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Assistant Professor,
Department of Electronics and
Communication Engineering
 Increasing demand for information exchange is a characteristic
of modern civilisation.
 Transfer of information from source to destination has to be
done such that quality of received information is as close as
possible to quality of transmitted information
 Information may be machine generated (e.g., images,computer
data) or human generated( e.g., speech)
 Regardless of its source,information must be translated into a
set of signals optimised for the channel over which we want to
send it.
 Source encoder eliminates the redundant part in order to
maximise the information transmission rate.
 To ensure secrecy,encryption is used.
 To protect the data against perturbations introduced by the
channel which leads to misinterpretation of the transmitted
message at the receiving end,error control strategies such as
FEC(forward error correction) which use error correcting codes
to correct errors at the receiving end and ARQ( automatic
repeat request) are used.
 The modulator generates a signal suitable for the transmission
 From coding theory,by increasing codeword length or encoder
memory,greater protection or coding gain can be achieved.
 Complexity of typical decoding algorithm such as Maximum
Likelihood Decoding Algorithm(MLDA) increases exponentially
with the encoder memory and the algorithms become difficult to
 The increased error correction capability of long codes requires
a very high computational effort at the decoder.
 The new strategies combine simpler codes in such a way that
allows each code to be decoded separately with less complex
 By using soft-input,soft-output (SISO) decoders,information can
be passed from one decoder to the next in an iterative fashion.
 This is a “divide-and-conquer” strategy which in an iterative
process can approach the performance of the MLDA.
 Encoding techniques used in conjunction with iterative decoding
combine different codes in such a way that each of them can be
coded independently.
 The common feature is that decoding can be done sequentially
using one decoder at a time(after one code is decoded,another
decoder is used for the next code and so on).
 Historical evolution of the concept on which turbo codes are
 Summary of the differences between turbo codes and
convolutional codes
 Encoding process
 Component codes for implementing turbo codes
 Different turbo encoder structures based on convolutional
 Block turbo codes
 Turbo trellis coded modulation
 Interleaver design
 Introduction to decoding
 A review of likelihoods
 Principles of iterative decoding
 Two dimensional single parity code example
 Turbo decoding
 Performance of turbo codes
 Decoder delay
A Need for Better Codes
 Designing a channel code is always a tradeoff between energy
efficiency and bandwidth efficiency.
 Lower rate Codes  correct more errors  the communication
system can operate with a lower transmit
power, transmit over longer distances,
tolerate more interference, use smaller
antennas and transmit at a higher data rate.
 have a large overhead and are hence more
heavy on bandwidth consumption
 decoding complexity grows exponentially
with code length, and long (low-rate) codes set
high computational requirements to
conventional decoders.

Encoding is easy but decoding is hard

Claude Shannon’s Limit
 If the transmission rate, the bandwidth and the noise power are fixed, we
get a lower bound on the amount of energy that must be expended to
convey one bit of information. Hence, Shannon capacity sets a limit to the
energy efficiency of a code.
 Although Shannon developed his theory in the 1940s, several decades
later the code designs were unable to come close to the theoretical bound.
Even in the beginning of the 1990s, the gap between this theoretical bound
and practical implementations was still at best about 3dB.
“practical codes required about twice as much energy as the
theoretical predicted minimum”
 new codes were sought that would allow for easier decoding
 using a code with mostly high-weight code words
 combining simple codes in a parallel fashion, so that each part
the code can be decoded separately with less complex decoders
and each decoder can gain from information exchange with others.
Turbo Codes
 Berrou & Glavieux
 1993 International Conf. on Commun. (ICC)

 Rate ½ performance within 0.5 dB of Shannon capacity.

 Patent held by France Telecom.

 Features:
 Parallel code concatenation

 Can also use a serial concatenation

 Nonuniform interleaving

 Recursive systematic encoding

 Usually RSC convolutional codes are used.

 Can use block codes.

 Iterative decoding algorithm.

 Optimal approaches: BCJR/MAP, SISO, log-MAP

 Suboptimal approaches: max-log-MAP, SOVA

Concatenated Coding
Error Propagation
 If a decoding error occurs in a codeword,

 results in a number of subsequent data errors

 the next decoder may not be able to correct the errors

 the performance might be improved if these errors were distributed

between a number of separate codewords

 Can be achieved using an interleaver/de-interleaver.

•If the rows of the interleaver are at least as long as the outer codewords,
and the columns at least as long as the inner data blocks, each data bit of
an inner codeword falls into a different outer codeword.
•Hence, if the outer code is able to correct at least one error, it can always
cope with single decoding errors in the inner code.

