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Chapter 1 Section 3

Basic Concepts of Democracy

• Basic notions of American Democracy
1. A recognition of the fundamental worth & dignity of every
2. A respect for the equality of all persons
3. A faith in the majority rule and an insistence upon
minority rights
4. An acceptance of the necessity of compromise
5. An insistence upon the widest possible degree of
individual freedom
• Is it possible to meet all of these notions under a social
Worth of the Individual
• Each individual is important
• At certain times, the welfare of the
majority in society more important
than the few or an individual
• People may be forced to do things
that they do not want to- Social
Contract Theory
• Pay taxes
• Register for draft
• Obey traffic laws
Equality of All Persons
• All people are equal
• Does not insist on equality of conditions of
all people
• Not have right to equal distribution of health
• Not born under equal conditions
• Insists on equality of opportunity & equal
before the law
• Can equality exists if people are not granted
the same wealth distributions? Why or why
• Are people all equal in the United States?
Majority Rule, Minority Rights
• The will of the majority of the people
dictates public policy
• Majority may not arrive at best decision,
but most satisfactory decision
• Majority must always recognize the right
of any minority & welcome suggestions
• What happens when the majority makes
a mistake?
Necessity of Compromise
• Compromise- process of blending
& adjusting competing views &
• Important because democracy:
• Places individual 1st
• All individuals are =
• Many public questions have various
sides & perspectives
Individual Freedom
• Is there absolute freedom in a democracy?
• NO!- Each person is free as far as the
freedom of EVERYONE will allow
• Cannot impose on another person’s freedom
• “The right to swing my fist ends where
another man’s nose begins.” –Justice Oliver
Wendell Holmes
• “The rights of every man are diminished
when the rights of one man are
threatened.”- President JFK
Democracy & the Free Enterprise
• Free Enterprise System is the
American economic system
• Based on 4 factors
1. Private ownership
2. Individual initiative
3. Profit
4. Competition
• How does this economic
system reflect the principles of
Government & the Free Enterprise
• Mixed economy- an economy in which private
enterprise exists in combination with a
considerable amount of government regulation
and promotion.
• Government twofold activities
1. Protects public- regulating economic
activities-antitrust laws, food & drug laws,
anti-pollution standards, building codes
2. Promotes private enterprise- granting $
transport systems, scientific research, building
roads, public schools, postal service, national
• How much should government participate?

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