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Year 1 English

Tuesday 2nd June 2020

The Wind and the Sun

Today we are going to be reading the

story, ‘The Wind and The Sun’.
The Wind and the Sun

You can watch the story by clicking on the

link next to the picture or read with a
grown up on the next slides.
The Wind and the Sun

Once upon a time, the wind and the sun

had an argument. Both of them claimed
that they were stronger than the
other. At last they agreed to have a
competition of strength.
The Wind and the Sun
“Here comes a man. Let’s see who can make
him take his coat off” said the Sun.
The Wind agreed and went first. He decided
to blow as hard as he could. But the harder
he blew, the tighter the man held his coat
around him.
The Wind and the Sun

Then it was the Sun’s turn. At first he shone

gently, so the man loosened the coat around
his neck.
Then the sun began to shine brighter and
brighter and the man began to feel hot.
The Wind and the Sun

Before long he took off his coat and put

it on the floor.

The Wind pouted, huffed and puffed

until finally admitted his defeat.
The Wind and the Sun

Complete the
activity. Carefully
read the text
before answering
the questions. Read
the questions

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