So, how to overcome this ?

Iterative decoding

If the output of the outer decoder were reapplied to the inner
decoder it would detect that some errors remained, since the
columns would not be codewords of the inner code
Iterative decoder: to reapply the decoded word not just to the
inner code, but also to the outer, and repeat as many times as
However, it is clear that this would be in danger of simply
generating further errors. One further ingredient is required for
the iterative decoder.
Soft-In, Soft-Out (SISO)
 The performance of a decoder is significantly enhanced if, in addition
to the ‘hard decision’ made by the demodulator on the current symbol,
some additional ‘soft information’ on the reliability of that decision is
passed to the decoder.

 For example, if the received signal is close to a decision threshold (say

between 0 and 1) in the demodulator, then that decision has low
reliability, and the decoder should be able to change it when searching
for the most probable codeword.

Making use of this information in a conventional decoder, called

soft decision decoding, leads to a performance improvement of
around 2dB in most cases.
SISO decoder
 A component decoder that generates ‘soft
information’ as well as makes use of it,
 Soft information usually takes the form of a log-
likelihood ratio for each data bit,
 The likelihood ratio is the ratio of the probability that a
given bit is ‘1’ to the probability that it is ‘0’
 If we take the logarithm of this, then its sign corresponds
to the most probable hard decision on the bit (if it is
positive, ‘1’ is most likely; if negative, then ‘0’)
 The absolute magnitude is a measure of our
certainty about this decision.
Likelihood Functions
Bayes’ Theorem 
P(d=i/x) = p(x/d=i) P(d=i) ; i = 1,……M
P(d=i/x)  A posteriori probability APP
P(d=i)  A priori probability
p(x/d=i)  conditional pdf of received
Signal x
p(x)  pdf of received Signal x
Maximum Likelihood
Let dk= +1, -1 ; AWGN channel
Received statistic  xk
Likelihood functions 
l1 = p(xk / dk= +1 )
l2= p(xk / dk= -1 )
Maximum Likelihood  hard decision rule
choose dk= +1, if l1 > l2
choose dk= -1, if l2 > l1
Maximum A Posteriori - MAP
Let dk= +1, -1 ; AWGN channel
Received statistic  xk
MAP Rule  H1
P(dk= +1 / xk ) < P(dk= -1 / xk )

H1 : dk= +1,
H2 : dk= -1.
MAP Likelihood ratio test
p(xk / dk= +1 ) P(dk= +1) < p(xk / dk= -1 )
P(dk= -1) H2

p(xk / dk= +1 ) > P(dk= -1)
p(xk / dk= -1 ) H2 P(dk= +1)

p(xk / dk= +1 ) P(dk= +1) > 1
p(xk / dk= -1 ) P(dk= -1) H2
Log - Likelihood Ratio : LLR
P(d= +1 / x)
L(d/ x ) = log
P(d= -1 / x )

p(x / d= +1 ) P(d=
= log +1)
p(x / d= -1 ) P(d= -1)
p(x / d= +1 )
= log + log P(d=
p(x / d= -1 ) +1)
P(d= -1)
= L ( x/d ) + L(d)
Log - Likelihood Ratio : LLR
L(d/ x ) = L ( x /d ) + L(d)

L’( d ) = Lc ( x ) + L(d)
Soft LLR output for a systematic code :
^ ^ ^
L( d ) = L’( d ) + Le( d )
LLR of data at Extrinsic LLR : Knowledge from
Demod. output Decoding process

^ ^
L( d ) = Lc ( x ) + L(d) + Le(
^ ^
L( d ) = Lc ( x ) + L(d) + Le(

L(d) apriori
value in

^ Le( d ) Output LLR value

L’( d ) = Lc ( x ) + L(d) SISO Extrinsic L( d^) = L’( ^ ^
Le( d )
Detector a posteriori Decoder Value out
LLR value
Lc( x ) L’( d ) a posteriori
Chann value out
Iterative decoding algorithm for
the product code
1. Set the a-priori LLR L(d) = 0
2. Decode horizontally and obtain
^ ^
Leh( d ) = L( d ) - Lc ( x ) - L( d )
3. Set L(d) = Leh(d) for vertical decoding
4. Decode^vertically^
and obtain
Lev( d ) =^L( d ) - Lc ( x ) - L( d )
5. Set L(d) = Lev(d) for horizontal decoding
6. Repeat^ steps 2 to 5 to optimize
^ and^the soft
output is
L( d ) = L ( x ) + L ( d ) + L ( d )
Iterative Decoder
Decoder Architectures
 Decoders must operate much faster than the rate at which
incoming data arrives, so that several iterations can be
accommodated in the time between the arrivals of received data
 Architecture may be replaced by a pipeline structure, in
which data and extrinsic information are passed to a new set of
decoders while the first one processes the next data block
 At some point the decoder may be deemed to have
converged to the optimum decoded word, at which point the
combination of extrinsic and intrinsic information can be used to
find the decoded data
 Usually a fixed number of iterations is used—between 4 and
10, depending on the type of code and its length—but it is also
possible to detect convergence and terminate the iterations at that
Log-Likelihood Algebra
Sum of two LLRs

