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The Definition of Money

Lecture 1
This lecture examines the definition of
What is meant by money?
Why is it important that we define it
What are the problems associated with
measuring money
Financial Innovation &
• Global markets have seen financial
innovation and deregulation.
• This has led to the breakdown in the
traditional relationships between the
measures of money and economic activity.
• This has raised the issue as to what is meant
by money.
Definition - a procedure
• One of two procedures.
• Attach labels to real world objects -
• Attach labels to concepts and then search
for the corresponding real world entity -
Characteristics of Money
• Medium of Exchange - (concrete)
• Unit of Account - (abstract)
• Store of Value.
• “Nothing is more ultimate than money.
Instead of going out of existence, unwanted
money gets passed around until it ceases to
be unwanted” Yeager
Artificial historical
• Commodity money - problem of jointness
• Localised issue - reputation
• Government issue - legal tender
Forms of money
• No generalised market for titles - (Paul
• Legal restrictions - (Neil Wallace)
• Means of Final Payment - (Charles
• Separation of money from other assets is its
superiority in liquidity
• potential to liquidate - use in transactions
• term to maturity - low capital risk
Pesek and Saving -1
• Money is contrasted with debt. Debt pays
interest while money does not. Debt is
Inside money
• Non-interest bearing deposits are an asset to
the holder but a liability to no one, while
interest bearing deposits are a debt like a
Pesek and Saving - 2
• Interest payment on deposits loses its
property of ‘moneyness’
• Demarcation between ‘money’ and ‘debt’
• moneyness measured by (rd-rm)
• debtedness measured by rd
• Friedman & Schwartz - transactions
services have become a ‘free good’,
available without cost to the holder
• ‘moneyness’ is a joint product with
• Newlyn suggests - criterion of ‘neutrality’
• The definition of money has become
important for 2 reasons
• 1 Trends in financial innovation have
blurred the distinction between money and
• 2 measuring money is important for policy
How can the emergence of
money be explained?
• Money must emerge as an optimal
exchange system from a world of barter.
• What are the specific properties of money
that make its use general?
• Money is a social phenomenon - exists only
in societies where exchange takes place.
Classical View
• Money exists on efficiency grounds.
• The problem of double coincidence of wants
• The search for a trading partner involves
costs. The longer the search time the lower
the transaction cost.
• But the longer the search time, the higher the
waiting cost

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