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WR 231

Water Supply Engineering




• Water is among the most essential requirements of any community for

its survival
• Water is a basic component of the human body and it constitute
about 75% human blood. Water performs the following functions
in the body; it
• Supports digestion of food, adsorption, transportation and use of nutrients
• Removes toxins and wastes from the bodies
• Essential for the preparation of foodstuffs
• Water is required for maintenance of living organisms (plants and
• Water is used as a medium of reactions both chemical and
biological reactions.

Water has many uses ranging from body uses, to socio-economic an
cultural activities in the human life and development
1: Domestic water uses
o Drinking,
o washing,
o Cleaning
o Cooking
o Construction
2: Industries, water is used for
o Industrial processes,
o production of different
o products through different reactions,
o cleaning,
o drinking,
o cooling,
o landscaping etc
water uses
3: Institutions/offices, water is used for
o Cleaning,
o drinking,
o Landscaping, toilet flushing etc.
4.Agricultures, water is used for
5 : Health centers, water is used for
o Drinking
o Cleaning
o Cooking
o Landscaping
o treatments
water uses
6. For Commercial, water is used for;
oBars- cleaning, toilet flushing and landscaping, cooking,
oHotels- cleaning, bathing, drinking, cooking, landscaping etc.
oShops- drinking, cleaning
7. Urban uses, water is used for;
Cleaning public places such as roads, open markets, museums
8. Religious institution- water is used for cleaning, washing,
drinking, toilet flushing
9.College /schools-water is used for toilet flushing, cleaning,
drinking, landscaping, irrigation, catting etc.
By definition, Water Demand is the measure of the total amount of water
required by a certain community as prescribed by applicable guidelines. It
comprises the requirements by different uses as described earlier.


i. Domestic water demands
ii. Industrial water demands
iii. Institutional and commercial water demands
iv. Demand for public
v. Fire demand
vi. Operational water demand (such as water required for treatment)
vii. Losses and wastes
For any water engineer, it is strictly important to ensure that, all water
demand are well and accurately quantified to get the total water required/
needed for design of water supply system. The first task of a water engineer
is to determine the total quantity of water needed for a town.
Water Quantity
 While designing the water supply scheme for a town or city,
it is necessary to determine the total quantity of a water
required for various purposes by the city.

 After determining accurately the water demand of the

town , then the second step is to select a suitable water
source from where the demand can be met.

 Certain empirical formulae and rules of thumb are

employed in determining the water demand, which is very
near to the actual demand.

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Domestic Water Demand
• The quantity of water required in the houses for drinking,
bathing, cooking, washing etc is called domestic water
demand and mainly depends upon the habits, social status,
climatic conditions and customs of the people.

According to (WHO) the daily domestic water consumption are

as follows;
a) Drinking ------ 5 litres
b) Cooking ------ 20 litres
c) Bathing ------ 40 litres
d) Clothes washing ------ 20 litres
e) Utensils washing ------ 15 litres
f) House washing ------ 20 litres
120 litres/day/capita
09/10/2021 8
Industrial Demand
 The water required in the industries mainly depends on
the type and size of industries, which are existing in the
There are two major types of industries
1. Dry industries
Dry industries are those industries which consume virtually
no water in its processes and ony water consumption is for
staff and cleaning premises.
2. Wet industries
These are industries which are water intensive, on the
sense that, they consume a large amount of water in their
processes such as cotton milling, paper milling, meat
processing, soft drink industries etc
09/10/2021 10
Specific Water requirements for future small
industries by MoW manual
Industrial water demand (m3/ha/d)
for future industries where no data
available (MoW) Manual (2009)
Industrial water demand
The quantity of water demand for industrial
purpose is around 20 to 25% of the total
demand of the city.
Institution and Commercial Demand
 This is some times reffered to as public demand and it
includes the quantity of water for various public offices . These
include but not limited to Universities, schools, commercial
buildings, warehouses, stores, hotels, Shopping centres, health
centres (hospitals, dispensaries, pharmacies),religous
buildings (mosques, churches, temples), railways, bus stations,
 The Tanzania Water Design manual, has a set of guidelines for
institution and commercial water demands as indicated in the
next slides.

