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Sociologist defined History as the study of life in society in the
1. in all its aspects
2. in relation to present developments
3. and future hopes.
It focuses on the story of man in time, an inquiry into the past
based on valid evidences. Indeed, it thrives on the evidence which
validates the authenticity and credibility of an event.
History informs the present generation of event
1. that happened in the past
2. when it happened, and
3. how it happened.
It is an inquiry into the inevitable changes in human affairs in the
past and the ways these changes affect, influence or determine the
patterns of life in the society.
Definition of History
• The word History means the search for knowledge and truth, a
searching to find out.
• History is any integrated narrative or description of past events or
facts written in a spirit of critical inquiry for the whole truth.
• History is a discipline that studies the chronological order of events
(as affecting a nation or people), based on critical examination of
source materials and usually presenting an explanation of their
Why study History?
1. To learn about our past
Studying history enables us to learn about the lives of our
ancestors, their struggles and achievements.
2. To understand the present
The traditions, system of government, cultural heritage and many
other things are products of the past. Most of the things have
historical original and not just product of fads and crazes.
Why study History?
3. To appreciate our heritage in a broad perspective
Our belief system, patriarchal tradition, common values including
our material culture can be understood and appreciated well if
we have full understanding of our past.
4. To acquire a background for critical thinking
The issues, situations and challenges that our country is presently
facing can mostly be attributed in the past, for these are
encountered before.
Why study History?
3. To appreciate our heritage in a broad perspective
Our belief system, patriarchal tradition, common values including
our material culture can be understood and appreciated well if
we have full understanding of our past.
4. To acquire a background for critical thinking
The issues, situations and challenges that our country is presently
facing can mostly be attributed in the past, for these are
encountered before.
In general, history provides as significant records of events of
the past, a meaningful story of mankind depicting the details of
what happened to man and why it happened.
Relationship of History
with other Social
Relationship of History with other Social Sciences

1. History and Political Science

2. History and Economics
3. History and Sociology
4. History and Ethics
5. History and Psychology
6. History and Geography
1. History is a study of the present in the light of the past
The present owes its existence on the past. To understand
how society has come to its present form, there is a need to know
its past.
2. History is the study of man.
As one historian said, history deals with man’s struggles
through the ages.
3. History is concerned with man in time.
It deals with series of events and each event happens at a
given point of time.
4. History is concerned with man on space.
History talks about nations and human activities in the context
of their physical and geographical environment.
5. History provides an objective record of happenings.
Historians are careful on the data they include in their books.
6. History is multisided.
History is not limited to one certain aspect of man’s life; it
covers all other aspects as they are all closely interrelated.
7. History is a dialogue between the event of the past and
progressively emerging future ends.
Past events are interpreted and become predictor of new
8. History is not only narration but it is also an analysis.
History is not confined with narrative accounts.
9. Continuity and coherence are the necessary requisite of history.
History monitors the development of the society, from
generation to generation, after series of event, justifying the
essence of continuity.
10. History is relevant.
In the study of history, only significant events which have
influenced the society are covered and essential to the
understanding of the present life.
11. History is comprehensive.
History is not limited to one period or to one country alone.
1. History helps us understand people and societies.
Understanding the culture of a particular race is difficult
without looking back at its history. Experiences in the past play in
shaping the society.
2. History contributes to moral understanding.
Studying the struggles of heroes in the past or of people who
defied adversities can serve as inspiration. A study of the past can
provide lessons in courage, diligence or constructive protest.
3. History provides identity.
Historical data include evidence about how families, race,
institutions and countries formed and how they evolved while
retaining cohesion.
4. Studying history is essential for good citizenship.
Knowing where your ancestors came from and their struggles
for freedom is a source of pride for any individual. History
provides data about the emergence of national institutions,
problems and values.
5. History is useful in the world of work.
History helps create good business people, professionals and
political leaders. Knowledge in history is unquestionably an asset
for a variety of work and professional situations.
Historical sources may be classified as primary or secondary.
• A primary source is regarded as the source of the “Best Evidence”.
This is because the data come from the testimony of able eye and
eye witnesses to past events. They may also consist of actual
objects used in the past which you can directly scrutinize or

• Secondary source are information supplied by a person who was

not a direct observer or participant of the event, object or
Distinction between
Primary Sources & Secondary Sources

• Primary Source the only solid bases of historical work are the
original documents or remains, the first witnesses to a fact.

• Secondary Source. All writings by people who have never

experienced nor observed personally the objects and have based
their writings upon information gathered from those who have
knowledge of the events.
Example of Primary Sources
• Autobiographies and memoirs • Newsgroups
Diaries Photographs
Personal Letters Drawings
• Correspondence Posters
Interviews • Work of Art & Literature
Surveys Books
• Fieldwork Magazines and Newspaper articles
Internet Communications on email Ads published at the time
Blogs • Public opinion polls
Listservs • Speeches and oral histories
Example of Primary Sources
• Original documents such as • Artifacts of all kind such as
Birth certificate Tools
Property deeds Coins
Trial transcript Clothing
• Research Data such as Furniture
Census • Audio Recordings such as
Statistics (Official & Unofficial DVD’s and Video recordings
records of organizations & Gov’t • Government Documents such as
• Technical reports Bills
• Scientific journal articles Proclamations
reporting experimental research Hearings
Kinds of Primary Sources
• Literary or Cultural Sources • Information about people
Novels, Plays, Poems (both Census Records
published and in manuscript form) Obituaries
Television shows, Movies, or Videos Newspaper Articles
Paintings or Photographs Biographies and Autobiographies
• Accounts that describe Events, • Finding Information about the
People or Ideas Place
Newspapers Maps and Atlases
Chronicles or Historical Accounts Census Information
Essays and Speeches Statistics
Memoirs, Diaries, Journals, and Photographs
Letters City Directories
Philosophical Treaties or Manifestos Local Libraries or Historical Societies
Three Types of Written Sources
1. Narrative Sources or Literary Sources tells a story or message.
These include Diaries, Films, Biographies, Leading Philosophical
Works and scientific Works.
2. Diplomatic Sources. Include charters and other legal documents
which observe a set format.
3. Social Documents are records created by organizations, such as
register of birth and tax records.
Secondary Sources
Secondary sources generally Describe, Discuss, Interpret,
Comment Upon, Analyze, Evaluate, Summarize, and process primary
sources. These secondary source materials can be Articles in
Newspapers or Popular Magazines, Book, or Movie Reviews or
Articles found in Scholarly Journals that discuss or evaluate someone
else’s original research.
In historiography, when a study of history is subject to historical
scrutiny, a secondary source becomes a primary source. The
historian’s publication can likewise be a primary source.
Documentary films are considered secondary or primary sources
depending on how much the film maker modifies the original
External and Internal
Criticisms of Primary & Secondary
• External criticism refers to the genuineness of the documents a
researcher used in a historical study. Question that illustrate
external criticism includes:
1. Who was the author
2. What was his/her qualifications, personality and
3. How soon after the events was the document
written and ;
4. How was the document was written and is it
related to other document
• Internal criticism is textual criticism, it involves factor such as:
1. Competence
2. Good Faith
3. Position and;
4. Bias of the Author
• Internal criticism looks at the content of the document to
determine its authenticity. It also involves determining the
intention of the source of data while External criticism conducts
document analysis using science. It applies physical and technical
test to the document.
Answer the following questions:

1. What is your understanding of history ?

2. How Important is History to mankind ?
3. Discuss at least 3 nature of history.
4. Differentiate primary sources from secondary
5. Why is it more credible and reliable to use the
primary source ?

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