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• The term Geomatics is an acronym formed by

“Geo” that means the Earth, while the term “matics”

refers to the information.

• Geomatics is a new term that formerly known as


• Surveying must be define as an art to determine the

relative positions of points on, above @ beneath
the surface of the earth with respect to each others,
by measurements of horizontal and vertical
distances, angles and directions.
Plane surveying
• The curvature of earth is not taken into consideration. Thus it
is treats as a flat plane.
• The instrument is always leveled according to the center of
the earth (gravity level/plumb bob).
• Only appropriate for engineering projects on large scale such
as factories, bridges, dams, location, construction for canals,
highways, railways etc.)

Geodetic surveying
• The curvature of the earth is taken into consideration.
• Used for the area exceeding the 250 km2
• Used mostly for national mapping programs/national
• Engineering survey-provide sufficient data
for the design of engineering projects.
• Defence survey-critical application in the
• Geological survey-surface & subsurface
surveying to determine the location of different
minerals & rock types & types of gelogical
• Geographical survey-preparation of
geographical maps.
• Mine survey-consists of topographic survey of mine property (tunnels, shafts, drifts)
• Archaeological survey – unearth the relics of antiquity, civilisations, kingdoms,
towns, villages etc
• Route survey
▫ Reconnaissance Survey
• Data gathering
• Geospatial data – distances, position and angles
• Locate physical position- water boundaries, trees, roads, structure, property
• Determination of difference in elevation (vertical distance)
▫ Preliminary survey
• Marking on the ground – wood stakes, iron bars, concrete monuments, nails,
spikes, etc…
• Property lines, engineering works (roads, pipelines, bridges) and construction
▫ Control survey
• Use as reference both preliminary and layout survey.
• Horizontal and Vertical control (benchmarks)
• Land survey
• Topographical survey – obtain data to make a
map indicating inequalities of land surface
• Cadastal survey=surveys made to plot the
bounderies of fields, houses and property lines.
• City survey-fixing, locating, improving property
lines in the city
• Hydrographic survey-Preliminary survey-
underwater features to surface control points
(shorelines, marine features, water depth)
• Underground survey-
Preparation of
underground plans,
fixing the positions and
directions of tunnels,
shaft and drift.
• Aerial survey-
Preliminary and final
survey using aerial
photography and
Commonly used in field surveying are:
• Chain survey
• Traverse survey
• Tacheometry
• Levelling
• Plane Tabling
• Triangulation
• Electromagnetic distance measurement (EDM)
• Total station survey
• Satellite based survey
Global Positioning System (GPS)
• Navigation and identify the coordinate of certain

Remote Sensing Technique

• Using satellite image

Geographical Information System (GIS)

• Computer technology used GIS for data analysis,
storage and updating the database.
• To work from whole to part

• To locate a point by at least two

To work from whole to part
•To localize the errors and prevent
their accumulation.
To locate a point by at least two measurement
•Two control points are selected and the distance between them
is measured.
•The line joining the control points is plotted.
•The desired point can be plotted by making suitable
measurement from control points.
Sources of Error
•Natural error – result from temperature, refraction, obstacles to
measurement, magnetic declination. This error are beyond the
control of surveyor. Can be contained within permissible limit by
adopting precautionary measures.
•Instrumental Error – Imperfect construction and adjustment of
the instrument. Can be minimize by applying proper correction
and selecting suitable field method.
•Personal Error – arise from limitations of the human senses
such as sight, touch and hearing.
Types of Error
•Systematic Errors – occur from well-understood causes. Can
be reduced by adopting suitable method.

•Accidental Errors – errors due to a combination of causes and

beyond the control of surveyor.
•Caused by the misunderstanding of the problem, carelessness
or poor judgement.
•Only can be corrected if discovered.

•Difference of the measured and true value of the quantity.

Mistakes can be avoided by being careful, whereas errors

result from sources which can be minimized but not
•Degree of finess and care with which any physical
measurement is made.
•Represent the repeatability of a measurement and is
concerned with only random errors.

•Degree of perfection obtained.
•Overall estimate of errors, including systematic errors present
in measurement.
Edited from original slide by Mdm. Liyana

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