Selection Is The Process by Which

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 Selection is picking up right people for right jobs
Selection is the process by which
an organization chooses the person(s)
who best meets the selection criteria
for the position available
 Selection programs try to identify applicants with the
best chance of meeting or exceeding the
organization’s standards of performance
 Selection is significant because

 it determines work performance

 heavy costs are incurred
Selection: “An exercise in
 Selection Process
 The process of screening job applicants to ensure that
the most appropriate candidates are hired.
 What is Selection?
 An exercise in predicting which applicants, if hired, will
be (or will not be) successful in performing well on the
criteria the organization uses to evaluate
 Selection errors:
 Reject errors for potentially successful applicants
 Accept errors for ultimately poor performers
Recruitment Vs
 Recruitment is the process of searching the candidates
for employment and stimulating them to apply for jobs
in the organization WHEREAS selection involves the
series of steps by which the candidates are screened
for choosing the most suitable persons for vacant

 The basic purpose of recruitments is to create a talent

pool of candidates to enable the selection of best
candidates for the organization, by attracting more
and more employees to apply in the organization
WHEREAS the basic purpose of selection process is to
choose the right candidate to fill the various positions
in the organization.
Recruitment Vs
 Recruitment is a positive process i.e. encouraging
more and more employees to apply WHEREAS
selection is a negative process as it involves
rejection of the unsuitable candidates.

 Recruitment is concerned with tapping the sources

of human resources WHEREAS selection is
concerned with selecting the most suitable
candidate through various interviews and tests.

 There is no contract of recruitment established in

recruitment WHEREAS selection results in a contract
of service between the employer and the
selected employee.
Understanding the characteristics essential for
high performance
 The characteristics are identified during job
 They must be reflected in the job specification
 The goal of any selection system is to:
 Determine which applicants possess the
skills, abilities, and KSAOs dictated by the job
 The system must distinguish between characteristics that
 Needed at the time of hiring, acquired during
training, and developed on the job
Categories of
 Criteria for making selection decisions fall
into these broad categories:
 Education
 Experience
 Physical characteristics
 Other personal characteristics
Step 1: Preliminary
 The first step in most selection processes involves
completing an application form
 Application blanks vary in length and
 Nearly all ask for enough information to
determine minimal qualifications
 The application eliminates the need for
interviewers to gather basic
 Application blanks are subject to the same legal
standards as any other selection method
 They generally limit questions that imply
something about the applicant’s physical
Sample Application
N a m e : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
A d d r e s s : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
P h o n e N u m b e r ( R e s ) : _ _ _
E d u c a t i o n
C o l l e g e / U n i v e r s i t y A t t e n d e d : _ _ H i g h e s t D e g r e e ( a ) B A / B S c / M A / M S c / M B A / M C o m
(b) B E / B T e c h / M T e c h
(c) A n y o t h e r
H ig h S c h o o l A tt e n d e d : _ _ _
W o r k E x p e r i e n c e ( L i s t m o s t r e c e n t j o b s
f i r s t ) N a m e o f t h e O r g a n i s a t i o n :
G r o s s S a la r y : _ _ _ _ ( a n n u a l ; b e s u r e t o i n c l u d e a n y b o n u s e s o r c o m m i s s i o n e a r n e d )
J o b T i t l e : _ _
N a m e o f L a s t _ _ _ _ Y e s / N o
S ua p y e
M r wv i e s o cr o: n t a c t t h i s s u p e r v i s o r ? _ _ _
R e a s o n ( s ) f o r L e a v i n g : _ _ _ _
_ _ _

N a m e o f O r g a n i s a t i o n : _ _ D a t e o f E m p l o y m e n t : _ _ _ f r o m t o _ _
G r o s s S a la r y : _ _ _ ( a n n u a l ; b e s u r e t o i n c l u d e a n y b o n u s e s o r c o m m i s s i o n e a r n e d )
J o b T i t l e : _ _
N a m e o f L a s t _ _ _ _
M ua p y e r w
v i e s o cr o: n t a c t t h i s s u p e r v i s o r ? Y e s / N o
R e a s o n ( s ) f o r L e a v i n g : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

N a m e o f O r g a n i s a t i o n : _ _ D a t e o f E m p l o y m e n t : _ _ _ f r o m t o _ _
G r o s s S a la r y : _ _ _ ( a n n u a l ; b e s u r e t o i n c l u d e a n y b o n u s e s o r c o m m i s s i o n e a r n e d )
J o b T i t l e : _ _
N a m e o f L a s t _ _ _ _
M ua p y e r w
v i e s o cr o: n t a c t t h i s s u p e r v i s o r ? Y e s / N o
R e a s o n ( s ) f o r L e a v i n g : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

W o r k s k i l l s
1. L i s t a n y j o b - r e l a t e d l a n g u a g e s y o u a r e a b l e t o s p e a k o r w r i t e : _
2. L i s t a n y j o b - r e l a t e d c l e r i c a l ( e . g . , t y p i n g ) o r t e c h n i c a l s k i l l s ( e . g . , c o m p u t e r p r o g r a m m i n g ) t h a t y o u
h a v e :
A . _ _ _ B . _ _ _ _ _
C . _ _

A d d i t i o n a l I n f o r m a t i o n _
I n c a s e o f a n e m e r g e n c y , p l e a s e c o n t a c t .
N a m e : _ _ _ _ _ _
A d d r e s s : _ _ _ _ _
T e l e p h o n e : _ _ _ _

I u n d e r s t a n d t h a t f a l s i f i c a t i o n o f i n f o r m a t i o n i s g r o u n d s f o r d i s m i s s a l .
I u n d e r s t a n d t h a t m y e m p l o y m e n t a t t h e c o m p a n y m a y b e d i s c o n t i n u e d a t a n y t i m e f o r a n y r e a s o n
e i t h e r b y m y s e l f o r b y t h e c o m p a n y .
I a g r e e t o s u b m i t t o a d r u g a n d / o r a l c o h o l t e s t a s a c o n d i t i o n o f e m p l o y m e n t .

