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Santiago, Eugene Franz A.
He was an American psychologist who was known for his
significant contributions to human cognitive psychology and
cognitive learning theory in educational psychology.

He received a bachelor's of arts degree in Psychology, in

1937 from Duke University, and went on to earn a master's
degree in Psychology in 1939 and then a doctorate in
Psychology in 1941 from Harvard University.

He was born on October 1, 1915 in New York City, U.S. and

died June 5, 2016 in Manhattan, New York City, U.S. at the age
of 100.
Jerome Bruner came up with his learning theory focused on the problem of
what people do with information to achieve generalized insights or

Bruner’s theoretical framework is based on the theme that learning is an active

process and learners construct new ideas or concepts based upon existing

He developed theories on perception, learning, memory, and other aspects of

cognition in young children that had a strong influence on the American
educational system and helped launch the field of cognitive psychology.
In his research on the cognitive development of children,
Jerome Bruner proposed three modes of representation:

1. Enactive representation (action-based) (0 - 1 year)

The first kind of memory. This mode is used within the first year of
life. Thinking is based entirely on physical actions, and infants learn
by doing, rather than by internal representation (or thinking). It
involves encoding physical action based information and storing it
in our memory.
2. Iconic representation (image-based) (1 - 6 years)
Information is stored as sensory images (icons), usually visual
ones, like pictures in the mind. This may explain why, when we
are learning a new subject, it is often helpful to have diagrams
or illustrations to accompany the verbal information. Thinking
is also based on the use of other mental images (icons), such
as hearing, smell or touch.
3. Symbolic representation (language-based)
(7 years onwards)
This develops last. This is where information is stored in the form
of a code or symbol, such as language. This mode is acquired
around six to seven years-old. In the symbolic stage, knowledge is
stored primarily as words, mathematical symbols, or in other
symbol systems, such as music. Symbols are flexible in that they
can be manipulated, ordered, classified, etc. so the user isn’t
constrained by actions or images
Jerome Bruner sees learning as cognitive process that
involves 3 simultaneous processes:
It is the process of finding new information that can either replace nor refine
something previously known.

It is the manipulation of information to fit new situations.

It is the checking whether or not the learned material has been manipulated
3 Significant Concerns Applicable to any learning

1. Understanding of basic Relationships of the structure

of a subject matter
This includes understanding relationships and relating
knowledge structures to one another which will allow the
learner to remember the material better and transfer this
knowledge to new learning conditions.
2. Readiness
According to Bruner, “There is no need to defer instruction in
certain subjects until the child has reached appropriate
maturational level on it.”

3. Development of the Independent Learner

According to Bruner, “Instruction must have its object to help
the learner to be a self-sufficient problem-solver.



1. He received a bachelor's of arts degree in _______,in

1937 from Duke University

2. It is a mode of representation that develops last?

3. It is a simultaneous process that checks whether or not the

learned material has been manipulated appropriately?

4. It is a significant concern that is no need to defer instruction in certain

subjects until the child has reached appropriate maturational level on it?

5. It is a mode of representation that is image-based?

1. Psychology
2. Symbolic/ Symbolic Representation
3. Evaluation
4. Readiness
5.Iconic/ Iconic Representation

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