09/10/2021 14
Institutional water demands by MoW Design
manual (2009)
Commercial water demands by MoW Design
Manual (2009)
Demand for Public Use

• Quantity of water required for public utility purposes

such as for washing and sprinkling on roads, cleaning
of sewers, watering of public parks, gardens, public
fountains etc comes under public demand.

• To meet the water demand for public use, provision

of 5% of the total consumption may be made when
designing the water works for a city.

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Fire fighting Demand
 Fire fighting demand is the quantity of water required for
figting a fire out- break.

 During the fire outbreak, large quantity of water is required for

arresting /extinguish the fire.

 According to Water design manual, fire fighting demand, is

necessary in Urban areas. The water supplied here forms part of
the unbilled authorized consumption.

 The design flows into a fire hydrant should not be less than
• Please refers to table 4.13, 4.14,4.15 and 4.16 for more
important details on the design manual
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Fire Demand

The quantity is normally obtained on the basis of

certain empirical formula. The mostly widely
used one in USA is given by

Q(L/s) = 64P1/2(1-0.01P1/2)

P= Population in thousands
Q= Rate of flow of water in Litres/sec. This must
always be checked with the local guidelines such
as Water design manual (refers page 30-33)
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Operational water demands
• This include water needed for operation of treatment
processes such as clarifier-de-sludging, filter backwashing,
chemical mixing, and operational activities such as flushing
out of reservoirs, and pipework systems through washouts
and cleaning back meters screens.
• Excluding fire fighting, it is suggested that, the operational
demand for treatment processes and be 5% , and 2% for
other operational activities such as reservoir flushing,
pipework washouts etc.
• Please read page 33 of the water manual for more
Loses and Wastes
 All the water, which goes in the distribution pipes does not reach
the consumers and this are caused by the eithe of the following:
 Leakages and overflows in reservoirs, treatment plants,
vailves/fittings, mains and distribution piping.
 Losses due to unauthorised and illegal connections
Losses in pipe work normally results due to inadequacy in pipe
design, poor pipe selection, poor quality of manufacture and
installation, vandalism, etc.
 Traditionally, this value can be taken between 20 to 25% of the
gross water demand. But the more specific losses value can be
selected on the table depending on the type of pipe material.
 For various values of losses demand, refers to next slide also
found on page 34 of the design manual.

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Factors Affecting Per Capita Demand
1. Climatic conditions : The quantity of water
required in hotter and dry places is more than cold
countries because of the use of air coolers, air
conditioners, sprinkling of water in lawns, gardens,
courtyards, washing of rooms, more washing of
clothes and bathing etc.

2. Size of community : Water demand is more with

increase of size fo town because more water is
required in street washing, running of sewers,
maintenance of parks and gardens.

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Factors Affecting Per Capita Demand
3. Living standard of the people : The per capita demand of
the town increases with the standard of living of the people
because of the use of air conditioners, room coolers,
maintenance of lawns, use of flush, latrines and automatic
home appliances

4. Industrial and commercial activities : As the quantity of

water required in certain industries is much more than
domestic demand, their presence in the town will
enormously increase per capita demand of the town.

5. Pressure in the distribution system: The rate of water

consumption increase in the pressure of the building and
even with the required pressure at the farthest point, the
consumption of water will automatically increase.

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Factors Affecting Per Capita Demand
6. System of sanitation: Per capita demand of the towns having
water carriage system will be more than the town where this
system is not being used.

7. Price of water: The cost of water directly affects its demand. If

the cost of water is more, less quantity of water will be used by
the people as compared when the cost is low.

8. Quality of water: If the quality of water is good the people will

consume more water. Other wise they may avoid and try to use
minimum quantity of water. So for safe and good quality of
water, water consumption will be higher

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The most difficult task of water supply engineer is to
accurately estimate the water demands. This is
because of so many underlying uncertainties in the
actual requirements of water to be needed. However,
its is important that, you as a water engineer try as
much as you can to gather useful information and use
design manual to check for your designed values.
Generally, it is wise to categorize areas whether its
urban or rural area. This is because the per capita
water demand varies from urban to rural areas.
Variations in Demand

 The per capita demand of town is the average

consumption of water for a year.