L(d1) + L(d2)  L (d1  d2 )

= log exp[L(d1)] + exp [L(d2)]
1 + exp[L(d1)].exp [L(d2)]
 (-1) . sgn [L(d1)]. sgn [L(d2)] . Min ( |L(d1)| , |L(d2)| )
L (d) +  = - L (d)
L (d) + 0 = 0
Iterative decoding example
2D single parity code
di  di = pij d1 = 1 d2 = 0 p12 = 1
d3 = 0 d4 = 1 d34 = 1
p13 = 1 p24 = 1 -

x1 = 0.75 x2 = 0.05 x12 = 1.25

x3 = 0.10 x4 = 0.15 x34 = 1.0

x13 = 3.0 x24 = 0.5 -

Iterative decoding example
Estimate Lc(xk)
 = 2 xk /2
 assuming 2 = 1

Lc(x1 )= 1.5 Lc(x2 )= 0.1 Lc(x12 )= 2.5

Lc(x3 )= 0.2 Lc(x4 )= 0.3 Lc(x34 )= 2.0
Lc(x13 )= 6.0 Lc(x24 )= 1.0 -
Iterative decoding example
 Compute

Le( dj ) = [Lc ( x j) + L(dj +) ] Lc ( x


Leh( d1) = [Lc ( x 2) + L(d2) ] +Lc ( x 12 ) = new L( d1 )

Leh( d2) = [Lc ( x 1) + L(d1) ] +Lc ( x 12 ) = new L(d2)
Leh( d3) = [Lc ( x 4) + L(d4) ] +Lc ( x 34 ) = new L(d3)
Leh( d4) = [Lc ( x 3) + L(d3) ] + Lc ( x 34 ) = new L(d4)
Iterative decoding example
Lev( d1) = [Lc ( x 3) + L(d3) ] +Lc ( x 13 ) = new L( d1 )
Lev( d2) = [Lc ( x 4) + L(d4) ] +Lc ( x 24 ) = new L(d2)
Lev( d3) = [Lc ( x 1) + L(d1) ] +Lc ( x 13 ) = new L(d3)
Lev( d4) = [Lc ( x 2) + L(d2) ] + Lc ( x 24 ) = new L(d4)

After many iterations the LLR is computed for decision makin

^ ^ ^
L( di ) = Lc ( x i) + Leh(di) +
Lev( dj )
First Pass output
Lc(x1 )= 1.5 Lc(x2 )= 0.1 Leh(d1 )= Leh(d2 )=
-0.1 -1.5
Lc(x3 )= 0.2 Lc(x4 )= 0.3 Leh(d3 )= Leh(d4 )=
-0.3 -0.2
Lev(d1 )= 0.1 Lev(d2 )= L(d1 )= 1.5 L(d2 )= -1.5
Lev(d3 )= Lev(d4 )= 1.0 L(d3 )= -1.5 L(d4 )= 1.1
Parallel Concatenation
 Component codes are Convolutional codes
 Recursive Systematic Codes
 Should have maximum effective free
 Large Eb/No  maximizing minimum
weight codewords
 Small Eb/No  optimizing weight
distribution of the codewords
 Interleaving to avoid low weight codewords
Non - Systematic Codes - NSC
+ L-1
uk =  g1i dk-i (mod 2) ;
{dk} dk dk-1 dk-2
G1 = [ 1 1 1 ]
G2 = [ 1 0 1 ]
vk =  g2i dk-i (mod 2) ;
Recursive Systematic Codes -
{dk} {uk}

+ ak ak-1 ak-2

ak = dk +  gi’ ak-i (mod 2) ; gi’ = g1i if uk = dk
i=1 g2i if vk = dk
Trellis for NSC & RSC
00 00
a = 00 a = 00
11 11
11 11
b = 01 b = 01
00 00

