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Statistics and Pollution

The aim of this presentation:

• To examine the problems faced by citizens, by a survey
• To use the results for forming a frequency table
• To observe the results in order to find out a solution.
 Statistics.  Clean water (Q.2)
 Our problem statement.  Land pollution on the way (Q.3)
 Pollution.  Bad polluted air (Q.4)
 Conditions in Rawalpindi.  Satisfaction of air (Q.5)
 The effects of pollution on citizens.  Taking care (Q.6)
 The survey.
 Frequency table for all the questions.
 Results on MS EXCEL
 Graph for results
 Conclusion.
 Negative effect of pollution (Q.1)
 Thanks!
What are statistics?
Statistics is a branch of mathematics dealing with data collection,
organization, analysis, interpretation and presentation.
The main objective of collecting statistics is collecting data so that
further interpretations can be made.
Today we will be showing you some data that we collected based on
our problem statement.
Our Problem Statement!
Our problem statement for the collection of data was,
“The negative effect of pollution on the citizens of Rawalpindi.”
We asked various teachers about how pollution in Rawalpindi effected
them and their children in terms of health and carrying out important
daily life activities.

The results of our survey will be discussed later but first…

What is this phenomena
known as Pollution?
Lets learn about pollution!
Pollution is the presence in the environment of a substance which has
harmful or poisonous effects.
It effects our daily lives and we as Rawalpindi’s citizens face a lot of
troubles because of it.
Pollution in Rawalpindi!
Rawalpindi is home to steel rolling mills, leather tanning facilities,
marble factories and oil refineries. All of these industries can, under
certain conditions, negatively impact air quality. Also the
surroundings around us are contaminated with land pollution due to
the carelessness of the people. Also the water is mostly not fresh. To
know more about this, we mustn't rely on the internet but should find
out from the citizens themselves. And that is exactly what the
Gryffinclaws will be doing today!
Effects of pollution on the
 High levels of air pollution can cause an increased risk
of heart attack, wheezing, coughing, and breathing
problems, and irritation of the eyes, nose, and throat.
 By far the biggest consequence of water pollution is the
death of aquatic creatures, which can disrupt the
entire food chain. And also the shortage of clean
drinking water, without which we cannot survive.
 Land and soil pollution has substantial consequences for
humans, animals, microorganisms and aquatic life.
Contaminated land and soil can cause various problems
on the skin, respiratory problems, and even different
kinds of cancers.
The survey; our
We have involved 20 teachers
in our survey. Each of them
have given the opinion in the
form of Yes or No.
 For all our questions, we
have chosen to select the
answers that say “YES!” in
order to put them in
tabular forms and the
frequency table in the
end; the frequencies of all
the table will be “teachers
who said yes”.
l ts on
Question 1 of the
Q.1: Is your daily life negatively effected by pollution?
The teachers were asked if their lives were effected by the negative
aspects of pollution.
The results of this question were:
18 teachers said Yes!
2 teachers said No!
The tabular form of the
answers of Question 1:
X (Question) Frequency (teachers)

1 18

This tells us that 18 teachers said that their lives were

negatively effected by pollution and that they were
unable to or held back by pollution in carrying out daily
life activities.
Question 2 of the
Q.2: Do you receive clean water in your home?
The teachers were asked if they had a sufficient supply of water that
was efficient enough for drinking in their homes.
The results of this question were:
15 teachers said Yes!
5 teachers said No!
The tabular form of the
answers of Question 2:
X (Question) Frequency (teachers)

2 15

This tells us that 15 teachers said that their

homes had an efficient supply of drinking water.
Question 3 of the
Q.3: Do you see a lot of land pollution on your way to school?
We asked the teachers if their way to school was covered and
polluted with garbage and dumps, as this is a very significant and
sensitive topic.
The results of this question were:
18 teachers said Yes!
2 teachers said No!
The tabular form of the
answers of Question 3:
X (Question) Frequency (teachers)

