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Bastard of Istanbul

 Fiction based character
 Character base novel the story remains continue in background
 Close aspects of character highlighted by the writer
 Different characters various aspects highlighting human nature
Character & Ideas an Intro
 Based on the stories of the last years of the great Ottoman
 Deep roots the holocaust occur during year of ottoman empire
 novel revolves around two families
 Turkish family living in Istanbul and second family living in Arizona
 Quite complex novel
 After reading more than half novel you cannot predict what which character is the
central character and what is the main plot or the basic idea
 title of the book showed there is one bastard when the character introduced
quickly can recognize the element of secret open enthusiasm ended
 Politics is forced into this book fiction novel
 fiction novel should contain politics element but it something that remain in
background not in the fore ground that this novel has
 The person who loves fiction character must read this novel
 who love story reading and enjoy the turning twist it was something that end after
when the secret open
 Ratings:

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