Consumer Behaviour: Presented By: Gitika & Nandita

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Presented By: Gitika & Nandita

Consumer Behaviour is the study of how
individual customers, groups or organizations select, buy,
use and dispose off the goods, and services to satisfy
their needs & wants.
“Consumer Behaviour is defined “the mental and
emotional processes and the physical activities of the
people who purchase and use goods and services to
satisfy particular needs and wants.”

-Prof. Bearden
Consumer behaviour relates to all social, psychological and physical behaviour of potential customers as they
become aware of the product, evaluate its features, purchase the goods, consume it and tell others about the
product and services.
Nature of Consumer Behaviour
Marketing factors Situational factors

1. Influenced by various factors:

Personal factors Social factors

Psychological factors Cultural factors

2. Undergoes a constant change: Consumer behaviour is not static.

3. Varies from consumer to consumer: All consumers do not behave in the same manner.

4. Varies from region to region and country to county: The consumer behaviour varies across states,
regions and countries.

5. Information on consumer behaviour is important to the marketers: Marketers need to have a

good knowledge of the consumer behaviour.

7. Varies from product to product: Consumer behaviour is different for different products. 
Consumer Buying Process

A Consumer Buying Process is the

series of steps that a consumer will take
to make a purchasing decision.
A standard model includes recognition of
needs and wants, information search,
evaluation of choices, purchase, and post-
purchase evaluation.
Types of Consumer Behaviour
Consumer buying behavior is determined by the level of
involvement that a consumer shows towards a purchase
The amount of risk involved in a purchase also
determines the buying behavior. Higher priced goods
tend to higher risk, thereby seeking higher involvement
in buying decisions.
There are four type of consumer buying behavior: 
1.Complex buying behavior
2.Dissonance-reducing buying behavior
3.Habitual buying behavior
4.Variety seeking behavior
Buying ROLES
1.Initiator: the person who first suggests or thinks of the idea
of buying the particular product or service Buying roles refer to the activities that
one or more person(s) might perform in
2.Influencer: a person whose views influence other members a buying decision. Six buying roles can
of the buying center in making the final decision be distinguished:
3.Decider: the person who ultimately determines any part of
or the entire buying decision-whether to buy, what to buy, how
to buy, or where to buy

4.Buyer: the person who handles the paper work of the actual

5.User: the person(s) who consumes or uses the product or


6.Gatekeeper: the person(s) who controls information or

access, or both, to decision makers and influencers.
“Focusing on customer makes a company
more resilient”
Jeff Bezos

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