 In practice it has been seen that this demand doesnot

remain uniform throughout the year.

 Demand can vary in three ways

1. Seasonal Variations
2. Daily Variations
3. Hourly Variations

Seasonal Variations
 The water demand varies from season to season.

 In summer the water demand is maximum, because

the people will use more water in bathing, cooling,
lawn watering and street sprinkling.

 This demand will becomes minimum in winter

because less water will be used in bathing and there
will be no lawn watering.

 The variations may be upto 15% of the average

demand of the year.

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Daily Variations

 This variation depends on the general habits of

people, climatic conditions and character of city as
industrial, commercial or residential.

 More water demand will be on Sundays and holidays

due to more comfortable bathing, washing etc as
compared to other working days.

 The maximum daily consumption is usually taken as

180% of the average consumption.

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Hourly Variations
 On Sundays and other holidays the peak hours may be about 8
A.M. due to late awakening where as it may be 6 A.M. to 10 A.M.
and 4 P.M. to 8 P.M. and minimum flow may be between 12P.M. to
4P.M. when most of the people are sleeping.

 But in highly industrial city where both day and night shifts are
working, the consumption in night may be more.

 The maximum consumption may rise up to 200% that of average

daily demand.

 The determination of this hourly variations is most necessary,

because on its basis the rate of pumping will be adjusted to meet
up the demand in all hours.

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Design Period
 The complete water supply project includes huge and costly
constructions such as dams, reservoirs, treatment works and
network of distribution pipelines.

 All these works cannot be replaced easily or capacities

increased conveniently for future expansions.

 While designing and constructing these works, they should

have sufficient capacity to meet future demand of the town
for number of years.

 The number of years for which the designs of the water works
have been done is known as design period.

 Mostly water works are designed for design period of 20-30

years, which is fairly good period.

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Per capital Demand
It is the annual average amount of daily water
required by one person and it includes the
domestic use, industrial and commercial use,
public use, waste and thefts etc.

Per capital Demand (q) litres/day

= Total yearly water requirement of the city
365 X population of the city

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 Water use varies with the time of year and the time of

 To account for these variations, peaking factors are

commonly used in evaluating water system operating

 Peaking factors are multipliers that are applied to the

average daily demand to approximate other peak water

09/10/2021 34

Peaking factors are often estimated because of

the lack of detailed water use data.

Peak water demands and associated peaking

factors that are important in evaluating water
system performance are discussed below.

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 The Average Day Demand (ADD) is the total water

demand as a results of adding domestic, institutional,
industrial, fire and commercial.Qad

 In order to estimate future demands based on

population growth, ADD is expressed as (Lpcd)

 Peaking factors are applied to the ADD to

estimate the other peak demands.

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 The Maximum Daily Demand (MDD) is obtained by

multiplying the ADD by the peak daily factor, Pf.
 MDD (Qdmax) = PDF x ADD
 The MDD peaking factor is the ratio of MDD to ADD.

PF = peaking factor between maximum day and average-day
Qmax = maximum day demands (cfs, m3/s)  
Qavg = average-day demands (cfs, m3/s)

 The MDD peaking factor can be determined from actual

09/10/2021 37

The maximum hour demand (MHD) is the

highest hourly water use rate during the year.
(Qhmax) it is obtained by multiplying the
Maximum daily demand by peak hourly factor,

The MHD peaking factor is the ratio of MHD to


Therefore, Intake and mains are designed to

meet maximum day demand.
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Peaking Factors
 Peaking factors from average day to maximum day
tend to range from 1.2 to 3.0,

 Peaking factors from average day to peak hour are

typically between 3.0 and 6.0.

 Of course, these values are system-specific, so they

must be determined based on the demand
characteristics of the system at hand.

