Art Presentation Upon Potentiality of Agri Report

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Presentation on

Potentiality of Agribusiness in Bangladesh

Course Name: Education planning

Course Code: ART 102


Prepared By:
1.Md. Abir Mahmud (ID: 21109042 BsAg)
2.Nilkamal Chakraborty (ID: 21109041 BsAg)
3.MD Ashraful Islam. (ID: 21109032 BsAg)
4.Moniya Bhuiyan. (ID: 21109030 BsAg)
5.Shuvo pottandar .( ID: 21109031 BsAg)

Submission Date



• Introduction. • Seeds Business

• About Agribusiness in Bangladesh. • Flower Business
• Investment of Agribusiness. • Organic Farming
• Manufacturing Sector and Transport • Position of Bangladesh in the world
sector • Challenge of Agribusiness in
•Agriculture And Forestry Bangladesh
• Construction Sector • Opportunities
• Poultry Farming • Conclusion
• Mushroom Farming

Agribusiness involves all the steps required to send an agricultural good to market, namely
production, processing, and distribution. This industry is an important component of the economy
in countries with arable land since agricultural products can be exported.
Agribusiness treats the different aspects of raising agricultural products as an integrated system.
Farmers raise animals and harvest fruits and vegetables with the help of sophisticated harvesting
techniques, including the use of GPS to direct operations. Manufacturers develop increasingly
efficient machines that can drive themselves. Agriculture sector plays an important role in overall
economic development of Bangladesh. A plurality of Bangladesh is earns their living from
agriculture. Agriculture is the largest employment sector in Bangladesh. Bangladesh economy
draws it’s main strength from agriculture sector. The sector contributes 19.10% to GDP(at current
prices) and employs 50.28% of labor force.
About Agribusiness in Bangladesh and Potentiality
About Agribusiness in Bangladesh and Potentiality

 Agribusiness involves all the steps required namely

production, processing, and distribution.
 Bangladesh cannot sustain long-run economic
progress without having a strong agricultural sector .
 At a general level, the paper recommends various
structural, institutional, and market-friendly policy
reforms accompanied by infrastructural developments in
order to encourage entrepreneurship, innovation, and
Figure 1:Agriculture in Bangladesh.
investments along with better and more effective
strategic management of this sector.
The items generally traded domestically are mostly seasonal
agro products like raw jute and jute goods, paddy, rice, wheat,
oil seeds, pulses, onion, ginger, garlic, chilly, hides & skins, fish
products, fruits and vegetables etc.
The imported items are mainly foodstuffs and exportable agro
products are raw jute and jute goods, hides & skins, fish,
shrimps, prawns, vegetable etc.
Investment in agribusiness

 During the last 25 years, the Washington-based lender said

Bangladesh's agricultural productivity growth has been among
the highest in the world and supported around 87 percent of the
country' rural household.
 This crucial sector accounted for 20.29% of Bangladesh's
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in FY 2009-10.
 43.6% of the total labour force of the country engaged in the
agriculture sector.
 An investment of just Tk.1 in the agriculture sector can bring Figure 2: Investment aria of Agribusiness

returns of Tk.4.
 About 25% of land in unused or used in unproductive
Types of Agribusiness in Bangladesh
Poultry Farming

 Poultry Farming is one of the most profitable business in the agriculture sector of


There is an estimated 150,000 poultry farms in Bangladesh.

 The farms annually produce 570 million tones of meat and 7.34 billion eggs.

 At present, a large number of educated unemployed persons are related to poultry farm.

 These sectors play important role to solve poverty, unemployment problem

 Bangladesh is a large space of potential investment in poultry Industries.

 So Undoubtly poultry have a huge demand in Bangladesh.

Mushroom Farming

 Mushroom farming start with a low investment and less space.

 Oyster, Reship, Milky, Button, Straw, Shiitake, mushrooms are most preferable

 In Bangladesh 40000 MT mushrooms are produced during 2018-19.

 The climatic condition of Bangladesh is utterly suitable for mushroom cultivation.

 In our country, 1kg mushroom price is 2000 Taka.

 So its cultivation can transfer as a cottage industry and create a goods opportunity
for export.
Seeds Business

 Agricultural productivity depends to a great extent on the use of quality seeds.

 The Bangladesh Seed Market is growing at a CAGR of 5.8% over the next 5 years.

 The Bangladesh government is boosting the in-house hybrid maize seed production.

 The production of seed is a multibillion-dollar business

 Often we have to import seeds from outside the country.