S i g n a t u r e D a te
Weighted application
It is a printed form completed by candidate wherein
each item is weighted and scored based on its
importance as a determinant of job success

 It helps a company to cross-compare candidates

having more or less similar qualifications and reject
those not meeting the job criteria strictly

 On the negative side, it is difficult to develop an

appropriate WAB, the exercise could be quite
costly, and it needs frequent updating so as to be in
line with changing job requirements.
Step 2: Employment
 An employment test attempts to measure
certain characteristics, such as:
 Aptitudes
 Manual dexterity
 Intelligence
 Personality
 It can be expensive to develop an
employment test,
so many employers purchase
existing tests
 Intelligence test
 Aptitude test
 Personality test
 Projective test
 Interest test
 Achievement test
 Simulation test
 Graphology test
Validity and
 Validity (of Prediction)
 A proven relationship between the selection
device used and some relevant criterion for
successful performance in an organization.
 High tests scores equate to high job
performance; low scores to poor performance.
 Reliability (of Prediction)
 The degree of consistency with which a selection
device measures the same thing.
 Individual test scores obtained with a selection
device are consistent over multiple testing
Standards For Selection
• Reliability: the ability of a selection tool to measure
an attribute consistently; When a test is administered
to the same individual repeatedly, he should get
Approximately identical scores.
• Validity: the extent to which an instrument measures
what it intends to measure; In a typing test, validity
measures a typist’s speed and accuracy.
• Standardization: norms for finalizing test scores
should be established Qualified people: tests
demand a high level of professional skills
Job Sample Performance
 This test requires the applicant to do a
sample of the work that the job involves in a
controlled situation
 Programming for computer programmers
 Auditions at an orchestra or ballet
 Applicants are often asked to run the
machines they would run on the job
 The quantity and quality of their
work is compared with the
work of other applicants
Step 3: Employment
 Formal , in-depth conversation conducted to
evaluate applicant’s acceptability for the
job in consideration.
 an important source of information about
job applicants.
 Several types of interviews are used ,
depending on the nature and importance of
the position to be filled within an
Types of
 Interviews vary along two important
 How structured it is
 Whether it focuses on historical information or
hypothetical situations

 An unstructured interview has no

predetermined script or
 Structured interviews are more reliable and
valid than unstructured interviews
 Standardization lowers the possibility that
biases have been introduced by the
Types Of Selection
 The nondirective interview: the recruiter asks
questions as they come to mind
 The directive or structured interview: the recruiter
uses a predetermined set of Questions that are
clearly job-related
 The situational interview: the recruiter presents a
hypothetical incident and asks The candidate to
 The behavioral interview: the focus here is on actual
work related incidents and The applicant is
supposed to reveal what he or she did in a given
 Stress interview: the recruiter attempts to find how
applicants would respond to aggressive,
embarrassing, rule and insulting (at times) questions
 The panel interview: three or four interviewers pose
questions to the applicant and Examine the
suitability of the candidate
 Conducting an Effective Interview
 Planning the interview
 Controlling the interview
 Using proper questioning techniques
 Question types to avoid in interviews
 Yes/No questions
 Obvious questions
 Questions that rarely produce a true answer
 Leading questions
 Illegal questions
 Questions that are not job related
Step 4: Reference
 When applying for a job, you may be asked for a list
of references
 Rarely does someone knowingly include the
name of a reference who will give a negative
 This built-in bias is why references are
 Equally important are concerns over the legality of
asking for, and providing, such information
 Giving out confidential information could be a
violation of the employee’s right to privacy
 Giving a negative recommendation opens
reference up to a defamation lawsuit
Step 5: Physical

 After the selection decision and before the

job offer is made, the candidate is required
to undergo a physical fitness test.
 Ajob offer is contingent upon the
candidate being declared fit after the
physical examination.
Step 6 :Making the Job
Offer Guidelines
 Formalize the offer with a letter to the
applicant clearly stating the terms and
conditions of employment.
 Avoid vague, general statements and
 Require return of a signed acceptance of
the offer.
Selection of
 The employment tests used vary with the type of
employee being hired
 Organizations frequently spend more time,
effort, and money hiring middle- to upper-
level executives
 Uses a variety of testing methods, including:
 Interviews
 Work samples and simulations
 Paper-and-pencil tests of abilities and
Selection of
 Assessors then evaluate each individual
on a number of dimensions, such as:
 Organizational and planning ability
 Decisiveness
 Flexibility
 Resistance to stress
 Poise
 Personal style

 Rater’s judgments are consolidated

and developed into a final report
Selection Cost-Benefit
 Utility: the degree to which using a
selection system improves the
quality of the individuals being
 Statistical utility: the extent to which a
selection technique allows a
company to predict who will be
 Organizational utility: a matter of
costs and benefits.
Jude Salazar Ma’am Jane
Rizea Macabocsit Ma’am
Juna Macabocsit Marife
Juna Cabibijan Ma’am Sarah
Daisy Beth Discar Ma’am Emily
Araceli Ranille Ma’am Bles
Meluna Yodico Ma’am Dayot
Myraflor Yodico
Rosemen Gaytos
Manilyn Macabocsit
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