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Engineer need to clearly take into considerations all types of
demands such as domestic, industrial, institutional, losses,
fire and operational demand.
Demand estimation of a certain locality depends on whether
the intended area has a saturated population i.e. planned ,
the population still increases (unplanned (rural areas).
A:Water demand estimation for increasing population-
unplanned area
B:Water demand estimation for saturated
population/planned area.
This is done by using Population Forecasting models. The
population forecasting models/formulars are used to forecast the
future population in an anticipated design periods. Let say you
need to design a water supply for a village to saves for 20 years.
You need to find what will be the population of such village in 20
years later. This is aiming at ensuring that, both current and future
population gets adequate quantity of water. After obtaining
population, then you multiply the population with a per capita
water demand to get total water demand. This is domestic. To get
overall demand, you need to take into accounts of other demands,
and then add together.
Estimation of Water Demand

Note. The estimation should consider the following

• Domestic water demand
• Institution and commercial demand
• Fire demand
• Loses and wastes

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b) Estimation water demands
i) Domestic demand
Q = N X q X Pf
Q =Total domestic water demand
N = number of people to be served at the end of the design period
q =water demand per capital per day
Pf = peak factor to take care for the hourly variation of water demand,
Considering the WHO std the water demand per capital per day ranges
between 90-120 L/c/day.

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Population Forecasting
 The knowledge of poupulation forecasting is very
important for design of any water supply scheme.

 The design is done on the basis of projected pouplation

at the end of the design period.

 When the design period is fixed the next step is to

determine the population of a town or city.

 Population of a town depends upon the factors like

births, deaths, migration and annexation.

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Population Forecasting
 The future development of the town mostly depends
upon trade expansion, development industries, and
surrounding country, discoveries of mines, construction
of railway stations etc .

 These may produce sharp rises, slow growth, stationary

conditions or even decrease the population.

 For the prediction of population, it is better to study the

development of other similar towns, which have
developed under the same circumstances, because the
development of the predicted town will be more or less
on the same lines.
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Population Forecasting Methods
 The following are the standard Population forecasting methods.

1. Arithmetical increase method (commonly in slow growing

areas mostly rural areas/districts)
2. Geometrical increase method (commonly applicable to
rapid growing areas such as urab ,town,municipalities, cities)
3. Incremental increase method (an improvement of the
above two methods)
4. Simple graphical method
5. Decrease rate of growth method
6. Comparative graph method
7. The master plan method

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Population Forecasting Methods

 1. Arithmetical increase method

This method is based upon the assumption that the
population is increasing at a constant rate i.e.
the rate of change of population with time is

This method is generally applicable to larger

cities whose scope of further expansion has
reached to saturation limit. This method gives
satisfactory result for old and large cities

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Population Forecasting Methods
2. Geometrical increase method
 In this method, it is assumed that the percentage
increase in population from decade to decade
remains constant.

 Therefore, the average value of the percentage

increase is calculated and the future populations are
calculated at this rate.
 This method gives higher values and it should be
applied to a new industrial town at the beginning
of development only for few decades

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Population Forecasting Methods
3.Incremental Increase Method

 In this method, the average increase per decade is first

of all found out and to this the average of the net
incremental increase once for every future decade is
 This method is applied for an average size town under
normal condition the growth rate is found to be
increasing in order. The increment is considered for
calculating future population

09/10/2021 49
Population Forecasting Methods

4. Simple graph method

 In this method, a graph is plotted from the available

data, between decade and population. The curve
(population Vs Year) is then smoothly extended up to
the desired year

 The best way of applying this method is to extend the

curve by comparing with the population curve of other
similar cites having the similar condition of growth.

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Population Forecasting Methods

5. Decrease rate of growth method

In this method, the average decrease in the
percentage increase is found out, and then
subtracted from the latest percentage increase for
each successive decade.

 In this method the fall in percentage increase is

considered and then the future population is
determined. The method is applicable to average
size cities growing under normal condition.

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 The following data have been noted from the census

 Find the probable population in the year 1980, 1990 and 2000.
by arithmetrical, geometrical, and incremental increase

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Arithematical Increase Method
 This method is based on the assumption that the population is
increasing at a constant rate.

 The rate of change of population with time is constant.

 The population after ‘n’ decades can be determined by the formula.

Pn = P + ni. Where i can be a yearly/annual increase or increase
by decade. Some population increase by year (e.g town) while
others by decade (e.g villages)
P → population at present
n → May be No. of decades if there is increase by decade or no of years is
increase is by years.
c → Constant determined by the average of increase of ‘n’
Pn → Forecasted population

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Solution to Example

09/10/2021 54
Geometrical increase method
This method is based on the assumption that the
percentage increase in population from decade to
decade remains constant.

