Taking Care of The Family

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1. Decision making and other
factors that influence home
2. Wise use of time and effort;
3. Work simplification and
preparing a time and activity
4. Nature of income and expenses;
5. Principles of budgeting;
6. Nature, elements, and
importance of family budgeting;
7. Meeting family needs and
demands and meeting their
8. Managing the family income;
9. Setting aside money for savings
and investment; and
10.Preparing a family budget.
Proper Management of
Home Activities
 Is a careful approach to setting
goals and achievement them.
Families can benefit a lot from
organized planning to reach
1. 1. Strong and able family members can
pitch in on jobs such as housekeeping,
cleaning, and home repair and
maintenance while those who have
creative talents and skills in homemaking
can make the family happy and
comfortable by making home decors,
arranging furniture's functionally, planning
and preparing meals, and other similar
chores requiring an artistic touch.
2. A homemaker’s ability to
delegate tasks effectively
among family members
will help lessen the
burden of shouldering all
the household chores.
3. Careful attention and
maintenance of the material
resources in home such as
functional working areas in the
kitchen, good running faucets,
and proper lighting fixtures
lighten the homemaker’s task.
4. Children who have
experience and training in
income-generating hobbies
like handicrafts,
woodworking, and metal craft
and who possess the right
attitude towards work can
help in establishing
entrepreneurial activities in
the home.
Decision Making: An Aspect
of Home Management

Home is the best training

ground for family members to
develop their skills in decision
1. Identifying the problem.
A home manager must be
objective and realistic enough to
see a problem as it is. Accepting
that a problem exists makes one
calm therefore leads a person to be
creative in thinking of ways to solve
2. Obtaining information and
formulating courses of action.
Once the problem has been
recognized, accepted, and
identified, information must be
gathered in order for one to take
appropriate steps towards a
3. Selecting a course of
A home manager must bear in
mind that there is always a
solution to every problem.
Sometimes it may be difficult to
select from among possible
solutions one that will best apply
to the problem.
4. Participating
of family
members in decision
“Two heads are better than
one” is an applicable maxim
in matters that require
decision making.
Factors That Influence Home

 By definition, home
management refers to
planning, controlling,
coordinating, directing, and
evaluating the use of
This is the process which
sets and analyzes the
goals to be attained.
Priorities are identified and
decisions made as to
which goals need to be
attended to ahead of
This refers to the way
activities human, non-
human, and material
resources are to be used
properly so that they
contribute towards maximum
efficiency without waste or
As soon as plans have been
carefully thought out and the
activities and resources have
been chosen, they are ready
to be carried out.

The results of an activity will

show whether the goals set at
the beginning were attained
efficiently within the time limit
stated in the plan.
Managing One’s Time and Energy

The saying “Time is gold” imparts a

very important message: that time is
short and it is to be valued and used
wisely. Everybody is given only 24
hours a day to make life productive
and satisfying.
The following are some reasons to help
you remember the importance of
managing one’s time and energy

1. The proper management of time

and energy brings happiness and
security because you can
accomplish your target for the day.
2. One of the benefits using
time and energy wisely is
finding that you have more
time to give to those who
need it.
3. Spending one’s time and energy
wisely opens opportunities for
constructive activities such as
visiting a sick friend, organizing,
worthwhile projects in the school
or neighbourhood, and reading to
improve one’s class performance.
Factors Affecting the
Use of Time and Energy
Several factors affect the wise
use of one’s time and energy.
Available resources.

Resources may come in the form of

human and non-human materials
available for use. Human resources
include the talents, abilities, attitudes,
and knowledge of an individual while
non-human resources include energy,
time, money, and community facilities
and services.
Tasks to be accomplished

There are some tasks that

require only little time and
energy to accomplish but there
are also those where you need to
exert more effort.
Size of the family
A small family with only five
members (father, mother, and
three children) shares more
household chores and needs
more time to accomplish these
even if there is division of labor.
Young children can do only minor
tasks that their muscles can allow
without putting unnecessary strain
on them. Too heavy a workload can
affect their physical and mental
Principles of work

 There are people who spend

less time on housework,
especially when there are
gadgets and appliances to
help ease the workload.
The following are some helpful
measures to follow in order to
simplify work at home and conserve
human energy:
-Plan your work ahead of time.
Attended to details with
meticulous care to avoid omission
of things that may seem negligible
but which in the long the run
would prove to be time consuming
and important.
2. A good approach to essential task like
shopping, preparing meals, and
washing clothes is to first cut down the
amount of work involved wherever
possible. This can be done by using
energy-saving devices such as the floor
polisher, washing machine, and other
labor-saving appliances.
3. Clean up crumbs and
trapped dirt as soon as they
appear. Regular thorough
cleaning can be tackled at
convenient intervals.
4. To cut down on frequent
tidying up, provide as much
storage space as possible in
the different rooms of the
5.Clean adjacent rooms on the same
floor at the same time to minimize
going up and down frequently.
When sweeping with a broom, use
short forward strokes to brush the
dirt towards a central collection
point before sweeping it into a
6.Work in a relaxed manner with a mind
towards achieving something
worthwhile and profitable. Hurrying
causes fatigue and tension which can
easily lead to accidents. Work with
natural, rhythmic movements instead of
sharp, jerky ones which can cause stiff
and tense muscles. Clean windows and
large surfaces with circular arm motions.
7. Save energy by avoiding the strain
and fatigue that results from using
the body muscles incorrectly. Lift
heavy things using the muscles that
are strongest for the task. The legs
are stronger than the back, so bend
at the knees and hips rather than
from the waist. Avoid stooping as
this causes pressure on the spine.
8. When pushing or pulling
objects, get close to the
object and use the weight of
the body rather than just the
strength of the arm muscles.
When carrying, take the strain
of the weight on your hip.
 Standing takes more energy
than sitting so sit down when
doing tasks like ironing and
peeling vegetables.
Alternating work positions, like
doing a job sitting down after
standing for so long is a good
practice to avoid muscle strain.
9. In working, use energy for a
cause like the betterment of
home life for the family. Set only
attainable short-term goals for
yourself which you can
accomplish satisfactory at your
own speed and initiative.
10. Do not allow any distraction
while you are working to
avoid waste of time. Also, do
not forget to set priorities.
The Time and Activity Plan

