Inter Personal Skills-Delegation, Humour, Trust Expectations, Values, Status & Compatability

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1)Process of Delegation-
a) Assignment of responsibilities-

What to delegate?
When to delegate?
& How to delegate?
The tasks to be delegated
b) Vesting authority

Authority to be vested to subordinates

(Responsibility remains always with superior)
c) Accountability

Subordinate to be made to complete the

delegated task
2. Why Delegation?
a) Delegate to release your time, for further
productive work

b) Delegate to build your people to replace you,

as you grow in organization
3. Ways to Delegate Effectively
a) Specifics of task to be delegated; to be given
b) Use subordinate(s), by the experience,
knowledge & skills
c) It should match with how this person works
best his value system his outlook to his job etc
d) The workload of this person should have space
for delegated work
e) Enough time should be available to do this job
f) This person to be given necessary resources
g) Explain this person as to how important it is
to get results of highest possible quality
h) On going monitoring of the project, support,
necessary coaching etc is a must for success
i) Sufficient & suitable check points to be
introduced to control the success of the
3) Delegation Theories
a) Principal- Agent Theory:
• “Principal”: Who for a particular reason, delegates a
specific performance area; to another actor or
organization called “Agent”
• When an agency does not register 100% result, there
is correspondingly “agency loss”
• How to minimize “Agency loss”, which maintain the
benefits of delegation!
• Every principal- Agent approach highlights that there
are separate interests for principals & agents; & one
has to aim minimize it
• There is also focus on “informational
asymmetries” where one assume that agent
possesses an advantage in teams of expertise
in a particular areas which it is delegated
authority in
b) Delegation as a credible commitment
While a principal delegates to an agent;
sometimes the agent delegates part of the
work to another agent
Eg: A company, saddles with a task; commission
an agent for long term solution while it works on
short term solutions separately, to meet short
term needs
4)Barriers to delegation

• Lack of confidence in subordinates

• The “ I can do it better myself, fallacy”.
• Lack of ability to direct
• Aversion to risk taking
• Absence of selective controls
5) Subordinate resistance to delegation

• The lack of confidence in subordinates

• Fear of loosing job, if they fail
• The subordinates not offered any incentives
• Subordinates find it easy to seek boss’s help, &
boss to do
• Fear of criticism, in case of failure
• Lack of information &/ or resources
6) Values
• These are “ preferred mode of conduct”. They
are stable & long lasting beliefs about what is
important in a variety of situation
• Values do not represent what we need but
they indicate what to do to achieve the need
in a socially desirable way
7)Why values are important?
• Because organizational values are like a light house
for all individual employees ; who may align their
values (fully or at least partly) with organization
• There is a direct relevance between values which an
organization believes in & its business practices
• Values influence the behavior of an employee if
he/she feels that performance based wages, is right;
then seniority based payment of wages may not
mean anything to him/her
8)Sources of Values
• Values do not operate in isolation, several
values interact with each other, to form value
system in a society
• Terminal values may be understood as the
desirable- end- states of existence; the goals
that a person would like to achieve during
his/her lifetime
• Instrumental values refer to the preferable
modes of behavior or means of achieving one’s
terminal values
erminal values Instrumental values
comfortable life Ambitious ( Hard working, aspiring)
n exciting Broad minded (Open minded)
sense of accomplishment Capable( Competent, effective)
world at peace Cheerful ( Light hearted, joyful)
world of beauty Clean (Neat, tidy)
quality Justice(Fairness)
amily security Responsible to society
reedom Helpful (Working for others welfare)
Happiness Honest (Sincere, Truthful)
nner harmony Meditation (Seeking the truth)
Mature love Compassion (Tolerance)
National security Patriotism
leasure Give & take
rue friendship Responsible ( Dependable, reliable)
Wisdom Self controlled ( Disciplined)
Terminal value Instrumental value
A comfortable life Ambitious( hrd wrkng)
An exciting life Broad minded(open
A sense of accomplishment Capable
A world at peace Cheerful
A world of beauty Clean( neat, tidy)
Equality Justice( fairness)
Family security Responsible to society
Freedom Helpful
Happiness Honest
Inner harmony Meditation
Mature love Compassion
National security Patriotism
Pleasure Give & take
True friendship Responsible
Wisdom Self controlled
Executives Activities
Terminal Instrumental Terminal Instrumental
1-Self respect Honest
2-Family security
4- Sense of accomplishment
5- Happiness
10) Six values as per Aliport & his associates

a) Theoretical places, high importance on the

discovery of truth through a critical & rational
b) Economic values emphasizes the useful & practical
c) Aesthetic value places the highest value on form &
d) Social value emphasizes on love of people
e) Religious value focuses on unity of experience &
understanding of the cosmos as a whole

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