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William Hogarth

an English painter, printmaker, pictorial satirist, social critic,
and editorial cartoonist. His work ranges from realistic
portraiture to comic strip-like series of pictures called
“modern moral subjects”

Made by:
Zhanna Pronicheva, Natasha
William Hogarth, The Painter and his Pug, 1745. with his pug
representative [reprɪˈzentətɪv] – представитель
depravity [dɪˈprævɪtɪ] – развращенность, разврат
reluctantly [rɪˈlʌktəntlɪ] – неохотно
apprentice [əˈprentɪs] – подмастерье
engraver [ɪnˈgreɪvə] – гравер
engraving [ɪnˈgreɪvɪŋ] – гравюра
harlot [ˈhɑːlət] – блудница
rake [reɪk] – повеса, распутник
idleness [ˈaɪdlnɪs] – безделье
portraiture [ˈpɔːtrɪʧə] – портретная живопись
straightforward [streɪtˈfɔːwəd] – простой
reconcile [ˈrekənsaɪl] – примириться
beggar [ˈbegə] – нищий
Self-portrait, 1735
1. Introduction
2. Early years
3. Education
4. Marriage
5. Works
6. Death
7. Summary
8. Quiz
Early years
o Born on November 10, 1697, at Bartholomew Close in London;

William Hogarth was the only son of Richard Hogarth, a minor classical scholar, and Anne

o He had two sisters, Mary and Ann;

o Growing up, he developed interest in the street life of London

o A failed coffeehouse business in 1707 got his father in huge debt. He was imprisoned
until 1712 and died in 1718;

o In 1713, to support his family's finances, Hogarth apprenticed as a plate engraver

o By 1720, he had set up his own plate engraving illustration for Hadibras
shop. He then attended a private drawing school
in St. Martin's Lane and became a member of the
'Rose and Crown Club'

o William Hogarth took painting lessons at one of

the London private art academies, which was
found by Lewis Cheroni, but he abandoned it
o From 1724 began to attend the school of painting
and drawing, founded in the house of court artist
James Thornhill
o In 1726, he illustrated poem 'Hadibras' by
Samuel Butler
Jane Hogarth (c. 1709–1789) was a British
printseller and businesswoman 

o She married William Hogarth in 1729, at Paddington,

without permission from her father
o After a period of difficulty with her father, in 1731 William
moved in with her at her home in the Great Piazza on
London's Covent Garden

o She preserved the rights to the artwork of her

husband, William Hogarth
o After the death of her husband William, whom she outlived
by 25 years, Jane Hogarth continued to sell his work

Jane Hogarth, the wife of his

Artistic works
A Just View of the British Stage (1724)

The Lottery (1724)

The Indian Emperor (1732-1735)

The Sleeping Congregation (1736)

Harlot’s Progress (1731)
Rake’s Progress (1735)
“Marriage a-la-mode” (1743-1745)
Simon Fraser Captain Coram
Portraits by Hogarth

David Garrick’s portrait

“Tailpiece, or The Bathos” (1764)
His friend, actor David Garrick, composed
the following inscription for his tombstone:

Farewell great Painter of Mankind

Who reach'd the noblest point of Art
Whose pictur'd Morals charm the Mind
And through the Eye correct the Heart.
If Genius fire thee, Reader, stay,
If Nature touch thee, drop a Tear:
If neither move thee, turn away,
For Hogarth's honour'd dust lies here

Hogarth’s Tomb in Chiswick Church yard

o Hogarth was a great comic artist with a wonderfully observant eye for
the details of everyday life

o He was a self-publicist who gave his work a greater notoriety and

topical relevance than any previous English artist

o He was a philanthropist who played a major part in the development of

both St Bartholomew’s and The Foundling hospitals

o Hogarth was a major figure in the artistic, political and cultural life of
the first half of the eighteenth century

o He embraced middle-class virtues, especially industry and piety, but did

so with irony, wit, independence and compassion

Statue of William Hogarth in Leicester

Square Gardens, London
o What is the last Hogarth’s painting?
“Tailpiece, or The Bathos”
o When did Hogarth and Jane get married?
23 March 1729
o Where was Hogarth buried?
at St. Nicholas Church, Chiswick
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