 Time is a non-human resources that

can be controlled. Control means
managing time by scheduling daily
activities wisely. By carefully studying
how a person should spend time, one
can obtain the best results for the
effort exerted in a given period.
My Time and Activity Plan

In this plan you simply have to jot down what

took place, its duration, and any comments you
may have. Be sure to record facts strictly. After
recording the daily activities for a few days, be
ready to evaluate your time and activity plan.
The plan will tell how long a person spends for
each activity so one can divide the time properly
among the tasks one has to accomplish
My Time and Activity Plan

Name:_________________ Date: ___________

Time What Took Place Duration Comments

Be honest with yourself as
you evaluate the effectively of
your plan so you can improve
your time management.
My Daily Time Schedule for
Time Monday Activity
5:30-5:40 Wake up and make
the bad
5:40-6:15 Take a bath and
prepare for school
6:15-6:30 Breakfast
6:30-7:00 Commute to school
7:15-4:00 School hours
4:00-4:30 Commute home
4:30-4:45 Snacks
4:45-5:30 Rest period
5:30-6:00 Help prepare
6:00-6:30 Wash dishes and
set the
6:30-7:00 Watch TV
5:30-6:00 Help prepare
6:00-6:30 Wash dishes and
set the
6:30-7:00 Watch TV
7:00-7:30 Dinner
7:30-7:45 Help clear the
7:45-9:00 Do assignments
9:00-9:30 Prepare things for
school and
wash up for
9:30 Bedtime
How to Budget your Money


Spending for comfortable living
Spending for major purchases
Spending for savings
Splurge Spending
The nature of Income and
 Income is money or
salary earned for
services rendered such as
that by a laborer,
employee, or any worker
Preparing a Personal Budget
Principles that must be followed in
preparing a budget
1.Know your in come. The viability of
cash on hand is a prerequisite for
.2. List you expenses. After knowing how much
money you have to spend for a certain period of
Types of Expenses
Fixed – this includes expenses that come
regularly within a period of time in more or less
consistent amounts
 Flexible - this includes expenses that are
unexpected or come at irregular intervals.
 Occasional and Expenses- this
amount may be considered a form
of savings. The percentage of
one’s income that needs to be
saved depends on one’s fixed and
flexible expenses.
3. set priorities. It is important for you to
determine which items should be given first
4. Keep records of expenditures. Some people do
not keep records of their expenses so they end
up wondering where their money went.
5. Make provisions for some savings. It is wise to
separate a small amount of your allowance as
Limiting Expenditures to One’s
 It is wise to keep one’s expenditures within
the budget in order to prevent any deficit.
Unwise spending may lead to bad debts
which not only tarnishes one’s reputation bit
cause the loss of property used as collaterals
for debts incurred.
The importance of family
 Family budgeting is an important task usually
delegated to the father and mother.

 The Filipino family has fixed and flexible

expenses. Among the fixed expenses is that a
family gives priority to are food, shelter,
education, household operation and others.
 For flexible expenses are clothing, home
furnishing and decor, medical and dental care
and emergencies.
 food
 Shelter
 Clothing
 Education
 Household operation
 Utilities
 Medical and Dental Care
 Rest and Recreation
 Savings.
The needs and Demands of a
 Needs and demands of a family
members are not given careful
 needs refers to necessities that are
basic and those which the family
cannot do without.
 demands includes those which the
family or its individual wish to have or
Demands or wishes can be grounded into
1. things wanted and needed
immediately such as a new pair of
shoes or a dress;

2. Things wanted during the year such as

going on a vacation’ and

3. Things wanted for the future such as

owning a house
Experts suggested the following
hints to determine how much should
be allotted for each item needed

1. Know the total income earned by

the whole family.

2. List down all the needs according to

priorities and assign a reasonable
percentage to each need.
3. Study hoe much the family actually
spends for items in the needs list to
check if the percentage alloted is

4. adjust the budget according to the

findings of your actual spending plan so
that all family needs will be satisfied.
Savings and Investment

 It takes discipline to handle the family

income because any mismanagement
will result in financial problems and
bad debts.

 Saving and investment are important

because they help families attain their
future goals.

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