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to Python

 What is Python?
 Differences between Programming and scripting language
 Scope of Python
 Why do people use Python?
 Python is Multi-disciplinary
 Who uses Python
 What can I do with Python
 Python code execution
 Applications of Python
 Organisations using Python
 Industry requirements of Python Developer
What is Python?

 Python is a high level language that contains features of functional programming

language like C and object oriented programming language like Java
 Python is a general purpose language that is used for scripting language
 Python is also called an interpreted language
Difference between program and scripting
Program Scripting
A program is executed ie first the source is A script is interpreted. A script code is written
compiled and the result of that compilation is in a scripting language

A program is general is a sequence of A scripting language is nothing but a type of

instructions written so that computer can programming language in which we write
perform certain task code to control another software application
Why was Python created?

 Invented in the Netherlands early 90’s by Guido Van Rossum

 Its implementation started in 1989

 Guido van Rossum is fan of Monty’s Python Flying Circus a TV show in Netherlands
 Named after Monty Python
 Open sourced from the beginning
 Python was created because for the need of higher level language in the Operating systems project

 Guido Van Rossum realized that development of system administration utilities in C is taking too
long .Moreover doing these things in Bourne shell is not working for some reasons

 So there was need for a language that would bridge gap between C and the shell
Python Hierarchy



Deep learning language
Scope of Python

 Python supports multiple programs

 Chosen language for Artificial Intelligence , Machine Learning, Computer Vision,

Deep Learning and Natural Language Processing

 For Better code readability it is designed

 Few lines of code is used for Python

 It includes Multiple Packages and API

Why do people use Python?

 Python is Object Oriented – Supports concepts like Polymorphism, operation

overloading and multiple inheritance

 Open Source-Downloading and installing Python is free and easy.

 Powerful-1.Dynamic typing 2. Built in tools 3. Third party utilities like Numpy,

Scipy,Matplotlib ,Xlrd,Pandas
 Portable-Python runs virtually every major platform used today.As long as you
have a compatible Python interpreter installed Python programs runs in exactly
the same manner irrespective of platform
Why do people use Python?
 Its easy to use –1.No Intermediate compile and link steps as in C/C++. 2.Python
programs are automatically compiled to an intermediate code Byte code which
the interpreter then reads

 Its easy to learn-Structure and semantics are pretty intuitive and easy to grasp
Installing Python

 Python is preinstalled on most Unix Sytems including Linux and MAC OS X

 But for windows operating systems user can download from the - from the latest version of python IDE and
install recent version 3.8.1
Python is Mutli-disciplinary

 Game
 Quiz
 Web development
 Image detection
 Language Conversion using Natural language Processing
 Extrapolative techniques-1.Data prediction 2. Data Analytics
 Machine learning using 1. Supervised 2.Unsupervised 3.Reinforcement learning
Who uses Python today?

 Google makes extensive use of Python web search system and employs Python’s

 Intel, Cisco, Hewlett Packard, Seagate, Qualcomm and IBM use python for
Hardware testing

 Python is used as an end user tool for its popular GIS mapping products
What can I do with Python?

 System Programming

 Graphical user interface programming

 Component Integration

 Database Programming

 Gaming, Images, XML, Robot and more

Python Code Execution

 Python ‘s traditional runtime execution model: Source code you type is translated
to byte code which is then run by Python virtual machine.

 Code is automatically compiled but then is interpreted

 Source code extension is .py and Byte code extension is .pyc(compiled python
Applications of Python

 1.Web development
 2. Desktop GUI application
 3.Scientific and Numeric calculations
 4. Data Science
 5.Software development
 6.Education and Teaching
 7.Games and 3D Graphics
 8.Network Programming
 9.Database Access
 10.Web scraping
Organizations using Python

 1.Google
 2.Facebook
 3.Instagram
 4.Spotify
 5.Quora
 6.Netflix
 7.Dropbox
 8.Reddit
 9.Amazon
 10.Uber
Industry Requirements as a Python
 Good Problem solving skills
 Knowledge of Python
 Knowledge of Atleast One Python framework like Django,Flask or CherryPy
 Basic understanding of front-end Technologies like Javascript
 Good Communication skills
 Use of Python libraries
 AI and Machine learning –Python is a perfect language for it


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