The average percentage of growth of last few

decades is determined, the population
forecasting is done on the basis that percentage
increase per decade will be the same.

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Geometrical increase method
The population at the end of ‘n’ decades is calculated by

Pn = P (1 + r)n

Pn = is the year you are projecting
P = is the ending point for computing the rate of change
r = is the rate of change computed above; and
n = the number of time periods you are projecting forward (in decades)

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Solution to Example

09/10/2021 57
Estimate the population for 1981,2001, 2004

Year 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971

Pop 60 65 63 72 79 89 97 120

Year Population: Increment per Incremental Percentage Increment
(thousands) Decade Increase per Decade

1901 60 - - -
1911 65 +5 - (5+60) x100=+8.33
1921 63 -2 -3 (2+65) x100=-3.07
1931 72 +9 +7 (9+63) x100=+14.28
1941 79 +7 -2 (7+72) x100=+9.72
1951 89 +10 +3 (10+79) x100=+12.66
Average percentage increase per decade = 10.66
P n = P (1+i/100) n
Population for 1981 = Population 1971 x (1+i/100) n
= 120 x (1+10.66/100), i = 10.66, n = 1
= 120 x 110.66/100 = 132.8
Population for 1991 = Population 1971 x (1+i/100) n
= 120 x (1+10.66/100) 2 , i = 10.66, n = 2
= 120 x 1.2245 = 146.95
Population for 2001 = Population 1971 x
(1+i/100) n
= 120 x (1+10.66/100) 3 , i = 10.66, n = 3
= 120 x 1.355 = 162.60
Population for 1994 = 146.95 + (15.84 x 3/10) =
Incremental Increase method
 This method is an improvement over the above two methods.

 The average increase in the population is determined by the

arithmetical method and to this is added the average of the net
incremental increase once for each future decade.

 Population after ‘n’ decades can be determined by the formula.

Pn = P +( c + i)n
P → population at present
n → No. of decades
c → The average of increase of ‘n’ decades
i→ The average of incrimental increase of ‘n’ decade

09/10/2021 61
Solution to Example

Increase in Incremental
Year Population Population increase
1,940 8,000  -  
1,950 12,000 4,000  
1,960 17,000 5,000 1,000
1,970 22,500 5,500 500
  Total 14,500 1,500
  Avarage 4,833 750

Year Expected population

1,980 22500+(4833+750)X1 = 28,083
1,990 22500+(4833+750)X2 =33,666
2,000 22500+(4833+750)X3 =39,249

09/10/2021 62
Predict the population for the years 1981,1991,1994,2001
,2035,2070 using Arithmetic, Geometric and Incremental
YEAR population
1901 60,000
1911 65,000
1921 63,000
1931 72,000
1941 79,000
1951 89,000
1961 97,000
1971 120,000

To get water demand (domestic) of the area, the selected per capita water demand
(which is a water required by a single person) is multiplied by the total number of
population to get the total demand.


a) Daily water requirement: (domestic water demand)

From the Water manual (table 4.3), select a par capita water demand of low income
single household with yard tap, in rural area (70 l/c/d). Therefore taking
population let say obtained by Geometric increase method in previous example,
the quantity of water for year 2000, is obtained as follows;
Quantity of water = per capita demand x design population
= 70l/c/d x 63570 persons
= 4, 449,900 lit./ day equivalent to 4,449.9 m3/day or 4.45MLD (do the same for
different methods, and different per capita demand from manual)
b) Yearly water requirement :
Quantity of water = Daily water requirement x 365
= 4, 449,900 lit./ day x 365days
= 1,624,213,500lit/ year (1.63 billion liters annually)
09/10/2021 64
= 1,624,213.5 m3/ year
Demand estimation of non-domestic uses

1. Industrial water demands

2. Institution water demand
3. Commercial water demand
4. Operation water demand
5. Fire fighting water demand
Non-domestic water demand
Industrial water demands. This can be obtained
in two ways. For present industries, metering
records can provide the demand. But for future
industries, it is important to classify whether
industries are wet/water intensive, medium
intensive or dry industries as also depicted in
table 4.10 and 4.11
Non-domestic demands ...
Non-domestic demands ...

