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Trailer Survey

Do you watch teaser trailers?

Do you watch teaser trailers?

Do you watch teaser

trailers? yes
Do you watch teaser
trailers? no

We surveyed 50 people overall and out of those 50 people 47 of them

watched teaser trailers
How often do you watch trailers?
How often do you watch teaser trailers?

How often do you watch

teaser trailers? 3+ per
How often do you watch
teaser trailers? once a
How often do you watch
teaser trailers? less than
once a month

We found out that the majority of people watch or come across teaser trailers
roughly about 3 times a month which meant that if we was to make a teaser
trailer on average many people will come across it.
What genre?
What genre of trailers do yo
What genre of trailers do you watch ?
watch? Action
What genre of trailers do yo
watch? Comedy
What genre of trailers do yo
watch? Drama
What genre of trailers do yo
watch? Horror
What genre of trailers do yo
watch? Romance
What genre of trailers do yo
watch? Sci-Fi
What genre of trailers do yo
watch? Thriller
What genre of trailers do yo
watch? Other
Overall the type of film genres that people watched were quite diverse as many
people enjoyed watching different types. The most popular amongst the list were
action, thriller and horror teaser trailers. After learning this me and my group will
discuss which genre our teaser trailer is going to be as we would like to make our
film as successful as possible.
Do you enjoy watching teaser
Do you enjoy watching teaser trailers?

Do you enjoy watching

teaser trailers? yes
Do you enjoy watching
teaser trailers? no
Do you enjoy watching
teaser trailers? maybe

This result showed us that many people enjoyed watching teaser trailers
Where do you watch teaser?
Where do you watch teaser trailers?

Where do you watch

trailers? TV
Where do you watch
trailers? Cinema
Where do you watch
trailers? Internet
Where do you watch
trailers? Other

Our survey showed us that television and the cinema are vital as to where teaser trailers
are watched, 41 people watched teaser trailers on the television and of those 41 people 30
of them also watched teaser trailers at the cinema as well. I have learned that if me and
my group are going to advertise our production effectively we would have to advertise it
through tv or cinema to get awareness drawn to our teaser trailer.
After watching a teaser trailer are
you encouraged to watch the film?
After watching the trailer are you then encouraged to
watch the film?
After watching the trailer
are you then encouraged
to watch the film? yes

After watching the trailer

are you then encouraged
to watch the film? no

After watching the trailer

are you then encouraged
to watch the film?

Many peoples answer to this question was maybe and when asked why the chose
maybe the answer that was mainly written down was ‘because the teaser trailer
looked boring’ this means that with me and my groups teaser trailor would have to
grab the viewers attention.
What about the trailer grabs your
What about the trailer grabs your attention?

What about the trailer

grabs your attention?
What about the trailer
grabs your attention?
What about the trailer
grabs your attention?
Camera techniques

Characters were a big part as to why people watched teaser trailers and
subsequently went to watch the film. As our film will be a low budget film we will
have to rely on our great sound and camera techniques.

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