3 18

This tells us that 18 teachers said that they were

disturbed by the amount of pollution that they
witnessed on their way to school. They also said
that this made the place not environmental friendly.
Question 4 of the
Q.4: Have you been effected by diseases due to bad polluted air?
We asked the teachers if they or their families had been victims of
diseases like cough, suffocation and asthma due to air pollution in the
environment outside the schools.
The results of this question were:
12 teachers said Yes!
8 teachers said No!
The tabular form of the
answers of Question 4:
X (Question) Frequency (teachers)

4 12

This tells us that 12 teachers said that they had

been victims of diseases due to the bad air of
Rawalpindi polluted with CO2 and further
poisonous gases.
Question 5 of the
Q.5: Are you satisfied with Rawalpindi’s air/atmosphere?
We asked the teachers if they were satisfied with the environment
and the atmosphere that they live in or that they wanted further
improvements in the air quality for better standard of living.
The results of this question were:
2 teachers said Yes!
18 teachers said No!
The tabular form of the
answers of Question 5:
X (Question) Frequency (teachers)

5 2

This tells us that only 2 teachers are satisfied with the air
condition of Rawalpindi; a very low rate when put into ratio.
Out of 20, 18 teachers are not satisfied with the conditions
of Rawalpindi's air and as citizens, they demand
Question 6 of the
Q.6: Should the land of Rawalpindi be taken care of in terms of
The teachers were asked if the land of Rawalpindi was fine as it is or
should the pollution form it and the bad quality of soil be removed.
The results of this question were:
20 teachers said Yes!
0 teachers said No!
The tabular form of the
answers of Question 6:
X (Question) Frequency (teachers)

6 20

This tells us that 20 teachers; all the teachers that were

questioned, believe that there is a lot of room for
improvement and that to eradicate pollution from the face
of Rawalpindi, some action is to be taken because the land
of Rawalpindi has been dumped with a lot of garbage and
this is unhealthy for the citizens and for dear mother earth.
The frequency table for all
the questions.
X (Questions) Frequency (teachers)
1 18
2 15
3 18
4 12
5 2
6 20
Sir, we have hyperlinked the question
numbers in the table so that you may
have ease. If you will click the numbers
the hyperlink will take you to the slide
with the question on it so that you can
refer to it while studying the data.
Graph for all the results of
the questionnaire!
Teachers who said “Yes!” to the questionnaire!

x (Questions)

0 5 10 15 20 25
frequency (teachers)
The conclusion that we have reached is that the conditions of Rawalpindi in terms
of pollution are very weak and there is a great deal of improvement needed. The
pollution around us effects the citizens of Rawalpindi and makes their lives hard.
The government should increase the standard/ quality of life. Although the
participants of our survey are satisfied, there are many areas in Rawalpindi that
lack fresh water. 2 out of 5 households do not receive efficient water supply due to
wastage and polluted water. The polluted water isn’t treated thus can’t be used for
drinking. Also the school areas are much polluted too and this poisonous
contamination should be removed as many in our survey complain that this is not
suitable environment for kids. About the air of Rawalpindi, it is not fresh and the
citizens of Rawalpindi are not satisfied with its conditions as majority of them have
been effected with diseases like cough, suffocation and asthma. This should be
improved by technological advances. Last but definitely not the least, the land of
Rawalpindi is growing unstable day by day because of the garbage dumps and
disposals. The people want a change in this however, we as the Gryffinclaws
believe that to make a change we first must change ourselves because
improvement shall start from us. This survey of our Math project has helped us
understand a lot of things and has allowed us to see the problems of society with a
crucial eye.
Thankyou for patient hearing! We hope you like our presentation and
learnt about the effects of pollution on the citizens of Rawalpindi.
Bye! Bye!
Presentation made by:
Hadia Nasir
Aamina Akif
Zahra Jamali
Zahabia Ali

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