Where industrial area is planned and types of industries are

known, the following can be used
Industrial water demand
Let say the project area has the following industries
o 2 paper mill industries
o 3 fish processing factories
o 5 soft drinks industries
o 10 brick making industries
o 8 printing companies
o And 3 abattoir
o 1 tannery
Then using table 4.11 can be classified into water usage as
Example on how to estimate Industrial water demand
Industry Num Water use Dem(m No of ha Total industrial
ber classification 3/ha/da demarcated for water demand
y industrial areas (m3/d)
Paper mill 2 Water 50 1 100
(1 unit) intensive
Fish 3 Water 50 0.5 75
processing intensive
/ 2 units
Soft drinks 4 Water 50 2 400
ind (2 intensive
Brick 10 Medium 20 3 600
making (1 water
unit) intensive
Printing 8 Small scale 2 1 16
companies (dry)
Abbotir (1 3 Small scale 2 0.5 3
unt) (dry)
Tannery 1 Water 50 1 50
industry intensive
Example on how to estimate
Industrial water demand
• Total industrial water= 1244m3/d. If this is
divided by the domestic one (4449.9m3/d) we
get 27.95%. That’s why if sufficient
information is available on these industries,
you can roughly estimate the industrial
demand to be between 20-30% of the
domestic water demand.
Institutional water demand
• This is done following assessment of all
institutions available in the intended project
area. These may be schools,
colleges/universities, government institutions
such as water/electrical utilities,
offices/ministries, NGOs ETC. Refers to the
next slide
Demands of different institutions
Example on Institutions
Institutions no Average No of people
Church's 23 100 per congregation
mosques 18 100 per congregation
offices 15 30
Boarding schools 7 1300
Day school 22 1800
hospital 4 200
Health center 5 50
Dispensary 5 20
Example on Institutions
Using table 4.9 ,estimate water demand, assuming project area is in rural

Institutions no Average No of Water demand (l/d)

Church's 23 100 per 23,000
mosques 18 100 per 18,000
offices 15 30 4500
Boarding schools 7 1300 637,000
Day school 22 1800 396,000
hospital 4 200 160,000
Health center 5 50 20,000
Dispensary 5 20 1000
universities 5 16,000 5600000
• Total institutional water demand=1259500 lt/d
(1259.5m3/d). If this is divided by the total
domestic water demand (4449.9m3/d) then
we get=28.3%. Therefore, in case of
insufficient information of these institutions in
the area, you can roughly estimate 20-30% of
the domestic water demand.
Commercial water demand
• This is obtained after a detailed assessment in
a similar ways as in institutions. Then demand
is estimated using table 4.12 below
Examples –assuming a rural setting
Commercial No of building Number of people Total demand (l/d)
Hotels 20 50 70,000
Bars 50 30 10,5000
Shops 105 5 13125
Market centers 2 100 5,000
malls 2 100 5,000

The total water demand= 198125 l/d equivalent to 198.125m3/d. if

this is divided by the domestic demand (4449.9m3/d) we get
4.45%). Therefore in case of lack of data for these, you can
approximate any 5-10 % of the domestic. But another guide sets 10-
15m3/ha/d. If the municipal master plan is available and indicates
planned area(ha) for each , then it becomes simple.
Fire fighting
• The recommended design flow for a fire
hydrant is 10l/s. The guideline on suitable no
of fire hydrant is given by table 4.13 refers to
design manual for more information. This can
be assumed to be btn 5-10% of total water.
Operational & losses water demand

• The recommended OPWD is at least 5% of

total domestic water demand.
• While the recommended losses such as Non-
revenue water (leakages, ), treatment process
are between 20 and 25% of the gross demand.
= Domestic+industrial+institutinal+commercial+
operational water demand fire fighting demand

The system losses = 20-25% x (TOTAL WATER

From the population data given below.
Find the probable population in the year
2001, 2011 by using arithmetrical, Populati
geometrical, and incremental increase SN Year on

1 1,921 6,420

2 1,931 8,250

3 1,941 10,700

4 1,951 12,372

5 1,961 15,225

6 1,971 17,925
09/10/2021 82

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