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The Purpose of Marriage in

Creation: 2 Accounts of
Yahwist Tradition- it narrates that God, not
wanting man to be alone, created for him a
helpmate.”This is bone of my bones and flesh
of my flesh”. This is why a man leaves his
father and mother and joins himself to his
wife, and they become one body.
 Priestly Tradition- After God created man and
woman, He blessed them and bade them to
“be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth and
conquer it”.
 They discovered they are Co-creators of God
 Man and woman share the same and equal
responsibility in begetting offspring who
would continue the creative work entrusted to
them, including being caretakers of the earth.
 Stewards of God’s creation/They both have the
 But all was not well in God’s creation because
of the “Fall of Adam and Eve”.
 The woman would experience pain in her
maternity, and her husband would now rule
over her.
 The man would have to work, in order to be
able to eat.
Effects of man’s sins in marriage
among the Chosen People:
 Polygamous relationships were even allowed
until about the time of the monarchy, the
 Divorce, initiated by the husband only, was a
usual practice. (Dt.24:1-2)
 Barrenness was considered a disgrace. (incapable of
producing offspring) (Gen.30:2)
 Concubinage was tolerated as a means to find a
substitute for the barren wife, to make sure of the
continuity of the husband’s lineage or family line.
(Gen. 30:1-13 )
Ends of Marriage according to
St. Augustine and St Thomas
 Proles- it speaks of the procreative dimension of
marriage. The married couple must always be open to
fertility. (it speaks to procreative dimension; they must be
open to life)
 Fides- It speaks of fidelity to each other since marriage is
for lifetime, it is indissoluble. (It is an indicator of the
value and trust both partners place in
the relationship)
 Sacramentum- it is sacred, blessed by God from the very
beginning of time.
 VALID – all requirements are present & it is
ratified & consummated & there is no
impediment (it is lifetime)
 INVALID – lacks requirements, ratified but
not consummated, perhaps there is existing
 PUTATIVE – where only 1 party is aware in
its invalidity
 Unity or Exclusiveness- it is the marital relationship of
only a husband and a wife. It excludes a third party or
any polygamy. There must be patience, understanding,
kindness and forgiveness. It is difficult but not
impossible to be faithful. We should not use our weak
nature (Sapagkat kami ay tao lamang)
 Indissolubility or Permanence- “Let no man separate
what God has joined” (Mk 10:9-12) Faith is needed to
see the reason for its indissolubility.
 Opennes to fertility- Marriage is a partnership of life
and love. And the demand of fruitfulness does not end
in the generation of children but extends to their

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