10 10
c = 10 c = 10
01 01
01 01
d = 11 10
d = 11 10
Concatenation of RSC
{dk} {uk}
+ ak ak-1 ak-2

+ ak ak-1 ak-2

{ 0 0 …. 0 1 1 1 0 0 …..0 0 } {v2k}
{ 0 0 …. 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 … 0 0 }  produce low weight codewords in component coders
Feedback Decoder
APP  Joint Probability k i,m
= P { dk = i, Sk = m / R1 N }

State at
time k
Received sequence
From time 1 to N

APP  P { dk = i / R1 N } =  k i,m
; i = 0,1 for binary

  k 1,m
Likelihood Ratio  ( dk ) =
 k 0,m

  k 1,m
Log Likelihood Ratio  L( dk ) = Log
 k 0,m
 
 MAP Rule  dk =1 ; L(dk) > 0
 
dk =0 ; L(dk) < 0
^ ^
L( dk) = Lc ( x k) + L(dk) + Le( dk )
 
L1( dk ) = [Lc ( x k) + Le1(dk ) ]
  
L2( dk ) = [ f{L1 ( dn) }n k + Le2(dk ) ]

 De-
xk  L 1( dn ) Interleaver Le2( dk )
L 1( dk )
DECODER 1 Interleaver DECODER 2

L 2( d k )
y1k y2k

yk 

Modified MAP Vs.
 SOVA 
 Viterbi Algorithm acting on soft inputs over forward
path of the trellis for a block of bits
 Add BM to SM  compare  select ML path
 Modified MAP 
 Viterbi Algorithm acting on soft inputs over forward
and reverse paths of the trellis for a block of bits
 Multiply BM & SM  Sum in both directions  best
overall statistic
MAP Decoding Example
a = 00

{dk} dk dk-1 dk-2 b = 10 00


c = 01 10
d = 11 10
MAP Decoding Example
 d = { 1, 0, 0 }
 u = { 1, 0, 0 }  x = { 1., 0.5, -0.6 }
 v = { 1, 0, 1 }  y = { 0.8, 0.2, 1.2 }
 Apriori probabilities  1 = 0 = 0.5

Branch Metric  k i,m

= P { dk = i, Sk = m , Rk }

= P { Rk / dk = i, Sk = m }

. P {Sk = m / dk = i } . P { dk = i }

P {Sk = m / dk = i } = 1 / 2 L = ¼ ; P { dk = i } = 1 / 2 ;

k i,m
= P { xk / dk = i, Sk = m } . P { yk / dk = i, Sk = m } . { ki / 2L }
MAP Decoding Example
k i,m
= P { xk / dk = i, Sk = m } . P { yk / dk = i, Sk = m } . { ki / 2L }

For AWGN channel :

k i,m
= { ki / 2L } (1/2 ) exp { - (xk – uki )2 /(2  2 ) }dxk

. (1/2 ) exp { - (yk – vki,m )2 /(2  2 ) }dyk

k i,m
= { Ak ki } exp { (xk . uki )+ (yk . Vki,m )/  2 }

Assuming Ak = 1 2 =1 ;
k i,m
= 0.5 exp { xk . uki + yk . vki,m }
Subsequent steps
 Calculate branch metric
k i,m
= 0.5 exp { xk . uki + yk . vki,m }

 Calculate forward state metric

k+1m =  k i,b(j,m) kb(j,m)

 Calculate reverse state metric

km =  kj,m k+1f(j,m)
Subsequent steps
 Calculate LLR for all times
  km k1,m k+1f(1,m)
Log Likelihood Ratio  L( dk ) = Log
 km k0,m k+1f(0,m)

 Hard decision based on LLR

Iterative decoding steps

Likelihood Ratio  ( dk )

{ k1}  km exp { xk . uk1 + yk . Vk1,m } k+1f(1,m)

{ k0}  km exp { xk . uk0 + yk . Vk0,m } k+1f(0,m)

 km exp { yk . Vk1,m } k+1f(1,m)

= { k} exp { 2xk }
 km exp { yk . Vk0,m } k+1f(0,m)

= { k} exp { 2xk } { k e}

LLR  L( dk ) = L(dk) + { 2xk } + Log [ke ]
Iterative decoding
 For the second iteration;

k i,m
= ke i exp { xk . uki + yk . Vki,m }

 Calculate LLR for all times

  km k1,m k+1f(1,m)
Log Likelihood Ratio  L( dk ) = Log
 km k0,m k+1f(0,m)

 Hard decision based on LLR after multiple iterations

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