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In the spaces indicated by numbers, write down the

◈ 1 and 2 –two things I do very well
◈ 3 and 4- my two greatest achievements in life
◈ 5 what in myself am I proudest of
◈ 6 My happiest moment
◈ 7 positive words that my friends use to describe me
◈ 8 a personal goal that I have already achieved
◈ 9 three things for which I am most thankful to God
◈ 10 three of my positive qualities
◈ 11 difficulties, challenges and problems that I was
able to solve and overcome
Developing the
Whole person
developmental thrust
happens on many levels or
dimensions of
There is also an expansion
of one’s social network as
the adolescent participates
more actively in peer-
based activities.
The adolescent feels a
unfamiliar kind of inner turmoil
that tends to confuse how he
sees and feels the world.
Five areas of Personal Development
1. Physiological Development
2. Emotional Development
3. Social Development
4. Cognitive Development
5. Spiritual Development
Physiological Development

Concerns about the physical

changes in the body as well as
the senses and the changes in
skills related to movement.
Emotional Development

 Ithas to do with feelings one

 McLaren, a social researcher,
distinguished emotions and feelings.
-- An emotion is a physiological
experience( or state or awareness)
-- A feeling is your conscious awareness
of the emotion itself.
Social Development

Itis about the inborn capacity to

relate to others , to connect, and
to feel belongingness.
To promote one’s social
development, one needs to have
social interactions.
Cognitive Development

 Itrefers to one’s intellectual abilities as

shown in thoughts, attitudes, beliefs,
and values.
 Hogg and Vaughan defined attitude as “
a relatively enduring organization of
beliefs, feelings and behavioral
3 components of attitudes

1. Affective - feelings and emotions

2. Behavioral - the way the attitude has influenced
3. Cognitive – belief and knowledge about the object
 Mental abilities are developed through the use of one’s
intellectual capacities in studies, work, and in figuring
out how best to deal with challenges.
Spiritual Development

 Is defined as discovering oneself beyond the

ego known as the soul, spirit, or the “inner
essence” that is often disregarded or taken
for granted.
 Shalom Schwartz (2012) identified 10 basic
human values, which he claimed to be
 Values and virtues are often used
1. Universalism

Understanding, appreciation,
tolerance and protection for
the welfare of all people and
for nature.
2. Benevolence

Preservation and enhancement of

the welfare of people with whom
one is in frequent personal
3. Tradition

Respect, commitment and

acceptance of customs and ideas
and traditional culture or religion.
4. Conformity

Resistance of actions ,
inclinations and impulses likely
to upset or harm others and
violate social expectations or
5. Security

Safety, harmony, and stability of

society, of relationship, and of
6. Power

Social status and prestige, control

or dominance over people and
7. Achievement

Personal success through

demonstrating competence
according to social standards.
8. Hedonism

Pleasure and sensuous

gratification for oneself.
9. Stimulation

Excitement, novelty and

challenge in life.
10. Self - direction

Independent thought and action-

choosing, creating, exploring.

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