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L.I. Erwin Jesús Pech Chan
“Teaching teaching to write is having faith.
We demonstrate that faith when we frequently listen to our students, and
when we refer to them as writers. When we expect them to write and put their
full dedication to what they are doing”
(Calkin, 1994. p.17)
In the classroom we can help our students being
mentors or mediators of Reading and writing
How can we help our students to write in a
foreign language?
Personalized tutoring can be one of the first
recommendations that can be used as support, to
make students write creatively what they feel,
observe, listen to, perceive and what they want
to share with their classmates in writing and then
Teacher have to design pedagogical strategies
that help students to write.
Teachers can use different materials and games
that helps students to understand the topic.
These can make students developpe their
creativity using the new language.
We cannot demand students to write, instead
we have to guide them to write what they want
to share to they classmates, on his own way to
think, write, speak an read.
We can use writing when we teach a new
language, using photos, magazines, newspaper
and posters.
But, how we can use them to make students
start to write?
We can ask them to create stories about the
images or photos that we show them or even,
we can ask them to tell us something about the
newspaper that they read.
There are many ways to use them for teaching
After the students create a story about
something that likes, as example, their
vacations, where do they like to go, their
hobbies, they can read it.
Students have to pay attention to the
pronunciation of the words they write after the
teacher pronounce them.

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