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Junias P. David
Mohamed Abass
Norms For Including Exhibits and
Exhibits and Apprendices
What is an appendix in a report example?
What is an example of exhibit?
Norms are fundamental concept in the social sciences. They are most
commonly defined as rules or expectations that are socially enforced.
Norms may be prescriptive (encouraging positive behavior; for example,
“be honest”) or proscriptive (discouraging negative behavior; for example,
“do not cheat”)
Social Norms Regarding Public Behavior
Shake hands when you meet someone.
Make direct eye contact with the person you are speaking with.
Unless the movie theater is crowded, do not sit right next to someone.
Do not stand close enough to a stranger to touch arms or hips.
There are four types of social norms
• The types of social norms that can help, in inform people about behavior
that is considered acceptable:
taboos, and
• Folkways are informal rules and norms that, while not offensive to violate,
are expected to be followed. Mores are also informal rules that are not
written, but, when violated, result in severe punishments and social
sanction upon the individuals, such as social and religious exclusions.
Exhibits and Appendices
Appendices can consist of figures, tables, maps, photographs, raw data, computer
programs, musical examples, interview questions, sample questionnaires, etc.
Include a scan of your IRB approval letter on this page. We recommend you
include a copy or scan of your IRB approval letter as an appendix.
What is to be include for exhibits?
Complete the legal document to determine where to attach the exhibit.
Include a typed notation within the body of the legal document where the
exhibit should be referenced.
Label the exhibit with the assigned identifying number or letter.
Insert a tab page at the end of the legal document.
What is an appendix in a report example?

Appendices contain material that is too detailed to include in the main

report, such as long mathematical derivations or calculations, detailed
technical drawings, or tables of raw data. The content should be
summarised and referred to at the appropriate point in the body of the
How are exhibits marked?
Documents or objects presented during a trial before testimony confirms
their relevancy. Each item is given an exhibit identification letter or
number, and can then be physically marked and referred to by that letter
or number.
What is an example of exhibit?

The definition of an exhibit is a collection of art or objects on display for the public to
see. An example of exhibit is a collection of paintings hanging in an art gallery for a
special art show.

Should exhibits be numbered or lettered?

All exhibits must bear the official case number and shall be marked before trial with
official exhibit stickers.
A traditional exhibition is a large-scale event that uses a variety of media and means to
promote products, corporate image and establish good public relations. Its
characteristics are: It is a complex, intuitive, visual, and vivid way of communication.
Include a typed notation within the body of the legal document where the
exhibit should be referenced. Thereafter, assign the exhibit with an
identifying number or letter.
appendices are the sections at the end of a book that gives additional
information on the topic explored in the contents of the text. An example of
information you might find in appendices is further details of specific
research discussed in a book.
To submit something, such as a document to a court or officer in course of
proceedings also, to present or offer officially or in legal form. To present to
view such as a to show or display outwardly especially by visible signs or
actions exhibited with no fear.
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