G2 English Lesson 8 Root Words

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The Wright Brothers: The Inventors Whose

Ideas Really Took Flight.

Wilbur and Orville Wright are famous for inventing

and flying the world’s first engine-powered aircraft.
After five years of hard work, the Wright brothers
solved the mystery of flight. They changed our lives and
the world of transportation forever.
For thousands of years, people had been trying to
find a way to fly. Inventors and scientists dreamed
about building a flying machine.
Eventually, some daring inventors came up with ways
to sail through the air on gliders or rise into the sky
with hot air balloons. But no one ever came close to
figuring out how to power a heavier-than-air flying
machine and control it with a pilot aboard.
No one, that is until the Wright brothers made their
first flight on a chilly, deserted beach in Kitty Hawk,
North Carolina on December 17, 1903, Orville lifted off
the ground for twelve seconds. He flew a distance of 120
feet and landed safely.
Then, Wilbur gave it a try. The brothers spent the
rest of the morning taking turns. By noon, Wilbur kept
their flying machine in the air for 59 seconds and flew a
distance of 852 feet. No one in the history of the world
had ever flown in the air that long before.
Word Prefix/Meaning Root Word Definition
unusual usual not usual
not to give
discourage dis- (not) courage
courage or hope
research re- (again/back) search to search again
to test before
presenting it to
pretest pre- (before) test
the intended
Word Root Word Suffix/Meaning Definition
the one who
inventor invent -or (one who)
the act or
invention invent -ion (act/state of) process of
flying fly -ing (action/process) the act of flying
hopeful hope -ful (full of) full of hope
fearless fear -less (without) without
We call the underlined words root words.
They hold the principal meaning of the words.
The syllables that we add to the beginning of
the words are called prefixes. On the other
hand, the syllables that we add to the end of the
words are called suffixes. Prefixes and suffixes
change the meaning of the word.
Identify the root of the following words.

1. repaint 1. protection
2. untidy 2. jumping
3. preload 3. collection
4. disobey 4. dishonest
5. homeless 5. actor
Identify the root of the following words.

1. paint 1. protect
2. tidy 2. jump
3. load 3. collect
4. obey 4. honest
5. home 5. act

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