 In our country, it is a huge demand for good quality seeds and also outside.
Flower Business

 The flower farming is an important and profitable enterprise in the Agriculture

sector of Bangladesh.

 At a wholesale flower market (in Dhaka), some 700 traders do flower business worth
at least $16000 per day.

 1, 50,000 people are directly or indirectly involved in floriculture business as their

sole livelihood.

 In European market qualitiful flower has a huge demand.

 To reduce unemployment and increase employment, flower trading can be one of

the best tools
Organic Farming

 Organic Farming is an agricultural system which decrease the uses

Organic Farming is the future of agriculture
 It is 10x more profitable than conventional row crop, commodity farming.

 There is a huge demand for organic vegetables in our country for its freshness and

 Farmer can profit a huge money from it.

GDP in agriculture in Bangladesh

 In the last financial year, the

 contribution of the manufacturing sector was 24.06 percent of the


 2 lakh 57 thousand 116 crore has been added to this sector at fixed value as

 Did you know that the transportation sector is one of the biggest
value-added sectors in

 the economy? Passenger and freight buses, trucks, trains and

ships ply across the country.

 Agriculture and forestry account for more than 10 percent of

GDP. In terms of money,

 The amount is 1 lakh 8 thousand crore rupees. By just growing

crops, farmers have

 Contributed the equivalent of Tk 75,000 crore to GDP


 Various constructions take place all over the country throughout

the year. Not just

 homes; Everything from roads to the Padma Bridge and Metrorail

are contributing to

 GDP. In the 2018-19 financial year, the contribution of this sector

was Taka 71,113 crore,

 which is 7.63 percent of the GDP.

Position of Bangladesh in the world
Topic : Difference types of Agriculture sector Position of Bangladesh in
the world.
Bangladesh success in agriculture is in able . Bangladesh is now an example to the world in the
production of food grains in the face of Agricultural lands salinity and hostel nature .Bangladesh
is now the third largest production of vegetable and IV production of rice and fish. Bangladesh
is the top producer of Crop varieties.
Since Independence Rice production in Bangladesh has more than tripled with has doubled
vegetable and Maize 10 time .And in this way Bangladesh has rice in the crop list of the world
in terms of in increasing the main food grains.
Bangladesh ranks fourth in the world in rice production
Bangladesh ranks fourth in the world in rice production. Bangladesh has a set a
record food grains production .Moreover the recently 16 may, 2015. 10,000 tones
of rice was sent to Nepal as eight. This is an expression of the constantly Rice
production capacity.
Bangladesh today is the 3rd largest producer of vegetable
Bangladesh is now ranked third in the world in vegetable production .Now
vegetables are being cultivated in the almost all parts of the country .Now the
Country is producing 60 tons and 200 varieties of vegetables.

Bangladesh is fourth in fish production

Bangladesh is fourth in fish production .fish export have increased 135 Times
.Bangladeshi the first of the four countries in the world to success in fish
programming by 2022 .

Challenge of Agribusiness in Bangladesh
Challenge’s of Agribusiness

 Lack of quality control mechanisms and standardization products

 Loss of Arable land
 Climate change
 Inadequate port facility
 Inadequate air freight space for export of perishables
 Inefficient water use
 Pests and diseases
 Regular power supply
Inadequate market information
 Inadequate credit support to farmer
 Inadequate supply of good quality seeds /fingering/DOC/ breed
 Indiscriminate use of chemical fertilizer reducing soil fertility
High level of past-harvest loss(10-38%)
Insufficient investment in research
Cold storage facility to vegetables
Lack of Knowledge of industry about Eureka Gap, HACCP
The reluctance of financial institutions of finance agribusiness
The limited capacity of Bangladesh standard testing Institute for standard
setting and monitoring.

1. Protection of arable land

2. Population control
3. Adaptation to climate change
4. Fertilizer management
5. Water management
6. Pests management
7. Quality seed production
8. Credit management
9. Fair price of produces
10. Return to research investment

Agribusiness involves all the steps required to send an agricultural good to market, namely
production, processing, and distribution. This industry is an important component of the economy
in countries with arable land since agricultural products can be exported. Agribusiness treats the
different aspects of raising agricultural products as an integrated system. Farmers raise animals
and harvest fruits and vegetables with the help of sophisticated harvesting techniques, including
the use of GPS to direct operations. Manufacturers develop increasingly efficient machines that
can drive themselves. Only five sectors contribute the most to the growth of gross domestic
product (GDP). In the last 2018-19 financial year, these sectors have contributed two-thirds or 6
to the GDP. These sectors have added Rs 7.5 lakh to the GDP.

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