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• Planning
• Hospital and patient care units including ward management
• Emergency and disaster management
Human resource management
• Recruiting, selecting, deployment, retaining, promoting, superannuation etc.
• Categories of nursing personnel including job description of all levels
patient/population systems
• Patients/population assignment and nursing care responsibilities
• Staff developments and welfare – budgeting: proposal, projecting
requirements for staff, equipment and supplies for hospital and patient care
• Emergency and disaster management: material management; procurement,
inventory control, auditing and maintenance in hospital and patient care units
• Human resources are of paramount importance in the success of any
organization. It is therefore very essential to recognize this fact,
without which it causes immense loss to the nation, enterprise aand the
• Recruitment is the process of searching of prospective employees and
stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organizations.
• Methods
• Transfer
• Promotion
• Advertisements
• Employment agencies
• Educational institutions
• Recommendations
• Casual callers
• Direct recruitment
• Labour contracts
• Selection process relates to securing of relevant information about an
• Steps of selection process
• Reciepts of application
• Screening of interview
• Selection tests
• Checking of references
• Employment interview
• Medical examination
• Placement
• Deployment means to plan, schedule and control the movement of
releases to test and live environments.

• Placement is the determination of the job to which an accepted
candidate is to be assigned.
Staff orientation
• It includes a tour of physical setting as well as information on the
philosophy goals and structure of the overall hospital and the
department of nursing team.

• It involves the development of hidden talent of an individual and uses
it for the benefit of the organization.
• Promotion is an upward movement or advancement of an employee in
the organization to another job, which commands better pay, prestige
or status.

Staff Retention
• It involves taking measures to encourage employees to remain in the
organization for the maximum period of time
• It is just opposite to promotion- the employee is shifter to a job lower
in status, grade and responsibilities.

• It is a retirement fund given to the employee at the time of retirement.
Human resource planning
• HRP estimates the requirement of human resources of the entire firm
for a given period.
• Functions of Personnel Management
• Organizational planning and development
• Staffing and employment
• Training and development’
• Compensation, wage and salary administration
• Employee services and benefits
Categories of nursing personnel
• Nursing superintendent
• Nursing supervisor
• Senior staff nurse
• Junior staff nurse
Staff Development Program
• Staff development program are designed to motivate learners in the
way of the train and education to improve their knowledge, skills and
Staff development process
Staff development activities
• Induction training
• Orientation
• In-service education
• Continuing education
Staff welfare
• The institution should serve various facilities for the staff members to
enable them to function effectively at their work. The institution
expects from its staff a commitment to serve, in the spirit of god, the
patients and others who come in search of the services.
Statutory welfare schemes
• Drinking water
• Facilities for sitting
• First aid appliances
• Common rooms’
• Canteen facilities
• Lighting
• Changing rooms
Non statutory schemes
• Personal health care
• Flexitime
• Employee assistance programs
• Harrassment policy
• Maternity and adoption leave
• Mediclaim insurance scheme
• Employee referral scheme
Formulation of policies
• Hours of work
• Teaching workload
• Residence
• Leave
• Sickness
• Attendance at conference and study care
• Promotion and transfer
• Annual leave
• Casual leave
• Compensatory and institutional holidays
• Sick leave
• Maternity leave
• incentives
Budgeting for hospital and community
• Nursing budget is a plan for allocation of resources based on
preconceived needs for a proposed series of programs to deliver
patient care during 1 fiscal year.
• Steps in budgeting process
• Determine the requirements
• Develop plan
• Analyze and control the operations
• Review the plan
Principles in budgeting
• Executive program
• Flexibility in timing
• Executive responsibility
• Multiple procedures
• Executive direction
• Reporting
• Adequate tool
• Two-way budget organization
Types of budget
Material management
• Material management is the integrated functioniung of purchasing and
allied activities, so as to achieve the maximum coordination and optimum
expenditure in the area of materials.
• Material management process
• Purchasing
• Storage
• Issue
• Inventory control
• Cost control strategies
• Policies and procedures
• Roles and responsibilities
Elements of material management
• Demand estimation
• Procurement
• Receipt and inspection
• Storage
• Issue and use
• Maintenance and repair
• Disposal
• Accounting and information system
Classes of materials
• Raw materials
• Purchased parts
• Finished materials
• Supplies
• Equipment items
Directing and leading: delegation,
participatory management
• Assignments, rotations, delegation
• Supervision and guidance
• Implement standards, policies, procedures and practices
• Staff development and welfare
• Maintenance of discipline
• Directing is the process which includes human resource
responsibilities such as motivating, facilitating, collaboration,
coordinating, delegating and effectively managing conflict.
• Instructions in directing
• Motivates employees
• Communicate openly with employees
• Become aware of and work to remove any communication barriers
• Conduct performance reviews in a way that motivates employees
Importance of directing
• It initiates action
• It integrates efforts
• Means of motivation
• It provides stability
• Coping up with the changes
• Efficient utilization of resources
Characteristics of directing
• Pervasive function
• Continuous activity
• Human factor
• Creative activity
• Executive function
• Delegate function
• Delegation is the process of assigning responsibility and authority to
co-worker and ensuring their accountability.
• Purposes of delegation
• Assigning routine tasks
• Problem solving
• Changes in the nurse managers own job emphasis
• Capability building
• Assigning tasks for which the nurse manager does not have time.
Participatory management
• It is the practice of empowering employees to participate in organizational
decision making.
• Characteristics of participatory management
• Trust
• Commitments
• Goals and objectives
• Autonomy
• Process of participatory management
• Training
• Changed roles for supervisors
• Changed roles for unions
• communication
• Assignment refers to a written delegation of duties for a group of
patients by trained personnel assigned to the unit
• Types of assignment
• Functional nursing
• Total care or case nursing
• Team nursing
• Primary nursing
Job rotation plan
• Job rotation is a method used for employee development. It gives the
employee the opportunity to develop skills in a variety of changing jobs.
• Benefits of job rotation
• Reduces boredom
• Reduced work stress
• Increased innovation
• Increased free time activity
• Increased production
• Reduced absenteeism
• Reduced employee turnover
Implementing standards, policies,
procedures and practice
A policy is a designated plan or course of action to be taken in a specific

Standards is a authoritative statements that describe a common level of

care as performance by which the quality of practice can be
Types of policies
• On the basis of sources
• Originated policies
• Appealed policies
• Implies policies
• Externally imposed policies
• On the basis of functions
• On the basis of organizational levels
Classification of standards
• Based on orientation
• End standards
• Mean standards
• Based on frames of reference
• Structure standards
• Process standards
• Outcome standards
Supervision and guidancce
• Supervision is an act of a superior person to see the work of
the personnel working under him or her.
• Typess of supervision
• Direct method
• Indirect method
• Methods of supervision
• Technical vs creative supervision
• Scientific vs intuitive supervison
• Cooperative vs authoritarian
• Discipline is defined as a training or molding of the mind and
character to bring about desired behaviours
• Nursing round/visits, nursing protocols, manuals
• Quality assurance model, documentation – CD records and
reports performance appraisal
• It is an on-going function of management which occurs during
planning, organizing and directive activities.
• Basic steps include
• Establishment of standards
• Measuring performance
• Correcting deviations
Nursing Rounds
• It is an excursion into patients area involving staff/students learning
• Classification
• Information giving rounds
• Instructional rounds
• Problem solving rounds
Quality assurance
• Quality assurance is a process in which achievable and desirable levels
of quality are described, the extent to which their level are achieved is
measured and action to enable them to be reached is taken.
• Components of quality assurance
• Performance
• Resources
• Risk management
• Patient satisfaction

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