Royal Kingdom and David

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The Royal Kingdom and

King David
King Saul
• Samuel presents the one he anointed to the people of Israel
– Anoint – means to put oil on something as a sign of consecration
– Samuel prays for the people and warns them of the evil that will fall
upon them and their king if they do not follow the Lord
• At first Saul had God’s favor and powerfully defeated the
Ammonites but then started to become proud
– He next had to fight the Philistines who brought a huge
army against him to Gilgal and Saul’s soldiers began to
– Saul was supposed to wait 7 days until Samuel met him
to offer sacrifice for the Lord’s favor
– Samuel came late to Gilgal and Saul disobediently took
matters into his own hand and offered the sacrifice himself
– Just then Samuel and arrives and reproaches Saul and tells him that
his dynasty (kingly line) will be lost (1 Sam 13:11-14)
Saul Loses the Kingdom
• Saul began to be more concerned with keeping his power
and pleasing the people instead of faithfulness to God
• Samuel then tells Saul to totally destroy the Amalekites one
of Israel’s worst enemies
– Saul does not destroy everything but spares the king and takes
some of the livestock
– God tells Samuel that he would remove Saul from
being King because of his disobedience
– Samuel comes to Saul and says, “what have you
done?” but he gives excuses and says the people
kept the livestock to use for sacrifice
– Saul loses the kingship -- “Because you have rejected the Lord He
has rejected you from being king” (1 Sam 15:23)
– Saul tries to repent but it is too late God will replace him
David and Saul
• Samuel cautiously goes to Jessie’s house in Bethlehem to
anoint another king and anoints Jessie’s youngest son David
– By God’s command he rejects the 7 oldest brothers “for the
LORD sees not as man sees; man looks on the outward
appearance, but the LORD looks on the heart."
– David, who was shepherding the flocks is anointed and “the
Spirit of the LORD came mightily upon David from that day
forward” (1 Sam 16:7-13)
• David – became the greatest king in Israel, was a poet, wrote
many of the psalms, a musician, handsome, wise, a great
warrior, & a man after God’s own heart
• At this time an evil spirit came upon Saul and
disturbed him
– His servants sought someone who could play the lyre
(harp) to ease the king and found David who was
brought into the service of King Saul and at first Saul loved
David and Goliath
• The Philistines are still a great threat to Israel and gathered
against them in the land of Judah
• Goliath their champion greatly dismayed the armies and
was armed with heavy armor, sword, and spear
– He continually mocked Israel and the God of Israel
• David who was with his father went to bring his brothers
food and his brothers tell David to leave
– The king offered the one who killed him, wealth, his daughter, and
freedom for his family
• David goes to King Saul and offers himself as the
one to defeat the Goliath recalling his victory over
wild beasts while a shepherd
– David tried to wear armor but it was too awkward and
so he took his shepherd staff, his sling, and 5 stones (1
Sam 17:42-47)
– The stone sunk into his forehead and Dave cut off his
head with Goliath’s sword
Saul’s Envy and David’s Patience
• Saul put David over his men of war due to his success
– Returning home the women sang "Saul has slain his thousands, and
David his ten thousands" which made Saul envious
• From that day Saul tried to kill David
– Used a javelin twice, assigned difficult battles, asked 100
foreskins of his enemies for his daughter Michal, tried to kill
him in his sleep
• Jonathan, Saul’s son, who forged a friendship
and covenant with David supported him even
though Jonathan was supposed to be the
next king
– Jonathan tried to convince his father not to kill David (1
Sam 19:1-7)
• Saul begins to hunt down David (Ps 59)
– David is patient and though he had two opportunities, does not kill
Saul because Saul was the Lord’s anointed
– Saul contacts a fortune teller about a battle with the Amalekites
– In the battle he falls on his own sword in battle and dies at Mt. Gilboa
David Becomes King
• After Saul’s death the Northern tribes (Israel) followed Saul’s
son Ishbaal as king while the Southern tribes (Judah)
followed David
– A civil war began between the two but the house of David became
stronger and stronger and won
– All the tribes of Israel were unified under David
• Jerusalem became the political and religious
center of Israel and Judah
– It was located between Israel and Judah
– After some difficulty David brings up the ark to Jerusalem
amid dancing and rejoicing
– His wife Michal criticizes him for acting like a present but
David identifies himself with the lowly
– David was righteous to Saul’s house, the poor, his
soldiers and all the people he served
Covenant with David
• David wants to build a temple for the Lord
– The City of David, Jerusalem began to look like an
imperial capital
– David said, “See now, I dwell in a house of cedar, but the
ark of God dwells in a tent”
– Nathan, the prophet, tells him to do what is in
his heart because God is with him
– That night God reveals to Nathan that David is
not the one to build a house for God rather
God will build for him a house (dynasty) that will
last forever
• This marks God’s covenant with King David
Davidic Covenant
• Primary Features (Psalm 2 and 89)
– Kingdom: David will now have and rule a kingdom
– Dynasty: his throne will be established for his sons forever
– God’s Adopted Son: is what the anointed descents of David will be
– Unlimited: The kingdom will cover the ends of the earth and never
come to an end
– Jerusalem: will become the new spiritual center of the world
– Temple: David’s son will build a temple which will become a house
of prayer for all nations
– Wisdom: will be the new law that is applied to all
• Jesus fulfills the Davidic covenant:
– He is wisdom incarnate, whose body is the true
temple of God and the spiritual center of humanity
– He is also the true Son of God whose kingdom is
universal and eternal
Davidic Covenant
• Secondary Features
– Queen Mother: In Israel the king’s Mother, not wife, was
queen and had an important part in the royal government
– Prime Minister: who will be the chief steward of the King
and administer his affairs
– Thanksgiving Sacrifice (Todah): becomes the primary
liturgy celebrated at the temple (In Greek the word for
thanksgiving is Eucharistia)
• These features are also fulfilled in the New
– Mary is the Queen Mother of the Kingdom of
– The Pope is the new chief steward and
vicar of Christ the King
– The Eucharist is the perpetual Thanksgiving

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