as it closely related to the word ”Politics” which is derived from
Greek word “Polis” meaning City-state.
Nature and Scope of Sociology
As a science dealing with human behavior, Political science is
interdisciplinary in nature and is intertwined with other social sciences.
Thus, it has established interdependence with other social sciences,
like its intersection with Anthropology and Sociology.

Political Science Sociology

Nature and Scope of Political Science
• The nature of Political Science as a social science is concerned with
the relationship and interaction between humans and the society.
• It is a dynamic social science discipline as it covers the study of
wide variety of things.
• It does not only include the study of the government and the state
but also the role of individuals and their participation and
contribution to the performance of the state‘s functions.
Political science scope may imply the depth and the extent it covers. Its scope
may vary but it can be classified into four areas.

Political Theory deals with the entire body Political Institutions is concerned with the
of doctrines relating to origin, form, behavior study of formal political institutions such as
and purpose of the state the state instrument through which it runs the
Political Dynamics refers to the forces and International Relations is an area of
process at work in government and politics. political study concerned with the interaction
They influence and explain political action. of independent states.
Political Science Goals
Improve and protect the quality of life within
a group, community, state, country or the
Develop understanding of institutions/
practices that constitute public life
Discover the principles that should be
adhered to in public affairs
Political Science Goals
Seek resolution to pressing situations
 Reveal underlying political events and
Construct general principles about the way
the world of politics works
Promote citizenship
Political Science Perspective
• The main focus of Political science is Politics.
• Politics is the existence of rules or authority within
the state.
• It refers to the use of power to determine who will
rule and whose values predominate.
• It is how to acquire/achieve power by any form or
means, how to share and use it in the realm of
Political Science Perspective
• The main focus of Political science is Politics.
• Politics is the existence of rules or authority within
the state.
• It refers to the use of power to determine who will
rule and whose values predominate.
• It is how to acquire/achieve power by any form or
means, how to share and use it in the realm of
Applied Sociology
Politics is considered the heart of all collective
social activity, formal and informal, public and
private, in all human groups, institutions and
It is present in every level of social interaction.
Politics is in essence “power”,
It’s the ability to have others to get things done
accordingly whether they like it or not, through
various means like influence authority
coercion and other force and intimidation. It
results to sanctions for those who will not
Types of Power

Legitimate power is the power of an

individual he holds relative to the formal
position or office held in the
organizational hierarchy.
Types of Power

Referent power is the ability of

individuals to gain the loyalty,
admiration and respect of others.
Types of Power

Expert power is the power

possess by an individual due his
skills and expertise that others in
the organization do not possess.
Types of Power

Reward power is translated into

rewarding individuals for compliance or
to influence good behavior.
Types of Power
Coercive power is done through the use of
force through threat or punishment or not
abiding or complying with the orders
Guide Questions:
1. What is sociology?
2. Why is understanding of sociology
3. Describe the characteristics of the group
where you belong (example church choir, dance
troop, glee club, etc.)
Symbolic Functionalism Conflict Theory
This view use symbols and
face-to-face interaction; it
generalizes about fundamental
or everyday forms of social
According to this theory, each
aspect of society is
interdependent and
contributes to society's
functioning as a whole.
Conflict theory
Views that there is competition for scarce
resources; how the elitecontrol the poor and
the weak. Conflict or tension between
competing groups enables one to better
comprehend social behaviour.
Understanding culture, society, and
politics by Lanuza and Raymundo
pages 166-179

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