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Pinhole Cameras

Examples of Steve Pippins work:

Steve Pippin
• He is and English artist who works with improvised or converted
photographic equipment.
• He is a pinhole photographer.
• His images are mainly of human figures and or himself.
• All his images are black and white due to the photographic paper
used in pinhole photography.
This is an image of Steve pippins pinhole work what is

Steve Pippin unique about his work is that all of his images have a
Black frame which is unique as not many photographers
have a frame. Furthermore another reason as to why
Steve pippins work is unique is that there is marks and
imperfections on his images this is due to the image
being done through a improvised pinhole camera.

In this image you can see it has been taken using pinhole
photography and the image shows a human figure
walking in motion. The main focus of this image is the
human figure as it is centred in the image and is what
your eyes are drawn to first.

What I like about this image is that it is old looking due

to the improvised pinhole. I also like the frame of the
pinhole as it is something that not many photographers
do. In this image they have used a shallow depth of field
as the objects in the rear of the image appear less
focused than that in the front of the image. Steve Pippin
has also used a slow shutter speed as the human figure
is in motion.
Examples of ilan wolffs work:
Ilan wolffs
• Ilan wolffs is a camera obscura photographer who has been taking
them since 1981
• He came across pinhole photography in 1977 when he went to study
• He travels a lot doing pinhole and camera obscura photography
This image shows buildings a walk way and a flowing road. For

Ilan wolff
me the main focus of this image is the fact that it is like a fish
eye lens where the middle seems really close and the sides
seem further away. Also because of the fish eye lens look my
eyes are also drawn to the person in the white shirt. My eyes
are drawn here because the rest of the image is dark and his
top is bright and stands out.

I like this image because it is different and unique. I also like

the contrast between the white shirt and the rest of the image
as it catches your eye.

In this image he has used framing around parts of the image

this is because of the pinhole photography.

He has also used a slow shutter speed and shallow depth of

field because the cars are blurry and the people in the front are
in focus

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