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I Came Here

Because Of….
Eny Joeniati, S.Pd
Chapter 1
A. Connectives for cause-and-
B. Explanation text
A. Connectives For Cause-and-Effect
 Cause and effect is a common way to organize information in a text. Paragraphs
structured as cause and effect explains why something happened or the effect of
something. These paragraphs can be ordered as causes and effects or as effects and
then causes.
1. Cause and Effect: “Because, Since, as, for”
Because, as, since, for and hence are the most important conjunctions of cause-
Examples :
 I stayed at home because it was raining
 As it is raining again, we will have to stay at home
 Since he had not paid the ret, he was told to vacate the room
 I decided to call it a day – for I was feeling tired
2. Cause and Effect: “because of”, “due to”, and “owing to”
Because of, due to, and owing to are phrasal prepositions. They express the same cause-effect
However, a preposition is allowed by a noun object, not by a subject and a verb.
 Because of the rain, I wore a hooded sweatshirt
 Due to the rain, I wore a hooded sweatshirt
Like adverb clauses, phrasal prepositions can also follow the main clause. Note the lack of a
comma in these instances.
 I wore a hooded sweatshirt because of the rain
 I wore a hooded sweatshirt due to the rain
 She walks with a limp owing to a childhood injury
3. Cause and Effect: “Therefore, Consequently, and So”
The transitions therefore and consequently mean “as a result”. They occur in the
second of two related sentences and can have a variety of positions within the second
sentence. Compare the following examples.
 Sam was late for work because she overslept.
 Sam overslept. Therfore, she was late for work
 Sam overslept. She was late for work, therefore.
so is a conjunction that has the same meaning as therefore. Because it is a
conjunction, so uses a comma to connect two related independent clauses.
 Sam overslept, so she was late for work.
4. Cause and Effect: “Thanks to”
people tend to use thanks to in positive situations.
 Thanks to his intelligence he managed to find the solution to that math problem.
5. Cause and Effect: “Such…That”
Such… that expresses cause and effect by enclosing other parts of speech. Such…
that encloses a modified noun (Such +Adjective + noun +that)
 It was such a nice day that I ate my lunch outside.
 It was such a good movie that I saw it a second time.
6. Cause and Effect: “So…That”
So… that encloses an adjective or adverb (so+ adjective/adverb + that)
 The drink was so cold that it made by teeth hurt.
 James speaks so slowly that I lost interest in what he is saying.

So that (with no words in between) expresses purpose. It has the same meaning as “in order
 I cleaned up the living room in order to enable my roommate to vacuum the floor.
 I cleaned up the living so(that) my roommate could vacuum the floor.
(I cleaned up the living room for a purpose. The purpose was to make it possible for my
roommate to vacuum the floor without having to move things put of the way.)
Individual Task 1
Fill in the blank spaces! ( so, thanks to, as, because, due to )
1. He was absence ___________ her illness.
2. I didn’t go to school __________ I was sick.
3. He cannot drive as he doesn’t have a lisence.
4. __________ your help, I can finish the script ontime.
5. Nadia is going to Surabaya, _______ she cannot attend my graduation.
Individual Task 2
Read the text and answer the questions that follow!
Dropping Out
For many teenagers, there are numerous negative factors that can lead them to give up on their
education and drop out of school. The first cause is that many teenagers lack of their role model in their lives.
The lack of encouraging adult in their lives can cause them to think negatively about themselves and it does
not allow them to live up to their full potential. Also, the lack of a positive role model can cause them to get
involved with the wrong kind of people or activities. When students get involved in these types of situations,
they usually don’t chool. This can lead to many impressionable young children to give up on their e factor
that causes a student to give up on school is lack of determination. If they are not determined to graduate, it
can be very difficult for them to stay in school. Many students find it difficult to stay focused on school when
they feel that getting an education is useless. Some students only attend school because they are forced to
and they are not there to further their education. The third and final factor is peer pressure. Many students
give into pure pressure very easily. If pure pressure is negative, this can lead them into drugs and alcohol. The
drugs and alcohol can cause them to drop that is the only thing that they are focused in and it can very easily
because easily ruin a child life
Answer the questions
1. What are the effects of lacking role model for teenagers?
2. What is the effect of lacking of determination?
3. What is peer pressure's involvement in bullying cases?
4. “The drugs and alcohol can cause them to drop out ..." What does the underlined word refer to?
5. Do you agree the dropping out system for students? Why or why not?
Definition of Explanation Text
Explanation text is a text which is used to explain how a thing happens or why the
thing is made. The purpose intell how or why something happens.
-Generic Structure.
-A general statementt = it describes or identifies the phenomenon.
-A series of statements=it tells how or why the feature or process changes.
-A conclusion = It concludes the explanation.
-Language features.
a. The use of simple present tense and action verbs (e.g. runs, develops, becomes)
b. The use of passive voice (e.g. water is pulled out)
c. The use of cause and effect terms (because of .... ), due to...., therefore, as a
d. The use of technical terms (e.g. evaporation, degradation
Task 1
State whether the statements are true or false based on the following text!
Have you ever wondered how people get the chocolate form? In this article, we'll enter the amazing
worldof chocolate. So you can understand exactly what you're eating.Chocolate starts with a tree called a
cacao tree. This tree grows in equatorial regions, especially in placessuch as South America, Africa, and
Indonesia. The cacao trees produce fruit about the size of a small pineapple.Inside the fruit are the tree's
seeds, also known as cocoa beans.The beans are fermented for about a week, dried in the sun and then
shipped to the chocolate maker. Thechocpate mker stars by roasting the eans to bring out the fiavor.
different deans from different places havedifferent qualities and flavor, so they are often sorted and blended
to produce a distinctive mix. Next, the roastedbeans are winnowed. Winnowing removes the meat nib of the
cocoa bean from its shell. Then the nibs areblended. The blended nibs are ground to make it a liquid. The
liquid is called chocolate liquor. It tastes bitter. Allseeds contain some ennount of fat, and cacao beans are
not different. However, cacao beans are half fat, whichis why the ground nibs from liquid. It's pure bitter
No. Statement True False
1. Cacao tree produced chocolate.
2. Cacao trees found in South America, Africa, Australian and Indonesia.
3. The iermentation of cacao beans is about a week.
4. Roasting is done for bringing out the flavor.
5. Different beans from another place have the same qualities.
6, Winnowing is done after blending the cocoa beans to remove the meat nib
from the cocoa shell.
7. The chocolate liquor tasted sweet.

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