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No More Uncle

Presented By - Group 7
Q1. Why were the men hesitant to groom in the past and
what are the conditions that allow them to do so now?

a) Open-mindedness
b) Accepting the social attitudes
c) Popularity of men’s grooming and
a) Hegemonic definitions of masculinity.
metrosexuals from the West helped
b) Rigid standard of masculinity.
Asian men to express their
c) Stigma against homosexuality.
d) Assumed to be borrowing from ‘wife’
d) Grooming and fashion in Asia was
or ‘sister’.
not associated to sexual orientation
which helped in quick adoption of
grooming products
Q2. What are the traits of masculine men? Does these traits
changed over a period of time?
In Western societies - Rugged looking men with facial hair

Asian societies - “Pretty boy” image, more than looking clean and good

Yes, these traits change over time as we witnessed the adoption of

Korean beauty standards in western societies.
Q3. What are different segments and how each segment
behave differently?


● Middle-aged men ● They no longer stayed at home or
● A sub segment of accompanied wife and family for
JOOBAEK (derived
NOMU that had shopping
from “Joomal” and
higher incomes and ● Instead went shopping alone to reward
greater need for themselves and represented new
meaning weekend
physical self- attitude that it was okay to be self
department store)
expression indulgent.
● They shopped alone to discover what
pleased them and be more
Q3. What are different segments and how each segment
behave differently?


● Initially, they were trendy with just
● Self-indulgent clothing
Asian males ● By the end of the century, they
NOMU ● Men who wanted to turned more towards grooming, used
rid themselves of more skincare products and went to
(No More Uncle) “Uncle” tag facial spas.
Q3. What are different segments and how each segment
behave differently?


● They had very exclusive taste for
● Young and single restaurants , cars, fashion, watches
Asian men and grooming.
YUMMY ● They lived alone
● Derived from old
● Unlike the previous generation of
(Young Urban Male) men took good care of their faces
Professional) and bodies
Q4. What type of advertising is suitable for each
● JOOBAEK - Present the product offering as a gift; Sponsored ads on good living; Magazine ads; Present
the product as a extension of self; Linking it with self-expression
● NOMU - Testimonials by younger generations about how they rejuvenated themselves; Free initial
product use; Social media targeting with age as a demographic; Magazine ads; Marketing through
trendy beauty standards;
● YUMMY - Television showcasing sexy, male chefs; Need to be pampered with products; Heavy focus on
social media advertising; Showcasing male models using beauty products; Influencer marketing;
Collaboration with High-end barber shops.

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